NHS structure Flashcards
how is the NHS funded?
state- tax
how were hospitals founded before the NHS
when and how did the NHS come to be?
1944, white paper which resulted in the NHS act 1946
how did the hospitals agree to run after the NHS formation?
agreed to provide service for free and would get money from the government
who is Aneurin Bevan
health secretary at the time of NHS formation.
played a key role in the NHS formation
how much money from taxes is spent by the government on health?
£1 in every £5
is the legislation between England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland the same
responsibility for Scotland, Wales and NI lies with devolved administration
who is responsible for policy for public health and health and social care?
ministers/ politicians
what’s the DoH?
department of health
is the NHS the commissioners or the providers?
examples of commissioners?
clinical commissioning groups
local authorities
examples of providers?
private voluntary GPs primary care NHS trusts
who funds primary care and specialised services such as cancers, prisons, national vaccination schemes?
NHS England
how much of the NHS budget does NHS England control?
what does NHS England do?
sets strategies and priorities of the NHS
Who is a negotiating partner for Pharmaceutical services negotiating committee (PSNC)
NHS England
who are the 7 Regional NHS terms in England?
London, midlands, east of England, north east, Yorkshire, NW, SE and SW
What are each of these teams responsible for?
the quality, financial and operational performance of all NHS organisations in their region
developing plans for improving services in their area
what are clinical commissioning groups made up of?
GP practices
what is the CCGs made up of?
at least 1 nurse, 1 hospital doctor and two lay persons
how are these CCG people chosen?
elected governing body
what does the CCG do?
ensures quality, appropriate commissioning.
commission a range of services- each GP practice is part of the CCG and they pay for the hospital- E.G. if you break a leg and go to the hospital the CCG pick up the bill for your care and any emergencies
how much of the total NHS England budget do the CCG control?
how many CCGs in England?
what are commissioning support units?
provide IT, business and management support, accounting services and information analysis
help with contracts etc
how are commissioning support units paid for?
GPs put money aside
do CSU’s have a model structure?
no- can set up as necessary
what are clinical senates made up of?
team of healthcare specialists sharing clinical knowledge to inform service commissioning and design
how many senates in England?
what are local professional networks?
provide clinical input to local commissioning decisions
who has a LPN?
Each area
how many LPNs does each locality have?
3- pharmacy, dentistry and optometry
why are LPNs needed?
as commissioning decisions cover wide areas and a range of professional groups
who support the undertaking of pharmaceutical needs assessments?
pharmacy LPN
what are local pharmaceutical committees? what do they do?
recognised body and are consulted on local matters affecting pharmacy contractors
how many local pharmaceutical committees are in England?
what do the care quality commissions do?
independent regulator of health and adult social care services in England. ensure care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and home care agencies meets the government standards of quality and safety
how do care quality commissions do this?
they register, monitor, inspect and rate care providers
what is NHS improvement now combined with?
NHS England
what does NHS improvement do?
- hold providers to account and intervene if necessary
- support delivery of NHS long term plan
- provides information in lots of health areas
what’s Healthwatch England?
independent national champion for people who use health and social care services.
find out what people want and helps give them the support they need
how many health watch teams in England?
each area has its own local team
what makes sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) integrated care systems?
NHS providers and commissioner choose to take on collective responsibility for resources and population health
by April 2021 what much every STP become?
and integrated care system
what is a STP?
what are primary care networks based on?
GP registered lists
what do primary care networks do?
focus on what the local population needs
what do PCN’s include?
GP practices, pharmacy, community, mental health and acute trusts, social care and the voluntary sector
what does the NHS long term plan say that PCNs are an essential building block of?
every integrated care system