Nicholas II Government 1894-1917 (Unit 3, Topic 2) Flashcards
Who was Nicholas II?
Nicholas II succeeded his father and carried on his policies. Russia was undergoing rapid social and economic change which threatened the stability of his reign
Why were Groups Skeptical of the October Manifesto?
The general mood was hopeful but not everyone was convinced
-The radicals were skeptical of any significant change and encouraged the workers to fight on.
-The Bolsheviks published the statement “ We have granted constitutional monarchy yet autocracy remains. We have been granted everything, yet we have been granted nothing”
-The Tsar had no intention of actually becoming a constitutional monarchy and most of his ministers shared his lack of enthusiasm
What were the New Chambers?
The new Upper and Lower chambers of the government could now veto laws and were a nationally elected body with national representatives. The Upper chamber consisted of 50% zemstva elected ministers and the latter tsar appointed. The Lower chamber were nobility and peasantry as they were believed to be the tsars natural allies.
What was the New Council?
A Council of Ministers stood underneath the Tsar and would help with the crown, not the Duma. The Tsar had full authority over all legislation
What were the New Fundamental Laws?
In these legislations the Tsar claimed the right to:
-Veto legislation
-To rule by decree in an emergency or when the Duma was not in session
-Appoint and dismiss government ministers
-Dissolve the Duma as wished
-Command Russia’s land and sea forces
-Control of foreign relations, declaring war or peace/ treaties
-Control military and household expenditure
-Overturn verdicts in a court of law
-Control of Orthodox Church
What were the Aims of the Political Groups that were Involved in the State Dumas?
Social Revolutionaries- Re-distribute land to the peasants, establish a socialist democratic government. Deemed Terrorists
Trudoviks- Improvements for workers and peasants but non-revolutionary
Bolsheviks- Small group of dedicated revolutionaries leading the workers to revolution
Mensheviks- Let the workers lead their own revolution, would co-operate with liberals
Kadets- Accepted the October Manifesto, wanted constitutional monarchy and full civil rights
Progressives- Moderate Reform
Octobrists- Accepted the October Manifesto wanted constitutional monarchy
Rightists- Supported autocracy, orthodoxy and nationalism, antisemitism
What was the 1st Duma?
1/3rd of the Duma were peasantry and overall it was critical of the Tsar and Ministers they made radical demands and wanted lots of changes such as political amnesty. Therefore the Tsar dissolved them after 10 weeks
What was the 2nd Duma?
This time the Extreme left wing couldn’t take part resulting in the Duma not accepting reforms. The Tsar dissolves the Duma arresting the delegates.
What was Stolypin’s Coup?
Illegal law reducing the peasantries, workers and national minorities representation in the Dumas
What was the Third Duma?
They improved the army, removed land captains, work insurance, didn’t want to extend primary education or local government. They were suspended twice for not agreeing with tsar but did agree on the primary education system. However the Duma program was seen as not working
What was the Fourth Duma?
Stolypin wanted to move the country forwards but this Duma was a docile body unwilling to enact change. After Stolypin was assassinated all hope was lost and the Duma plan abandoned