newspapers Flashcards
actions of the day
Acta Diurna
newspaper of rome
acta diurna
one-page news sheets about specific events
true forerunners of our daily newspaper
by the 1660s the word _____ entered the english language
the official voice of the crown
Oxford Gazette
oxford gazette founded in 1665 and later renamed to?
London Gazette
boston bookseller/printer (and coffeehouse owner) printed his own broadside
Benjamin Harris
what broadside did benjamin franklin print which lasted only one day
publick occurences both foreign and domestick
what survived until the revolution
1704 boston news-letter
boston postmaster
john campbell
how did boston news-letter survive
because of government subsidies
the only one publishing without authority
james franklin’s new-england courant
franklin was jailed for?
printing “scandalous libels”
benjamin published america’s first political cartoon in his pennsylvania gazette in 1754
join or die
benjamin franklinin 1729 revived and renamed the
pennsylvania gazette
under the new constitution in 1970, the first amendments to the constitution is called
the bill of rights
congress passed a group of four laws known collectively as
the alien and sedition acts
this made illegal writing, publishing, or printing “any false scandalous and malicious writing” about the president, congress, or federal government
the sedition acts
first penny papers
benjamin day’s new york sun
motto of the new york sun
the sun shines for all
owned by james gordon bennet
new york morning herald
an important penny paper by horace greely
new york tribune
first african american newspaper
freedom’s journal
who published freedom’s journal
john b. russwurm and reverend samuel cornish
most influential african american newspaper after the civil war
chicago defender
the defender earned a circulation of more than
abbot declared what in may 15, 1917
the great northern drive
native americans found early voice in papers such as
cherokee phoenix in 1828 & cherokee rose bud
in 1883 hungarian immigrant joseph pulitzer bought the troubled
new york world
a study in excess- sensational sex, crime, and disaster news; giant headlines; heavy use of illustrations; reliance on cartoons and color
yellow journalism
where did yellow journalism draw its name from
yellow kid, a popular cartoon character
what did many yellow paper used as a call to war with spain, hoping that war coverage would build circulation
the sinking of maine
how many newspapers were there in 1910
2,600 daily papers in the united states
what did the american society of newspaper editors issue in 1923
canons of journalism and statement of principles
in one year, how many newspapers went out of business
105 newspapers
how many newspapers are operating in the us today
what percentage of dailies are operating today
what percentage of weeklies and semiweeklies are operating today
weeklies (77%), semiweeklies (8%)
readers who did not originally purchase the paper
pass-along readership
what are the types of newspapers
- national daily newspapers
- large metropolitan dailies
- suburban and small-town dailies
- weeklies and semiweeklies
- the ethnic press
- the alternative press
a special large metropolitan daily
new york times
the 12th largest paper in the country
long island’s newsday
how many us cities are served by at least one spanish-language publication
130 us cities
america’s first alternative weekly
the village voice
newspapers remain a powerful ad medium because they are the most ________
local mass medium
trends and convergence in newspaper publishing
- loss of competition
- hypercommercialism
- convergence
- evolution of newspaper readership