NHS Scotland Immunisation Program Flashcards
list the vaccines that are given at 2 months
hexavalent vaccine
men B
list the vaccines that are given at 3 months
hexavalent vaccine
list the vaccines given at 4 months
hexavalent vaccine
men B
list the vaccines to be given within a month of the first birthday (between 12 and 13 months)
HiB + men C
men B
name the vaccine that is given annually between 2 and 11 years of age
influenza (flu) vaccine
list the vaccines given at 3 years 4 months old
tetravalent vaccine
which vaccine is given to girls aged 11 to 13 years old
vaccine against cervical cancer caused by HPV 16 and 18
list the vaccines given around 14 years of age
tetanus, diphtheria and polio
men ACWY
at-risk babies might be vaccinated against Hep B - at what ages should this be carried out?
1 month old
12 months old
if a baby is at-risk of tuberculosis, what vaccine might be given and at what age?
BCG vaccine
at birth
between what ages and how frequently should the flu vaccine be given to at-risk babies?
in which form should this be given?
between 6 months to 2 years old
inactivated flu vaccine
at which ages should a child receive the hexavalent vaccine?
2 months
3 months
4 months
at which ages should a child receive the pneumococcal vaccine?
2 months
4 months
between 12 and 13 months
at which ages should a child receive the rotavirus vaccine?
2 months
3 months
at which ages should a child receive the men B vaccine?
2 months
4 months
between 12 and 13 months