NFP Flashcards
How many financial stmts the NFP org need to prepare?
What are they?
What volunteering Heath and wealth org need to prepare additionally
- Three
- Financial stmt is financial position (BS)
Financial stmt of activities (IS)
Financial stmt of CF
- For VHW org: stmt of functional expense
What is included in financials of financial position?
Assets = same as normal FS. (Including restricted for investment) Liability = same as normal FS (including grant payable, refundable advances, annuity obligation)
Other parts of the asset and liabilities the same as the for profit BS.
Net assets ( donor restricted ONLY) 1) Unrestricted net asset -available to use (include the amount set by board)
2) Temp Restricted (purpose and time imposed) - donated by outside party and restricted to specific purpose ( interest from endowment)
3) Permanently restricted- donated by outside party principle is restricted, interest earnings might be restricted or unrestricted
Categories of NFP
How many and what are they?
What accounting method it is using?
These categories follow FASB
- Hospital and other health care entity (including for profit and not for profit), Exception: public (gov’t run) health care (GASB)
- College and university edu orgs (including private)
Exception: community college and state run (GASB) - VHWOs - promote research and edu in social and health related issues that might offer free of low cost service, receive find from donation or grant.
- Other NFP (museum, unions, environmental action groups, churches)
Fully accrual accounting measures economic resource measurement focus.
NFP financial stmt of financial activities items
How many sections and what are they?
Changes in unrestricted assets
1) revenues and Gains (all unrestricted)
2) net assets released from restriction
3) expense and losses ( all unrestricted)
4) chances in net assets (=change in temp and perm)
Increase or decrease in net assets (=increase in unrestricted net assets +/- increase / decrease in temp NA +-increase /decrease of perm NA )
NA at beg
NA at end
Beg balance of net assets
How many categories NFP expense can be grouped?
Programming expense
Expand spend to further the org’s mission (such as research, outreach, clinical care, edu)
Supporting expense
1) Mgmt and general -admin expense
2) fund raising - adv. and promotion and mailing all fund raising activities)
CPA question: what expense belong to what category**
Net assets released from restriction, what kind of restrictions are there and what is the CPA Q in this area?
- Satisfying program restriction - resource spent on intended purpose ( always recognize an expense)
- Assets acquisition restriction - resource spent for intended assets acquisitions purpose (always increase assets)
- Time restriction - time and event for the restriction had occurred
CPA Q to consider: effect on expense and assets account (restricted or unrestricted )
Stmt of CF for NFP
What method to use?
Identical to for-profit
- Cf from operating activities (all unrestricted revenues and expenses for operating, or revenue restricts for program restriction, including grants to other org)
Ie ( contribution receivable, refundable advances, grants payable, contribution restricted for LT invmt, net realized and unrealized gain/loss on LT invest and other normal items)
- Cf from investing activities
Same as normal cf - Cf from financing activities
1) **contribution and investment restricted for long term purpose (acquisition of capital assets,endowment)
Ie (payment of …, investment and dividend restricted for investment …)
2) other financing activities including debt proceeds,repayment, lease payment, debt financing)
When is Stmt of functional expense used?
What are included?
CPA Q: functional expense stmt is only required by VHWOs, but this recommended for all NFP org.
Include categories of program service and supporting service on top horizontally
All expense items vertically in the left side of the stmt record
Total expense before deprecation
+ depreciation expense
= total expense
- expense directly deducted from revenue
= total expense report by function (horizontal items)
Issues: What is inexhaustible assets? How to record it?
Like art works, culture treasures, historical documents and property
All subject to special rule,
They care categorized as collections or Collectibles
Criterions need to meet as Collection: 1) held for public view, 2) protected and preserved 3) if sold, the proceeds has to use for acquire other collectibles **
Not capitalized when this type of assets are donated, no record of the transaction,
But if sold, no need to report on face of FS, but do need to disclose it! **
Issues: How is NFP counts its investments, where to record the investment G/L?
NFP investment is treated as the same as for profit business, all record at FV.
The chances of investment is recognized in stmt is activities as unrealized G/L during the period.
Differences: NFP not break down debt securities into those common categories and NFP always record debt securities at FV! **
What is regular endowment?
What are other endowments?
Regular endowment is the permanent endowment that has earnings that can be non- expendable or expendable restricted.
The other types can be
1. quasi-endowment - amount set aside by board rather than outside party, principle must be retained, can only spend the earnings from the endowment. **
- Term endowment - gifts and bequests that has to be invested or retained until certain event happen,classified as temp restricted asset.
- Board designated fund- dubs can be spent for specific purpose and the principle can be spent. Classified as unrestricted net assets that he designated for …**
CPA Q: be careful on the distinguish meant of number one and three.
Jeep to report endowment earnings?
Report as endowment income or investment income on the ACCRUAL basis: can be report as these three categories:
1) if no restriction, report as unrestricted
2) if have to spent on special purpose, temp restricted
3) If income can’t be spent, report as permanent restricted NA
Donations and pledges and contribution
How to recognize contribution?
And what are the revenue classifications?
All unconditional contributions are recognized as contribution revenue, no matter it is cash or not.
Conditional contribution if the condition has met, recognized as revenue, if not, as contribution receivable. Classified as temp restricted.
1. Unrestricted: resources are available for any purpose and at any time.
- Temp restriction: can be spent in the current period, but have to meet some condition or event happens (program restricted, or capital restriction, or time restriction)
- Permanently restricted ( must be made by external party): resource is not allowed to spend and classified as endowments
What is the revenue restricted by board of directors (internal restriction), is it classified as temp or unrestricted?
ALWAY unrestricted! **
What is pledge?
How to record conditional and unconditional pledges and pleaded over multiple periods?
Pledge is the promise to contribute