FAR DECK Flashcards
Which statements are included for NOT FOR PROFITs?
- Stmt of Financial Position (Balance Sheet, Net Assets)
- Stmt. of Activities (Income Stmt)
- Stmt. of Cashflows
- Functional Expenses (Only Required by Voluntary Health and Welfare)
What statements are included Government WIDE Stmts?
- Stmt of Net Position (balance sheet)
- Stmt of Activities (income sheet)
- Fund Stmts
What are the costs added to the price of Machinery?
- purchase price
- freight in
- insurance while in transit
- Cost of special foundations
- Cost of Installations
Encumbrances Journal Entries
dr. Encumbrances
cr. Rerserved for Encumbrance
EVERSE Expenditures Voucher’s Payable
Net Cost of Resource/Units of Resource
Net Cost of Resource Cost
+ Est. Restoration Costs
- Salvage Value
How are Property Dividends Valued?
Property Dividends are recorded at the Fair Value of the property at the date of declaration
Is a modification of debt eligible for FV Measurement?
Yes…but it is not required
How is compensation expense with stock options allocated?
Over the vesting period
When are loss carrybacks recognized?
Recognized in the year of loss. Any losses not carried back may be carried forward 20 years
How to Eliminate Depreciation in a Business Combo?
Divide Gain on the sale by the useful life
What are the characteristics that distinguish a Derivative?
- Terms that require or permit net settlement
- No initial net investment
- One or more underlyings and notional amts
How is the Discount Rate for Pensions determined under IFRS?
Determined by the market yield at the end of the reporting period for high quality corporate bonds having a similar term or maturity
GAAP Discounted Rate for Pensions
Settlement Rate
What does an Unrecognized Firm Commitment need to qualify as a Hedged Item
- Be binding on both parties
- Be specific with respect to all significant items
- Contain a nonperformance clause that makes performance probable.
Cash Collected from Customers
An agreement between unrelated parties binding on both and usually legally enforceabl. Specifies all significant terms and discentive for non performance.
What is the Pension Expense Formula?
+ Service Cost
+ Interest Expense
-Expected REturn on Assets
+/- Amortization of Prior Service cost
+/- Amortization of Net Gain or Loss on PSC
How does IFRS allocate Compound Instruments?
Liability Portion = Fair Value
Equity Portion= Leftover Residual Proceeds
What are the required Consolidation STMT Disclosures?
- All Material Related Party Transactions
- Eliminated Transacations like Sales need not be disclosed
- Borrows and lendings between related parties must be disclosed
How does one eliminate COGS in Consolidated Financial Stmts?
What are the GOVT STMTS?
GOvt Wide Financials
a. Stmt of Net Position
b. Statement of Activities
c. Fund Stmts
How is land capitalized when the Land is purchased to build a plant?
- Costs of razing the old building are added to the land account
- Minus any salvage value from razing
- EXCAVATION HOWEVER…goes to the building account
Units of production Depreciation Method Formula
Which costs are R&D and which costs are capitalized under GAAP?
- Costs before Application Development or Feasibility are EXPENSED AS INCURRED
- Costs after feasibility are capitalized and amortized
- The Amortization on the Capitalized Costs are added to total R&D expense
- Training Costs are expensed as R&D
- Expenses to get it to sell are Inventory Costs
GAAP Transfer of Participating Interest
A transfer of a participating interest should be acccounted for as a SALE IF…. the transferor surrenders control
How are Direct Registration Costs and General Costs addressed after a Business Combo?
Direct Issuance costs are netted against proceeds as a debit to APIC. Legals Fees, Consulting are expensed against earnings
When are property taxes recorded as REVENUE?
1.Assets should be recognized when an enforceable legal claim arises or ptaxes levied 2. Resources are received whichever is earlier
What debt do Debt Service funds cover?
Debt Service funds cover General Obligation Bonds
Debt Service Funds do NOT cover Enterprise funds
When a contingent liability has a guarantee attached, what does it equal?
The Contingent Liability equals the amount of premium required by the guarantor
When is a gain recognized in a debt resturcturing?
If terms are modified and future payments are now LESS than the carrying amount of the debt
How are the gains and losses of a Debt Retirement recorded?
AS Ordinary Income from Cont. Operations and not EXTRAORDINARY
Under which Convertible Bond Recording MEthod is a GAIN or lOSS recorded?
Market Value Method records a gain or loss.
The Book Value Method does not.
What are Noncash financing and Investing Cashflows and how are they disclosed?
Noncash transactions such as: Conversion of debt to equity Exchange of long lived asset for debt Obtaining investment or building as gift
Must be disclosed at the bottom of the stmt of cash flows
Book Value Method for Converting Bonds to Stocks
No gain or loss, the APIC is the plug between the bonds book value and PV of the Common stock
How are bonds reported when classified as trading securities?
Reported at Fair Market Value Unrealized Gains and Losses in Earnings
Which Costs are included in bond issuance costs? and how are they recorded?
Includes engraving, printing, legal, underwriting, registration
Debited to a deferred charge account and amortized Straight line over the life of the bond
Amortization begins when bond is issued
How is Goodwill calculated?
Sum of the following: Consideration Transferred + FV of any non controlling interest + Acquisition date FV or previous equity interest Net Assets ( Assets minus Liabilities) using their FV on acquisition date
What rate is used when a foreign entity financials are translated from functional to reporting currency?
Assets and Liabilities Current Rates
Expenses and Revenues Weighted Avg Current Rates
When is a provision for warrant costs made? and When are they recognized?
When the related revenue is recgonized
How is an impairment test of a IFRS CGU done?
Impairment exists If Carrying Amt of CGU (cash generating unit) exceeds Recoverable amount
Total Amt of Carrying Value w/ Goodwill
MINUS Recoverable Amount
= impairment loss
How are gains and losses from REMEASUREMENT AND TRANSLATION reported?
Remeasurement G/L..Earnings
How is the Operating Cycle Determined?
Days Sales in Receivable + Days Sales In Inventory
How is a Servicing Asset Amortized?
Servicing Assets are amortized in proportion to and over the period of Net Servicing Income
How are Debt Retirement G/Ls calculated?
Cash Paid to Retire
MINUS Debt Carrying Amount (Book value)
How is a noncash asset exchanged to settle a debt?
Must be revalued at FV
A Gain or loss is recognized in earnings
How does IFRS treat Losses?
No extraordinary losses
Does not distinguish losses from expenses BUT THEY ARE DISPLAYED SEPARATELY
How is a General Fund purchase of a Fixed Asset recorded?
DR. Expenditures Control
CR. Accounts Payable
If the stated rate on a Capital Lease is unreasonable as compared to the incremental rate, what the PV of the lease liability?
Use Cash Fair Value price for the asset when stated rate is unreasonable
Normally PV of Minimum Lease PMTS is the lower of the PV of minimum lease pmts or Fair Value price
How are Stock Option Compensation Expense allocated?
When the shares are intended to compensate the employeees over 2 years…the compensation expense is allocated over 2 years
How are Donations reported?
Other operating Revenue
If warrants are NOT detached, how is Equity Allocated?
No allocation is made to Equity
How are start up costs treated?
Expensed as incurred
Where are actual program expenditures reported?
Accounts Receivable
MINUS Balance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
How are unconditional promises to give (pledges) reported?
Reported at NRV,
If an NFP has a acct policy to impose a time restriction, what kind of Assets are they?
Temporarily Retsricted
When are COnditional Pledges recognized?
Not recognized until conditions are substanitally met or the possibility that the conditions will not be met are remote
In what Stmt are NFP Securities changes in fair values reported?
Stmt of Activities, total change in the fair value of the securities from date of recipt to the Balance Sheet date
When do gains and investment income from Restricted Perm Endowments become Temporary?
If time restriction expires or the expenses can be met
How are Gross Health Care Services Revenue reported?
Exludes Charity Care Reported at NRV
WHo requires Stmt of CFunctional Expenses?
Voluntary Health and Welfare Orgs
What are the typical Disclosures for Pensions?
Components of Period Pension Costs
Amt of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
A detailed description of plan including employee groups covered
What is Costs of Goods AFS?
How does a Lessee record a Capital Lease?
Dr. Asset
Cr. Liability
(Lower of fair Value or PV of min lease pmts exclusive of EXEC costs
What are the Enterprise Wide Disclosures?
- Geographic Areas
- Major Customers 10% of Total REvenue
- Products and Services
How are Financial Assets subject to Prepayments measured?
Measured like Debt Securities as AFS or Trading
What is the difference between Put and Call Options
Put Options- Provides the holder the right to sell the underlying at an exercise or strike price anytime during the option form
Call Options- Provides the holder the right to buy the underlying at an exercise or strike price anytime during the option form
How is Amortization of Bond Premium or Discount dealt with in the Indirect Method for Cash Flow from Ops?
Amortization of a Bond Discount added back to Net Income for the Indirect Method Amortization
Bond Premium Amortization is subtracted from Net Income for the Indirect Method
Would a loss on the sale of machinery be added or subtracted to Net Income using the Indirect Method?
A loss on the sale of machinery would be an addition to NEt Income when using the indirect method because it is a NON CASH flow Gains would be subtracted
How do NFPS treat Revenues and Expenses?
Revenues are increases of Net Unrestricted Assets
Expenses are decrease of Net Unrestricted Assets
How are Deficits Accumlated during the development stage of a company reported?
Not capitalized
Reported as a part of Stockholders Equity
Start Up Costs expensed as incurred
When is dividend revenue recognized?
For the Fair Value Method,
Dividend revenue is recognized for the same year and period as the Date of Record.
Are liquidating dividends revenue or a return of capital?
Liquidating dividends are a return of capital therefore they are not included in Dividend Revenue.
How is a Capital Lease with a Bargain Purchase Option reported?
The Capitalized Lease Cost is =
Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments
PLUS Present Value of Bargain Purchase Option
What are the conditions for a Private Companies ignoring VIE Accting?
- Private Company Lessee and Lessor are under common control.
- Lessee has a lease arrangement with the lessor
- Guarantees/Collateral provided by the lessee for the lessor are less in value than the asset leased by the lessee.
How are Investments reported by NFPs?
- Bonds/Stocks all at Fair Value
- Purchased investments recorded at Historical Cost
- Contributions of investments received at Fair Value
When the functional currency of the Foreign Subsidiary is the local currency, how is it translated back to the Reporting Currency?
Assets/Liabilities>>>>>Current Rate at Balance Sheet Date Revenues and Expenses>>>>>Weight Avg, Rate
How are investments designated by the Board of the NFP classified?
Reported as Unrestricted Assets regardless of the restrictions set by the board
What are the revenues of a Health Care Entity?
Patient Services, Premium Revenue Other Revenue: Services other than health care like tuition and cafeteria profits
How are Correction of Errors presented?
They are Prior Period Adjustments shown NET OF TAX as a cumulative adjustment to the BEG balance of RE at the earliest period of change.
What happens when a Pension Plan is Amended?
When a pension plan is amended and it is determined that Prior Service Costs are going to add more to the Projected Benefit Obligation…this cost is amortized over the remaining average service years It is included in Pension Expense
How are Gains on Involuntary Conversions recognized?
When Condemnation Awards, forced sales by Eminent Domain occur, the gains or losses are recognized in the year they occur on the books. For tax purposes a deferred tax liability or asset is created.
Which rates are disclosed for Pension Plans?
Rate of Comp increase
Expected Rate of Return on Plan Assets
Discount Rate for PBO
Where is the gains and losses of a Fair Value Hedge reported?
Income Statement
Where are the gains of a Cashflow Hedge and Foreign Currency hedge reported?
IS Cashflow/Share permitted?
How do Convertible Debt Interest Rates compare with Nonconvertible debt?
Convertible Debt Interest Rates are generally LOWER than Non Convertible Debt
When a market price unexpectedly increases and a PERMANENT LOSS has already been recognized, what kind of Gain is Recognized?
The Subsequent Gain is equal to the amount of the Price Recovery in the previous quarter, never above original cost even if the Market Price has exceed it
How is Operating Lease Income Recognized?
Rental Net Income MINUS Depreciation MINUS Maintenance Costs
When a firm elects NOT to bifurcate a Hybrid Instrument, how should changes in FV be recognized?
Changes in FV are reflected prospectively in the current year
Cumulative Effect adjustments are NEVER reflected in earnings
What are the disclosures for Sinking Funds?
- Future Pmts for Sinking Fund Requirements
- Maturity Amts of Long Term debt during each of the Next 5 years, detailing each year
- A Combined Aggregrate Amount of Both Pmts and Maturities
How are legal costs associated with Obtaining a Patent on a new Product?
Capitalized and Amortized
What rate is used to discount Stock Option Compensation?
The RISK FREE INTEREST RATE is used to discount the exercise price of option and future dividend stream
Are Deferred Taxes under IFRS CURRENT or NONCURRENT?
Can only be NON CURRENT.
When is the last PMT of a Future Amount of Annuity in Advance made?
Last PMT is made with another year to go
What is the effect on Retained Earnings and Working Capital when a Dividend is Declared?
When a dividend is declared, RE is DECREASED and a CURRENT LIABILITY is credited for the Dividend Payable…. therefore this reduces Working Capital because LIABILITIES are increased and Current Assets are not.
When can two or more operating segments be aggregated into a single operation?
If ALL of required aggregation criteria is met…10% test can be avoided
or After 10% test is met
What is the most relevant amount for transactions involving FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS?
How do NFPS regonize Depreciation Expense?
How are unconditional pledges that are expected to be received within a year presented?
Reported at NRV (Net of Uncollectible Accounts)
How are Pledges Receivable at more than one year?
Reported at Present Value
What is the difference between Assignment and Factoring?
In assignment the OWNER of receivables obtains a loan from the lender by pledging the AR as collateral
Factoring is a SALE of receivables
How is the change in FV of Servicing Assets reported?
Reported in Earnings for the Current Period
How does one use PV to calculate a Future Value of an Investment?
10,000 invested, how much will it be worth in 2years at 10%?
10,000 / PV of 1 Annuity over 2 years
What is the Net Cash Receipts of a Bond Issuance?
- Bond Face x Percentage for DISC or PREM ex. 97 or 103
B= % (NI - B)
What is the Simplified Hedge Acct Approach for Private Companies?
- Expedient Apporach, measurement @ settlement value than Fair Value
- Longer time to qualify for hedge accounting
What are the Enterprise Segment Disclosures?
- Revenues From External Customers
- Intersegment Revenues
- Interst Rev and Expense
- Unusual & Extroadinary Gains/Losses
- Equity in the Net Income of Investees
- Income Tax or Benefit
- Significant Non Cash Items
Basis in Measure, Reconicliations, If Revied by COP
How are ACCT changes that result in the change of a business entity?
Reported by restating the financial statements of all prior periods presented
Which Inventory Costing Approach ends in the Higher Inventory and Lower COGS?
The perpetual system ends in a higher inventory for LIFO and Lower COGS because the cost of the of the items is an average of the arlier lower costs in the year.
Under FIFO, Period and Perpetual are the same
Cash Collected from Customers
Sales - [END AR - BEG AR]
= Cash Collected from Customers
Accounts Receivable T ACCOUNT Formula
PLUS Sales
MINUS Cash Collections
MINUS Writeoffs
What is the Net Cost of Resource for Depletion?
Cost of the Land
+ Restoration Costs
- Salvage Value
= Net Resource Cost
Then divide NRC / Recoverable Units
What is a Major Disadavantage of Periodic Inventory Costing?
Inventory Shortages are buried in COGS
How are Special Assessment Debt for Capital Project Funds accounted for?
If a Capital PJ Fund has a special assessment that the GOVT is on the hook for….
Treated as any other capital improvement or financing cashflow
Treated as General Obligation debt in GOVT statements only
Which Company Reports Dividends in the Consolidated Stmts?
Only dividends of the parent company are reporte din the Consolidated Stmts
Subsidiary declared and paid dividends are eliminated in the consolidated worksheet
How is Composite and Group Depreciation Caculated?
Sum of ANNUAL SL Depreciation
total Original Cost
How is Unearned Revenue adjusted?
Unearned Revenue is a liability.
As prepaid revenue that hasnt been earned yet comes in, the liability is credited.
As Revenue is earned the Unearned Revenue is debited.
How are Initial Direct Costs reported for Financing and SalesType Leases?
For Sales Type Leases, they are expensed currently.
For a Finance Lease they are capitalized and amortized over the life of the lease
Which funds practice Budgetary Accounting?
Only the General and Special Revenue Funds
How should FV in excess over the Carrying Amount be reported for the Equity Method?
Any portion of the excess FV over Book Value that relates to DEPRECIABLE assets like PPE & Inventory should be AMORTIZED.
This subsequently decreases the Investment Account.
What are the required NFP Financial Stmts?
- Stmt of Financial Position
- Stmt. of Activities
- Stmt of Cashflows
- Stmt of Functional Expenses (VOLUNTARY HEALTH ONLY)
What are the funds required for Proprietary Funds?
- Stmt of Net Position
- Stmt of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position
- Stmt of Cash Flows
What are the required Stmts for Fiduciary Funds?
- Stmt of fiduciary net positions
- stmt of changes in fiduciary net position
- Never included in Govt Wide
What is the Evolution of the FASB?
- AICPA appoints the Committe on Acct Procedure (CAP)
- AICPA Appoints Acct. Principles Board (APB)
- AICPA appoints the Wheat Committee
- Which then reccomends the FASB
Detail the process for Issuing a New FASB Statment?
- A new project is added to the agenda
- Research is conducted and Discussion Memorandem is Issued
- Holds A Public Hearing
- Evaluates Researc, Issues Exposure Draft
- Modifies Exposure Draft if necessary
- Holds a Public of Vote, 4/7 to pass
- Issues ASU (Acct Standard Update)
What is the Conceptual Framework?
Underlying Principles or Constitution for the creation of GAAP
What is Highest and Best Use Fair Value?
- What is physically possible
- What is financially possible?
- What is legally possible
NOT how the reporting entity uses it
What is the liquidation assumption?
Will use Net Realizable Value
Fair Value is measured as…..
Price received when selling an asset or paid when transferring a liability.
It is an exit price
Is Fair Value permitted for Consolidated Investments in Subsidiaries?
What are the three Valuation Techniques for Fair Value?
- Market Approach
- Cost Approach - Replacement Cost
- Income Approach- discounting future cashflows
What is the level 1 hierarchy for FV?
Level 1. Unadjusted quoted prices in ACTIVE markets for items IDENTICAL to those being valued at that date
What is level 2 in the FV Hierachy?
Level. 2….Observable inputs other than Level 1.
- Similiar quoted prices
- Similiar or identical BUT in NON active markets
- interest rates, yield curves
- derived principal market correlation
What is the Level 3 FV Hierarchy?
Level 3. UNobservable inputs
- Inputs that incorporate the entity’s assumptions like internally generated mgmt accounting reports
What are the Fair Value Required Disclosures?
- Level of Hierarchy
- Valuation Techniques used
- Any Changes from prior periods in valuation techniques
What are Foreign Private Issuers?
Any foreign issuer other then a foreign govt except:
- More than 50% voting securities are US owned
- business admin in the US
- majority of officers are US citizens
Rule 205 Sec Act of 1933
What are the Required Stmts for a 10-k Filing?
- Balance sheet for quarter end and fiscal year end
- Income Statements for the current quarter and same period for the prior year
- Cumulative YTD cash flow stmts for current and fiscal year
What are Unusual AND Infrequent items?
Extraordinary Items, reported Net of Tax after Discont. Ops
if unusual or infrequent, reported in Income from Cont. Operations (NOT NET OF TAX)
What is Cost of Goods Manufactured?
Within how many days must a Form 10-q be filed?
Large Accelerated Filers- 40 days
Non-accelerated filer 45 days
Within how many days must a Form 10-k be filed?
70 days for
75 days for
What does Regulation S-X regulate?
The form and content of financial statements to be filed with the SEC.
What are Derived Tax Revenues?
A GOVT Non exchange based on a transaction or work done, like income taxes or sales taxes
What are imposed non exchange revenues?
Result from Assessments just because something exists…like property taxes or fines
What are Govt Mandated NON exchanges?
Grant money specified for a speical purpose
Where are Non Reciprocal Inter- Period Govt Transfers reported?
In the General Govt Fund, a transfer that is non reciprocal is a OTHER FINANCING USE OR SOURCE
In a Proprietary Fund, a transfer is an item below non operating revenues and expenses
Where are General Capital Assets reported?
Reported at Cost if purchased, FV if Donated
In govt activities column in Govt Wide Stmts
How is the Net Position Format Calculated for Govt Wide and Entity STmts?
assets + deferred outflows = liabilites + def. inflows
= net position
How is Intrinsic Value Calculated?
Market pRice $10
Exercise Price 9
100 shares [10 mp - 9 ep]= 100 x 1= intrinsic value
Time Value = Premium - Instrinsic Value
When is Specific Identification Acct for Inventory Required under IFRS?
Required for Inventory that is not interchangeable
for Inventory segregated for specific products
Where are Unrealized Gains from Restricted Asset Investments reported for NFPS?
Stmt of Changes of Net assets
Where are Unrealized/Realized Gains reported for NFP Hospitals reported?
Unrestricted Unrealized G/Ls…Stmt of Operations
Unrestricted Realized G/Ls…. Stmt of Cashflows
Where do Investment Returns on Permanent Restrict Assets get reported?
Stmt of Changes in Net Assets
What are the 2 main criteria to Qualify for a Hedging Instrument?
- Sufficient Documentation
- Hedge MUST be highly EFFECTIVE throughout its life
What are the 3 acceptable methods for IFRS Accounting for T-Stock?
- Par Value Method
- Cost Method
- Constructive Retirement Method
What methods does IFRS use to determine Impairment?
Carrying Value > Recoverable Amount
Recoverable Amt is the Greater of
Fair Value Less Costs od Disposal
Value In Use:
How does IFRS define Value in use?
Estimating future cash flows from Continued use and eventual disposal.
What are the required Stmts of Personal Financial Stmts?
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Changes in Net Worth
When using the Cost Adjust for FV Method, which dividends are recognized as Income for the Investor?
Liquidating Dividends are not considered Income to the Investor, therefore the portion that is not in excess of the investors shares of the investee’s earnings ARE INCLUDED in Net Income.
If the aggregate market value of the bonds and the warrants exceeds the proceeds of the Warrants, is the portion of proceeds allocated to the warrants less than their Market Value?
Yes. The FMV is greater than the proceeds, therefore relative Market Values assigned to the proceeds will be less than their actual FMV.
The amount allocated to warrants is recorded
as paid in capital- stock warrants
What are the 2 variations of the Dollar-Value LIFO Method?
Double extension method
Link Chain Method
A bond discount is….
Extra interest expense…therefore it lowers Net Income
Straight Line Amoritzation is HIGHER OR LOWER than Amortization under the Effective Interest Method?
Straight Line Amort is higher than Amortization during early years THEREFORE on a bond with a discount, Bond Carrying Amount is Overstated and Retained Earnings is Understated (Because A discount is extra interest expense)
When are stock options rights recognized by the Issuer?
Upon Exercise of the options…
ISSUANCE - Memorandum entry
Company issues Rights to $15/share at par value 10/share
Cash (Proceeds)
Common Stock (10/share)
APIC (15-10PV plug)
When a company recognizes Bad Debt Expense, what accounts are affected?
Current Assets are decreased
Bad Debt Expense xx
Allowance for Bad Debts xx
*Allowance for Bad Debts is a Contra AR account, therefore Crediting it, would be reducing AR, a current asset
What part of the Income Stmt are Lease Termination Costs recognized?
If not part of the discontinuation of a Segment, Lease Cancellation Costs are reported as part of Income From Cont. Ops.
What is the inherent difficulty in the determination of results of Operations on an interim Basis?
The most serious problem specified is dealing with costs that are expensed in one interim period but may provide benefits to other interim periods. Per ASC Topic 270, such expenses may be allocated to the interim periods benefited.
Which column are Internal Service Funds usually recorded in the GOVT Wide STMT of Net Assets?
A proprietary fund, however….it is reported in Governmental Activities
How does one determine Cash Paid for Expenses during a Period? (Accrual to Cash)
Then reduce this amount if the Payable Account Increase.
Or add to this amount if the Payable Account Decreased.
Cash Paid to Suppliers
How are continuing franchise fees (periodic pmts based on revenues) reported?
Expensed as incurred.
Payments for the Franchise and Legal Fees are amortized since they have future benefits.
What are the Five Items to be used as a guide to determine if there should be different Guidance between Public and Private Companies?
(a) Recognition and measurement—considerations include current guidance relevance, more practical expedients, needs of users, access to management, industry-specific guidance, and cost effectiveness;
(b) Disclosures—considerations include current guidance relevance , management access, cost effectiveness, and the need for additional disclosures;
(c) Display—considerations include current guidance relevance;
(d) Effective date—generally, the effective date is one year after the first annual reporting date for which public companies are required to adopt standards ; and
(e) Transition method—considerations include the retrospective method, the modified retrospective method, practical expedients; and cost effectiveness.
ASC Topic 255 requires that the current Cost for Inventories be measured as the….
The Lower of Current Cost or Recoverable Amt at Meas. Date (market)
Same as Lower Cost or Market
Which Foreign Currency Transacations are Reported in Other Comprehensive Income
All Foreign Currency Hedges and Translation Adjustments
What is the difference betwween how IFRS and GAAP treat a Going Concern?
IFRS assumes the Company in question is a GOING CONCERN.
GAAP However, forces an auditor to make that determination, if it is indeed a Going Concern
Does IFRS or GAAP require Comparative Financial Stmts?
IFRS requires Financial Stmts
Which Statements are required in IFRS but not in GAAP?
- Statement Of Comprehensive Income
- Statement of Changes in Equity
How does IFRS present Revenue and Net Income?
IFRS presents Income instead of Revenue.
Gains are NOT separately displayed.
Losses are expenses but ARE displayed separately
Uses PROFIT instead of Net Income
What is the date of transition for IFRS Transition?
If IFRS was implemented in June 2010 for its Dec 2010 STMTS, the Date of Transition is actually Jaunary 1, 2009
This is because a full year of comparative stmts is required from the previous year
What is the major difference between an exchange transaction and a nonexchange transaction for governmental units?
In an exchange transaction goods or services of equal or near equal value exchanged. In a nonexchange transaction one party provides value for no direct benefit
What is the full set of Stmts Required by IFRS?
- Stmt of Financial Position
- Stmt of Comprehensive Income*
- Stmt of Changes in Equity*
- Stmt of Cash Flows
- Notes to the FStmts
- Comparative Stmts as well
****Not required by GAAP
Under the Equity Method, what does the Consolidated Retained Earnings amount?
The Parent’s Retained Earnings ONLY
because it contains the both the parent and the parent’s share of the subsiidiary’s net income
Translations gains and losses are recorded in OCI
Assets and Liabilities are recorded at the closing exchange rate
Income and Expenses are recorded at the rate when the transaction occurred.
When does a bargain purchase occur?
When the fair value of net identifiable assets exceeds consideration paid.
Where are the Gains and Losses of a Fair Value Hedge recognized?
In Earnings.
Cash Flow and Foreign Currewcy hedges to OCI
Are excavation costs for construction LAND Or Building Costs?
What are the risks inherent in an interest rate swap agreement?
I.The risk of exchanging a lower interest rate for a higher interest rate.
II.The risk of nonperformance by the counterparty to the agreement.
What happens when Ending Inventory is Under or Overstated?
If ending inventory is understated, cost of goods sold is overstated, and net income is, therefore, understated. The opposite is true for beginning inventory. Since ending inventory of one period is the beginning inventory of the next period, errors in inventory determination affect income for only two consecutive periods. Thus, the error in Year 1 will be offset in Year 2, and the error in Year 2 will be offset in Year 3. Since ending inventory is correct in Year 3, retained earnings for Year 3 will be correct even though Year 3 net income was overstated. This is summarized in the following table:
How is Gross Lease Receivable calculated?
Gross investment= min lease pmts x # of years
plus any unhauranteed residual value
How is RE adjusted for a Stock Dividend that is less than a 20-25% increase in shares outstanding?
Stock Dividends less than 20-25% increase in Common Outstanding
- Charge RE for FAIR VALUE of stock dividend
How is RE adjusted for a stock dividend that increases shares outstanding by MORE THAN 25%?
Charge RE for PAR VALUE of stock dividend
Interest Payable is always…
Interest Receivable is always at….
Effective Rate
When using the Completed Contract or % Completion Method, how are long term, expected losses reported?
Recognized Immediately
When is a Gain Recognized in a NonMonetary Exchange that LACKS commercial substance?
The party that RECEIVES cash recognizes a gain in proportion of cash paid to the total consideration
When are dividends eliminated in Consolidation Accounting?
All Intercompany Dividends are eliminated.
Subsidiary dividends to outside parties are also eliminated.
When may Assets and Liabilities be Netted under IFRS when multiple pensions in play?
Assets and Liabilities may be netted when there is a legally enforceable right to use the assets of one plan to settle the obligations of another plan.
Which Derivatives require Bifurcation?
Separates the host from an embedded contract
Bond payable with an Interest Rate based on the S&P Index
Equity Instrument with a call option
What is a Voucher’s Payable in Government Accounting?
When an expenditure is recorded for goods received, Voucher’s Payable are Goods Received But not paid for yet.
When must the Employer’s Obligation for Post Retirement Benefits be fully accrued?
Must be fully accrued by the date the employees are fully eligible for benefits
What kind of tax difference is a Percentage Depletion that takes depletion in excess of cost?
Permanent Difference
When can a company avoid Consolidation of a subsidiary under IFRS?
- Partners do not object
- No Publicly Traded Securities
- Parent prepares consolidated STMTS in compliance
The STMT of Changes in Net Assets applies to which type of organizations?
Reports changes in NFP Hospital’s restricted and unrestricted assets
When are Non-Cumulative and Cumulative Dividends, added or subtracted net income (loss)?
Non Cumulative Dividends, are only added to Net loss or subtracted from net income when Declared
Cumulative Dividends in the current year are included even if NOT DECLARED
What is Deferred Income Tax Expense?
The sum of the net change in deferred tax assets and liabilities
Is there a value assigned to the conversion feature of a convertible bond?
When are Contigent Liabilities Disclosed and Accrued?
Only Contingent Losses that are PROBABLE and reasonably estimable are ACCRUED and DISCLOSED.
Contingent losses that are Reasonably Possible…are only disclosed.
When can losses on fixed assets be recovered?
Losses on fixed assets to be disposed of can be recovered due to changes in the fair value or selling costs associated with the asset.
This write-up, however, cannot exceed the carrying amount prior to recognition of impairment. If the NRV for this asset increases in the next period, the maximum recovery (gain) that could be recognized is $675
Impairment exists when….
Carrying Value exceeds the sum of the expected value of the undiscounted cash flows.
How should operating expenses for a NON GOVT NFP Org be reported??
As decreases in unrestricted net assets.
How are Unrealized Gains and Losses Reported on Held To Maturity Securities?
If NOT using the Fair Value Method, NO unrealized g/l’s are realized because they are continued to be held at cost.
What items does the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies disclose?
Specifically, disclosure pertinent to
a. Selection from existing alternatives
b. Principles peculiar to a particular industry
c. Unusual or innovative applications
3. Examples
a. Consolidation method
b. Depreciation method
c. Amortization of intangibles
d. Inventory pricing
e. R&D references amended by SFAS 2
f. Translation of foreign currencies
g. Long-term contract accounting
h. Franchising and leasing activities
4. Accounting policy disclosure should not duplicate disclosures elsewhere in the statements.
What methods can be used to measure Financial Liabilities under IFRS?
Amortized Cost
Fair Value through PROFIT OR LOSS***
***GAAP is Fair Value
In a sales lease back transaction, when is a gain resulting from the Sale deferred?
When the seller-lessee RETAINS the right to substantially all of the remaining use of the property.
The gain is deferred.
When the gain on a Sales Leaseback Transacation recognized immediately?
The seller-lessee has transferred substantially all the risks of ownership, any gain or loss on sale is recognized immediately.
Contribution received in year 1, but was restricted for use until year 2
Contributions are accounted for on the accrual basis. Therefore, the contribution would be recorded in year 1.
If the time restriction was significantly into the future, the contribution would be recorded at its present value.
How does IFRS value Intangible Assets?
Cost or Revaluation Model
” Increases in value from the adjustment
are reported in the current period as
Other Comprehensive Income” Decreases in value from the adjustment
are treated as an expense
No guidance to how often should be revalued
Same treatment for PPE
What is the test for recoverability of operational assets PER asc Topic 360?
Undiscounted cash inflows
LESS related outflows resulting from disposal
Compared to Carrying Value
How are dividends received in excess of the Investor’s share of investee’s earnings since asquisition recorded?
As a reduction in the investment account.
If Company A’s share of the dividends is 10,500, but share of earnings since acq
How is Income defined under IFRS?
Income is increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or hancements of assets or decreases of liability tha tresult in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants
Expenses, the opposite, decreases
When rent is received in advance b the lessor for an operating lease, when is Revenue recognized?
In the period specified by the lease.
Rent is revenue is recognized in each accounting period on a straight line basis
What are the 5 elements of the IASB framework?
IASB has 5 elements,
- asset,
- liability,
- equity,
- income,
- expense
Gains are Income and Losses Are Expense
When is Revenue recognized under the IASB framework?
When it meets the definition of an element and can be measure reliably.
When can a Warranty Obligation be Recorded at Fair Value?
IF the warranty can be settled by contracting with a third party
Cash contributions that are DONOR Restricted for long term purposes are reported where on the STMT of Cashflows?
Cashflows from Financing Activties
How is Accretion Expense calculated for an Asset Reitirement Obligation?
accretion expense is calculated by multiplying the adjusted interest rate by the fair value of the liability ($100,000 × 10% = $10,000)
The cost of the ARO is allocated over the asset’s life and the interest is accreted…
How does the Sinking Fund Balance change?
Increases from revenue earned by investments
or Decreased on losses by investments
Purchases of investments do not reduce the balance but rather just changes the composition
Comprehensive Income may be displayed in two ways on the Stmts…
- A separate stmt that begins with Net Income
- A continuation of net income presented at the bottom of the income stmt
How does a Quasi Reorganization affect Stockholder’s Equity
To reduce a deficit in the RE account, Contributed Capital is reduced by the Deficit and RE is increased by this amount.
Paid-in capital (Deficit amount)
Retained earnings (Deficit amount)
Cost at base-year prices×Price index
=Dollar-value LIFO inventory cost
12/31/Y1 layer $300,000×1.00=$300,000
Year 2 440,000/400,000= 1.10
Use change in Base year cost, 400- 300= 100
12/31/Y2 layer 100,000×1.10= 110,000
Inventory at 12/31/Y2 $410,000
When are contributed services recognized as contribution revenue?
Only recognizd if they create or enhance nonfinancial assets or require specialized skills that would have otherwise been
Actual interest expense is dependent on…
The length of time the bonds are outstanding.
No the amount of payments, acrued interest in between interest payments
When is compensation expense recognized for Stock Option?
Determined at the grant date and tehn allocated to the periods in which the employees perform the services.
When common stock and preferred stock are issued in a lump sum purchase, how are the proceeds allocated?
APIC for each is allocated by its respective % of the total FMV of the share x the proceeds
FMV of C/S = 36,000 (36 x 1000 sh)
FMV of P/S = 54,000 (27 x 2000 sh)
Total Proceeds = 80,000
Total Fair Value= 90,000 (54k + 36k)
Proceeds Attributable to P/S =
54,000/90,000 = 60% = 60% x 80,000 Lump sum
When does APIC increase for a Stock Subscription?
Apic increases on the date the subcription is Recorded—
Not on the date paid for or issued
When are dividends in arrears for Cumulative Pref Stock accrued?
When declared
If a year passes and no Cum Pref Stock is decalred, then the dividends in arrears are included as a disclosure, not an accrual
How is a transfer of a Non-Monetary Asset to a shareholder reported?
Gain or loss is the difference between the FMV of the asset distributed at the date of distribution and its carry amount on the books
Effect on RE is the Carrying Amount of the asset
Gain or Loss recorded when the asset is distributed offsets the orginal effect of the debit to RE and it is a wash
Goodwill should be tested for value impairment at which of the following levels?
Each Reporting Unit
How does one calculate total available total budgetary fund balance?
(-) Expenditures
(-) Encumbrances
= Funds available
What is an example of the expense recognition principle of associating casues and effect?
Sales Comissions,
which are an expense on the basis of a presumed direct association with related sales revenue
What is the remaining Useful Life of an Intangible Asset witha Definite Useful Life?
Lesser of Useful Life or Legal Life
Which situation would cause the Unreserved Fund Balance to increase?
Appropriations exceed actual expenditures
Acid Test (Quick Ratio)
Found by dividing quick assets (assets that can be quickly converted into cash) by current liabilities
Cash + Net Receivables + Marketable Securites
Current Liabilities
What is the test for Impairment of Goodwill?
Is Fair Value of the Reporting Unit less than the Carrying Amount?
Carrying Amount - FV = impairment loss
Loss is reported on the income statement
For liabilities, the transaction or event causing the obligation must have….
Receiving prepaid insurance triggers Unearned Revenue which is a Liability
Stated rate of Interest on a Bond is less than the effective rate on a Bond….
Bond is selling at a discount.
Interest Expense is greater than the cash pashment to bond holders
Stated rate of a Bond is greater than the effective rate this bond….
will have to sell at a premium
An interest expense that is less than the cash payment made to bondholders
Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries
Dr. Estimated Revenues 30,000
Cr. ***Estimated Other Financing Uses 90,000
Cr. Appriopriations 27,000
Cr. Budgetary Fund Balance 2,100,000
*** Estimated Other Financing Uses could be a estimated transfer to a debt service fund
What effect does a stock dividend on Total Stock Holder’s Equity?
Retained Earnings 300,000
Common Stock 10,000
Paid in Capital 290,000
Comprehensive Income applies to which of the following entities?
Enterprises that develop a full set of financial statements which report cash flows, results of operations, and financial position
In personal financial statements, how should estimated income taxes on the excess of the stimate dcurrent values of assets over their tax abses be reported in the stmt of financial condition?
Between Liabilities and Net worth in the statement of financial condition.
How are gains reported for involuntary conversions?
On the Income Statement in the year of the gain
But for tax purposes the gain is NOT recognized in the year of the game a temp. difference is created
This results in a Deferred Tax Liability
What rate is used to calculated quarterly interm Income Tax?
The effective annual income tax rate
Loss contingenciues that are imminent…like an expropriation of assets…should be accrued or disclosed?
Both accrued and disclosed
Imminent means probable and loss contingencies that are probable are both accrued and disclosed
Foreign Currency Exchange transacations should be included in….
As a Component of Income from Continuing Ops
How is total compensation expense calculated?
of Option Shares
X Value of Each Option (Black Sholes)
= Compensation Expense
Than allocate expense over period intended to compensate
5 Equal Deposits in a fund taht will earn interest should be calculated with what type of FV factor?
Future amount of annuity in advance of $1
because the last payment is made one year prior to the date the future amount is needed
Does US GAAP or IFRS mandate interm reporting?
IFRS does NOT mandate interim reporting
GAAP does provide minimum guidelines for reporting
However, when interim reports are required, four financial statements are required: the statement of financial position, the statement of comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity, and the statement of cash flows. For consistency purposes, the entity must use the same accounting policies as used in year-end financial statements.
During a business acquisition, how much does the Net Assets increase of the Investor?
The Net Assets of the Investor increase by the total fair value of the purchase.
Company A issues 100,000 of stock for Company B with Net Assets worth 60,000
Company A’s Net Assets increase $100,000
Finder Fees are expensed in the period
How are loan origination fees reported?
Loan origination costs are added to the principal by the lender.
Therefore they are deferred and recognized over the life of the loan as an adjustment of yield.
Percentage Depletion for Tax and Depletion Expense for the Books creates what kind of Tax Difference?
Permanent Tax difference, no need for DTL
How do GAAP and IFRS report Nontrolling Interests?
GAAP reports Nontrolling Interest at Fair Value
IFRS reports Noncontrolling Interest at either Fair Value or the proportionate share of the value of identifiable net assets of the acquiree.
Convertible Bond Journal Entries
Book Value Method (No gain or Loss)
300,000 Bonds, each 1,000 bond into 10 sh/ at 50 Par
Converted into Common Stock at FMV of $75/sh
Unamortized Premium on Bonds Payable= 6,000
Dr. Bonds Payable 300,000
Dr. Premium on BP 6,000
Cr. Common Stock 150,000
Cr. APIC, plug 156,000
If there was a discount…
Dr. Bonds Payable 300,000
Cr.. Discount on BP 6,000
Cr. Common Stock 150,000
Cr. APIC, plug 144,000
If a long term note payable is in violation of its agreement, is it a current or long term liability?
Current liabilities also include long-term obligations that are or will be callable by the creditor because the debtor has violated a covenant in the debt agreement.
The entire loan, not just the current portion would become a current liability
Life insurance expense is = to….
The amount charged ot expense is the amount of such premiums paid less the increase in cash surrender value during the period.
Insurance Premium, 5,000
Cash Surrender Value increased from 22,000 to 25,000
Dr. Insurance Expense 2,000
Cr. Cash 2,000
How are deductions for Capital Expenditures treated under Cash Basis Accounting?
No current deduction for capital expenditures
The expense for capital expenditures will be recognized in the form of depreciation, amortization or depletion.
A non for profit issued long term tax exempt bonds for the hospital’s benefit. The hospital is responsilble for the liability.
Which fund should the hospital use to account for the Liability?
- Unless specifically designated for a defined purpose, hospital debt is used for the general benefit of the entity and is secured with a pledge of collateral (such as a building or major equipment) that would have the item classified as a general fund obligation rather than a specific-purpose obligation.
- Debt for an enterprise fund can only be classified in such a fund if the debt incurred for that enterprise activity is secured solely by the revenues of that fund
Total net assets is comprised of:
Three Categories
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
What do Support Services consist of for NFP Entities?
Support services consist of fundraising expenses, management and general expenses, and membership development expense
How shall the lessor account for the Gross Investemnt in a Direct Financing Lease initially?
The Sum of:
The minimum lease payments
The unguaranteed residual value accruing to the benefit of the lessor
When is Revenue from Derived Taxes (sales taxes, etc) recogonized?
Revenues from derived tax revenues are recognized in the period when the underlying exchange has occured (in the period the taxed sales transaction took place).
Financial Statements prepared under which of the following methods include adjustments for both specific price changes and general price level changes?
Current cost/constant dollar
Which method of Business Combination creates a Third Entity?
Statutory consolidation refers to the merging of two enterprises into a newly established enterprise.
A development stage enterprise should use the same GAAP that apply to established operating expense for:
Revenue Recgonition and Deferral of Expenses
Liabilities for Foreign Exchange Transacations occur when:
The liability occurs when the sale occurs or TITLE changes…
Not when the order is placed
Direct costs of business combination, other than registration and issuance costs of equity securities, should be:
deducted in determining the net income of the combined corporation for the period in which the costs were incurred
Stock registration and issuance costs are netted against proceeds as a debit to APIC
An entity should recognize the fiar value of an Asset Retirement Obligation in the Period:
In which the obligation is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made
Fair Value Through Profit and Loss
Remeasured to fair value each reporting period
PROFIT or LOSS is recognized in income for the period
What qualifies a measure as being fit to be included in Segement Reporting?
Is the measure reported to the Chief Operating Decision Maker
Unrealized Gains which are permanently restricted as to use by donors by a Private NFP Hospital…
Are reported on teh Stmt of Changes in Net Assets
If unrestricted…they are reported on Stmt of Operations
An entity should recognize the fair value of an asset retirement obligation in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made
Record the Initial Liability of the ARO.
Dr. Carrying Value of Asset 1000
Cr. Asset Retirement Obligation 1000
Exceptions of Non Monetary Exchanges
When one of these exceptions is met, do not record a gain and use the book value and not the fair value
- Fv is not determinable
- Exchange transacation is to faciliatte sales for customers
- Exchange lacks commercial substance
WHen an officer dies, in which a life insurance policy was present, what gain or loss is recorded?
At the time of death of an insured officer or employee, a gain would be recognized equal to the excess of the face amount of the policy over the cash surrender value at the time, as presented:
Extroadinary Items and Special Items under GASB
Extrordinary Items are Unusual and Infrequent
Special items are unusual and infrequent, and also the result of Management decisions and under their control
Company has a van destoryed. Vans carryinga mount was 2500, Installed a newe engine for 700 and pays 500 for repairs.
Received 3500 in insurance payments, what gain or loss?
New Engine gets capitalized to the Cost of the van.
2500+700= 3200
Repairs are expensed
3500 Insurance Proceeds MINUS Adj Carrying Value 3200
300 gain
How is a contigency Loss Recorded?
Be accrued by debiting an expense account and crediting a liability account or an asset account
Contigencies and Provisions
Under IFRS if an item is more likely than not (51%) to be a loss, a Provision for the loss is reported in the balance sheet and a loss on the income statement
GAAP a contigency liability is credited and an expense account is debited
Capital expenditures
Not normal recurring exenses, they benefit operations of more than one period
Cash receipts from grants and subsidies