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What are the themes?
Time, opportunities
What device is used in the title?
The extended metaphor paired with caesura shows the impatience of society and its desire for more opportunities.
What device is used in ‘we/Pick up bad habits of expectancy’?
The enjambment adds emphasis, gets us to stop and think, is it hopeful and promising? The future is vague and not precise, understanding of said imagined future.
What can be inferred through ‘Something is always approaching’?
Shows desire to consume options when they are but they are not taken.
What device is used ‘Till then (italics) we say’?
Italics show the voice of society, ‘we’ aligns himself with society, critiquing but also accepting he’s a part of it (conforms)
What device is used in ‘Sparkling armada of promises draw near’?
Oxymoron- invasive. Honour/glory, hyperbolic metaphor emphasises the glorification of new, attractive/enticing opportunities. Link your 1950s consumerist culture, increase in afford/avail