NFPS and GoVTs Flashcards
What are the financial Stmts required for Not For Profits?
Stmt of Financial Position
Stmt of Activities
Stmt of Cash Flows
Stmt of Functional Expense*
(Volunteer Health Orgs only)
What are the Stmts for Non-Govt Hospitals?
Balance Sheet
Stmt of Operations
Stmt of Changes in Net Assets
Stmt of Cash Flows
Financial Stmt Notes
When is Revenue on Contributions recognized for NFPs?
Revenues are recognized in the year RECEIVED and not the year the contribution is spent.
Record at Fair Value on the date received
When are Unconditional Pledges classified as Revenue?
Current year only–unrestricted net assets
Multi year future contributions fall under Temprorarily Restricted
How are Unrestricted Contributions Promised but not yet received classified?
As Temporarily Restricted Assets
They are restricted by time
How are endowments classified?
Principal is permanently restricted, however earnings could be unrestricted or restricted
Quasi Endowments are unrestricted net assets because they are under control of the board
How are Art Collections treated in regards to Revenue?
Not recognzied as assets or contribution revenue if they are held on display for a museum or education
or their sale results in the purchase of similiar items
When both Temporarily Restricted Assets and Unrestricted Assets are available for use, TRA are used first
How are refundable advances treated?
Refundable advances are liabilities.
They are promises to contribute assets pending on certainc onditions being met
Becomes unconditional once the possibility that it wont happen is remote
How are investments treated for NFPs?
Most fair value.
Equity method can be used when Significant influence exists
How do Scholarships and Grants affect College Tuition Revenue?
Scholarships are a reduction of revenue and are netted directly against the college’s tuition inflow
How do NFP’s allocate Depreciation?
They allocate Depreciation expense proportionately to various functions
In reconciling between Fund Financials and GOvernt Wide Financials, what is added or subtracted to Governmental Fund balances to the total change to Govt Wide Net Position?
Modified Cash to Accrual
Capital asset purchases and pmts of long term debt principal would be expenditure reductions of Govt Funds.
They would need to be added back to the Fund Balance, basically going from Cash (Govt funds) to Accrual basis Govt Wide
The Book Value of Capital Assets sold would have increased Government Fund balances. These need to be subtracted. Any gains would be added.
Internal Service Fund Activities are reported where on the Governt Wide Stmt of Activities?
Governmental Activities…
even though they are technically Proprietary Funds
Under GASB, public colleges or university that chooses to report only business type activites should prepare which of the following statments?
- stmt of net position
- stmt of revenueues expenses and changes in net position
- statement of cash flows
These are the funds for Proprietary Funds
Net Realizable Value of Health Care Receivables is determined by subtracting….
Gross Patient Revenue
MINUS Contractual Adjustments
MINUS Discounts
MINUS Charity Care
MINUS Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts***
= Net Patient Revenue
***Bad Debt Expense is not netted
What are the categories used for a NFP Stmt of Financial Position?
Net Assets
Brocton City Water Utitily, an enterprise fund, submits a bill for $9,000 to the General Fund for water service supplied to city departments.
THis results in…
Revenue by thee Water Utility Fund
and Expenditure by the General Fund
Board of Berry College designates 4,000,000 of unrestricted net assets for a new building…
Which asset classifications are effected?
Neither temporary nor Unrestricted
Since they were already unrestricted, there is no change in Unrestricted.
When general fixed assets are acquired through governmental funds, what happens?
However, the Governmental Funds do not record Fixed Assets
Reported in the Government Activites of the GOVT Wide Stmts
When the state is obligated to fund the pension plans of certain school districts int he state, which of the following is true about the acct?
The obligations are accounted for as pension expense for the state of Illinois