Nimzo Indian + Semi Slav + other d4/c4/Nf3 weapons Flashcards
Anti Nimzo Semi Slav
Explain how to beat g3 on move 5
1. a4
2. castles
dxc4. After Bg2 play Nbd7
* if a4 play Bb4. After o-o you castle and if Qc2, a5.
* If they castle instead play b5, and after e4, Bb7. From here mainline e5 Nd5 Ng5 h6. They can sac on e6 but there’s Qe8 defending and ideas to play Qe7 and reroute king to c7
Anti Nimzo Semi Slav
Explain how to beat the critical anti Meran (e3 Qc2 setup) after Nbd7 Bd6
1. g4
2. b3 (Bd3, Bb2)
3. Bd3 (Be2 [Rd1, and e4], Bd3)
g4: Play h6 and after Rg1 go e5. Instead of Rg1, Bd2 is rare, but you take and play b5.
b3: castle. If Bd3 you can play e5. If Bb2, same thing e5. Nothing much here really. Qe7 idea if black does dxe5 + o-o-o.
Bd3: most popular move. You castle, and after they castle do dxc4 + b5.
* If Be2, play Bb7
* if Rd1 go Qe7. Bd2 is rare but you go a6 and push e5. If e4 instead, push e5 and if Bg5 + Rxd4, play exd4 + Ne5.
* if e4, go e5. Then If Nh4 ultra rare, play g6
* If Bd3, also play Bb7. If a3, the main move, play Rc8.
Anti Nimzo Semi Slav
Explain how to beat the popular open Meran that isn’t delayed
(e3 Bd3 basically same moves as the delayed without Qc2)
The course only covers a3 where you go Bb7 but that is ultra rare. The moves played and the lines in the course are hardly covered. Just play logical moves
Basically, do the Nbd7 dxc4 b5 Bd6 setup
Anti Nimzo Semi Slav
Explain how to win in the popular Cambridge Springs variation (Bg5, Nbd7, e3, Qa5)
1. cxd5 kinda rare (Rc1 rare line)
2. Nd2
cxd5: Play Nxd5. Rc1 from here is also rare but you do Nxc3 and do Ba3 + b6
Nd2: Play Bb4. Rc1 is VERY rare but you have to remember Ne4.
Other d4 Openings
Explain how to beat the dreaded London System after d4 c5
1. dxc4 rare move
2. the main setup with e3 c3 etc… (Nf3, Nd2)
dxc4: go e6. (Note: this line applies to the one without e3 and with Nf3 instead) If b4 there’s a5 axb4 Nc6. Also Ne4 with Qf6 ideas if Qb3
main setup: go Nc6 + Qb6
* If Nf3 was played after Nc6, a line that could go from here is Qb3 c4 Qc2 Bf5 Qc1 Nh5. Take the bishop and g6 h5 to stop e4.
* If they go Nd2 in the main setup instead, play Bf5 before Qb6. There’s 2 main moves, Ngf3 which just continues normally and Qb3. If Qb3, play Qc8 and c4 if chance next turn. h6 idea
Other d4 Openings
Explain how to beat the Veresov Attack
1. Qd3 rare but critical move
2. Nf3
Play Nbd7
* If Qd3 play c5. They can take the pawn and do Qb4+ and Nxd5, but there’s compensation. Play a6 and if Qc4, there’s b5 with Bb7 ideas. If Qb4 instead, f6 wins on the spot.
* If Nf3 go h6 e6. e4 is a free pawn. If e3, Be7 c5.
There’s also stuff like f3 but this is so rare
Other d4 Openings
Explain how to beat the dangerous Jobava London after a6, e3 e6
1. g4
2. Nf3 (Ne5, Bd3)
3. a3
4. Bd3
g4: play Bb4. You want to develop knight on e4. If they prevent it play c5.
Nf3: play c5. There’s a couple of moves here but if Bd3, take and play Nc6. If Ne5 you go b5
a3: c5. Develop, lock center, stop e5 break. Key moves are c4, b5, and Nd7 to play f5.
Bd3: c5. Bxc5 Nc6. Play Bd6 before you castle. Ideas are to push e5, push d4, and trade the bishop if they retreat to g3.
Other d4 Openings
Explain how to beat these other not really dangerous d4 openings
1. Colle system d4 e3
2. Torre Attack Nf3 Bg5
Colle: Play c6, and after Bd3, Bg4. White’s best move from here is the rare c4. You go e6 and literally develop normally and prepare to push e5.
Torre: Ne4 doesn’t matter where they go + c5. Then Qb6 + Nc6 with an f6 idea.
English Opening Shortcut
Explain what to do in the g6 Panov against:
1. Nf3
2. Qb3 (Be2/Bc4 Nge2 g3)
May have to dig deeper on Be2 after Qb3. There’s a lot of lines. There’s even a 3rd move that involves taking.
There’s A TON of theory here. ATM, I don’t think learning it is necessary or worth it. I’ll probably end up playing the other options
Nf3: Develop normally and castle. Play Nc6. Ne4 dxc4 b6 and Rc8 are key moves in different lines.
Qb3: Castle.
* If Be2 route knight to b6, play Bg4, and apply pressure on the pawn.
* If Nge2 there’s a5 Nb4 ideas.
* If g3, go e6 and there’s big compensation.
English Opening Shortcut
Explain what to do in the pseudo panov
1. exd4
2. cxd4 (Nc3, Bb5+, Qa4+)
exd4: Play Nf6. If they take again, play Nxc6 and e5, with e4 idea.
cxd4: Trade everything and Nf6.
* If Nc3, recapture and play g6. After Bc4 play Nb6 + Bg7 and it should transpose into a regular Panov where you go Nc6 and if d5, Na5.
* If Bb5+, block with Nbd7. After Nc3 play a6. If Qa5 play Rb8 first. Otherwise b5 is coming.
* If Qa5+, also block with Nbd7. After Nc3 play g6. From here, if Bc4 play a6, but if Nc3 + Bc4 do Bg7 + o-o. After d6 in this line, a6 + b5, or a6+b6+Bb7+b5+Nb6 is coming.
English Opening Shortcut
Explain how to win in the Slav Exchange which you will face in the English if cxd5 after Nf6
1. f3 rare move
2. Bf4 or normal developing move
f3: go Qb6 and after e5 and trades, play e5.
Bf4: play a setup with Nc6, a6. Then Bg4. f3 is a bad move there. Play e6 Bd6 develop castle
Reti Opening
Explain how to beat these Reti and KIA setups
1. the Meran without d4 and b3
2. the Reti with g6 and early c4
3. the KIA without d4 after g6
4. the KIA with d4 after g6
Meran without d4 and b3: continue normal semi slav setup and play Bd6, castle, and b6 Bb7. DELAY Nbd7. White should reply and setup with something like Be2 Qc2 and Rg1 but this is rare
Reti with g6 and c4: play Nf6 and take the pawn if they play Bg2. If they castle reroute knight to b6 and prepare to defend the pawn with Be6 if Qc2 Na3 [which is rare].
KIA without d4: c4 move 4 is rare but take the pawn. From there Qa4+ is the best move but that’s also rare. Go for a setup with Bg7 Nc6 e5 and Nge7.
KIA with d4 move 4: IDK just kinda play normal moves, play c6, take c4 if they play it.
Elio’s b3
Explain how to beat Elio’s b3 that he plays sometimes as white
1. the Nf3 g3 setup
2. The e3 setup
play the reversed London.
Nf3 g3: play h6 and put the bishop on e2 and castle.
e3: you can put it on d6.