e4 repertoire (CERTIFIED) Flashcards
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the garbage Steinitz defense (3. d6) after d4
- Bd7 (Nf6, rare g6)
- exd4
Maybe add deffered Steinitz later on in Grandelius’s course
Bd7: play Bxc6 Nc3 and Nxd4.
* If Nf6 play Qe2.
* g6 is very rare but you do Nxc6 and Qd4
exd4: play Nxd4 + Nc3. If Nf6, o-o. Trade everything on c6, play f4, and then Qf3.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Janisch (3. f5) after d3
1. Nf6 (rare Nd4)
2. fxe4
There’s also a deferred Janisch. Wtf
Nf6: play exf5. Nd4 is very rare, but you go Ba4, blacks supposed to go c6 and you castle. If b4 instead of c6 you go c3.
fxe4: recapture and o-o. After Nf6 + Bc5 you do Bxc6 and take the pawn on e5. Then if they castle go Nc3 and retreat other knight to d3 if attacked with queen.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Cozio (3. Nge7)
1. The regular Cozio
2. The deffered Cozio with a6 first.
Regular: d4. Trade everything on d4. If Nc6 attacking the queen, you go to e3. Then Nc3 o-o.
Deffered: Nc3 o-o Re1. If Ng6, Nd5. There’s c3 ideas, and also Bc2 if black castles.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the classical (3. Bc5) after c3
1. f4 rare move
2. Nf6 (retreat, don’t retreat after d4)
f4: play d4. If they take on e4, take on c6 then Nxe5. Qh5+ and Qe2 is winning.
Nf6: also play d4.
* Retreating is less popular, but if they do you play Nxe5 and take on e5 again. Qg4 Ke2 Qxg7 wins.
* If they take, play e5. If Ne4 castle. Then if dxc3 there’s a Qd5 forking idea. Make threats and attack, the advantage is too much.
Ruy Lopez
Explain what to do in the Anti Berlin (3. Nf6 4. d6).
1. d6 g6 rare
2. Bc5 (Qe2, Qd6 both rare moves)
d6 g6: castle and play d4. If they take, e5 and Nxe5. If Qd4, Re1 and there’s no other responses
Bc5: Bxc6. Then o-o unless they blunder a pawn. From here if Qe2, play Nbd2. If Qd6, play c3 d4 Nbd2.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Fianchetto defense (3. a6 4. g6).
d4. After b5 and retreating , play a4 and recapture on d4
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Norwegian defense (the d6 line)
If they play d6, play d4. You’re supposed to delay recapturing if they take and play Re1.
Variations branch out here but they aren’t common enough
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the open Ruy with o-o and d4.
- exd4
- The b5 line (Bc5, Be7)
Might have to add what happens if b5 and taking before a6, but generally it’s the same
exd4: play Re1 and if they defend with d5, go Nxd4. Bd6 is the critical line from here. You do Nxc6 and not take the bishop if they sac. Rxe4 is an idea from here.
b5: Bb3, d4, dxe5 and c3.
* If Bc5, play Nbd2 and Bc2. Nf1 reroute idea.
* If Be7 play the same moves, but Nb3 if Nc5+d4. From here there’s a line that goes dxc3 Nxc5 Bc5 Be4, then white plays Bg5 Rb1.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Moller, not the one with b5.
Will add what to do if b5, the Archanglesk later on in Grandelius’s course
c3. After Nf6, castle.
From here after o-o + Ba7, d4 and Bg5 are ideas. Then if b5 however, there’s supposed to be this refutation with dxe5.
If they take your pawn after c3, then Qe2 is an idea with Kh1 later on
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the closed Spanish mainline and the Gajewski gambit
Need to properly learn anti Marshall probably
You know the drill. Black does the Be7 meta setup. But if black does d6 avoiding the marshall, you can go c3 h3 and Bc2.
To beat the gambit though (d5) you go d4 and retreat to Re1.
Ruy Lopez
Explain how to beat the Chigorin with c5 (d6 Na5 c5)
1. Nc6 line rare
2. Nd7 line rare
May need to add Breyer and Zaitsev later on, but they generally follow the standard Ruy Lopez ideas
You go d4.
If Nc6, you can play d5 and b3, then Be3 and Nbd2.
If Nd7, also d5. Nbd2 and Nf1 ideas.
* If c4 is played between Nbd2, play b4.
Other e5 openings
Explain how to beat these Petrov and Philidor lines
1. The symmetrical petrov with Qe2 and Qe7
2. The mainline classical attack (Bf5 less popular, and Be6)
3. Philidor Defense d4 exchange
Symmetrical Petrov: Take the knight and play d4. From here, Nc3 Bf4 and Bg3. You’re developing trying to long castle and get Nb5 or Nd4.
Classical attack: After d5, play Bd3. If Bf5, play o-o and Re1. Then Nbd2 and try to take the bishop on f5. Then if they don’t let you, go Nf1 and Ne3. If Be6 instead, do the same things but remember c4 as an idea.
Philidor exchange: Nc3. You’re going for a setup with Bf4, Qd2, long castles. f3 attack.
Other e5 openings
Explain how to beat these Tricky gambits
1. Stafford gambit
2. Elephant gambit
3. Latvian gambit
Stafford: d3 Be2 c3
Elephant: exd5. After e5, play Qe2. Then if Nf6, d3 + Nbd2 idea and winning.
Latvian: Nxe5. After Qf6, play d4 Nc4. There’s other moves but they aren’t that good.
Open Sicilian
Explain the rare move 2 deviation Sicilians
1. the O Kelly
2. 2. b6
3. The Nf6 one
O kelly: c3. If d5, play exd5, d4 Be3. Nc3 Bd3 develop.
b6 setup: d4. Normal open sicilian setup. Black has to play a6 before e6 or else Ndb5. Bg5 idea, stopping e6.
Nf6: e5 Nc3 dxc3. Bf4 Bd3 Qe2 long castle develop
Open Sicilian
Explain how to beat both the Accelerated, and hyper accelerated dragons
Hyper accelerated: Take the free pawn because they aren’t supposed to recapture. Then c3. If they did Qa5+ play Na3. Nb5. If then b6 (rare move), there’s then b4 e5 and Nfd4 ideas.
Accelerated: Play the Maroczy Bind. If black does the “Naroditsky” move order, go Nc3 f3 Qxd4. Then Be3 Qd2. From here, a line is a5, b3, a4, b4. Rc1 is an idea. Be2, Nb5 or Na4 are other ideas too.