Newspaper Industry Flashcards
Three prominent facts abut newspapers
Declining number of newspapers:
- Chains or Networks
- Cross Media Ownership
- Joint Operating Agreements
- Conglomerates
Fact Three: High Start-Up Costs
$100 million
Four reasons for declining numbers of newspapers
- Losing ad income to internet
- Losing info and visual supremacy to internet
- No of readers 18-30 are declining
- Lack of business model for a digital age
Media dinosaur thesis? Refutements and affirmations:
Change- saves newspapers
Nostalgia factor
Digitized newspapers
Verification of materials
Declining readership
Social media as competition
Start-up costs are high
High cost of papers
Advertisers are going to the internet
People’s attention span
Hard to recruit journalists
Features of the Partisan Press Era (1630-1830)
The Partisan Press Era
A. Advocacy Journalism
B. No separation of news and
editorial comments
D. Dense prose on political and
economic topics
2 important legal/political cases:
John Peter Zenger Case: 1735: concept of seditious libel
Allen and Sedition Act- 1798
Question of prior restraint- could newspapers be stopped from publishing something ahead of time
1971 Pentagon papers case
Features of Penny Press Era (1831-1880)
- Newspapers went from 6¢ to 1¢ (became cheaper)
- Improved technology—cylinder printing press
- Shifted the cost of producing a paper to the
3 editors that dominated this era:
Benjamin Day- New York Sun
Hired newspaper boys to sell the paper
Reported on crime and gossip
Reported on “news” rather than analysis of ideas
James Gordon Bennett: New York Herald
Developed beat system (location that reporters return to e.g. wall street beat)
Developed financial pages of newspaper and sports reporting, Sunday edition
First to develop separate editorial page from news coverage
Built up a component staff
Significance of penny press era:
Invented concept of news- key development
- Facts, interviews, concentration on ordinary people, formula: accurate, timely, complete
Features of Era of Yellow Journalism (181-1913)
Five characteristics:
1. Mass appeal
2. Inflammatory headlines
3. Emphasis on human interest and entertainment stories
4. Feature materials- e.g. Sunday supplements
5. Comic strips
2 editors that dominated the era:
Pulizer and Hearst
Good side: exposed graft and corruption
Bad side of the era: sensationalized news for its own sake- stunts and glorified accounts hut credibility
3 characteristics of objective journalism?
- Impartial news gathering
- Separation of editorial and news
commentary - Belief that every story has two sides
NY times features?
- Adolph Ochs purchased it 1896 on the verge of
bankruptcy - Shunned popular features and comic strips
- Sunday magazine with topics of significance
- Full speeches and document
- World War I was a turning point
Features of New Journalism? 1966-2000
- Rebellion against the standards of objective
journalism - Fictionalized writing
- Battle between OJ vs. NJ
Points about the digital era (2000-present) Newspaper industry
1.Declining newspaper reading
2. Among 18-24 year old, only 27% read a newspaper
4. Digital connectivity will expand- 8 days a week
5. Concern for the monetization of newspapers:
6. Online distribution will become more sophisticated, will dev paywalls
7. News aggregation will mature
8. Blogs will continue to expand
9. Citizen journalism will expand- mainstream newspapers will rely on average citizen to spot the news via a format like Twitters
10. Reporters will provide analysis + perspective
11. Technological innovations
-Embedded videos in emails
-Enhanced portability
-Disappearance of time barriers
12. News orgs will adjust goals and methods:
- mainstream orgs will become aggregators and verifiers, validation of info becomes critical
Policy issues related to newspapers?
- Sensationalism—scare headlines; Tabloids
- News Hole—hard vs. soft news
- Substitutes and Alternatives—podcast; audio
support group
3 points from “The Dark Continent of American Journalism” article
- Journalism is the first draft of
history. It explains the
who, what, where, when, how. - Journalists don’t do a good job on
the “why” and the “how.” We leave that to the
historians, sociologists, and political scientist. e.g. Diane Vaughn spent nine (9) years studying the Challenger
Disaster—interviewing people for her theory—The
Normalization of Deviance. - Ritualistic view of communication:
Journalism’s most
important function is the representation and celebration of shared understanding, values, belief
Transmission view: the under transmits info for a certain distance through a communciation channel to a receiver
Carey’s view on communication: 3 takeaways
A symbolic process where
reality is produced, maintained, and repaired.
Heart of social
Communciation breakdowns occur when
conversation is misinterpreted
5 issues to confront in journalism:
Communication is a symbolic process where
reality is produced, maintained, and repaired.
Communication is at the heart of social
Communication breakdowns occur when
conversation is misinterpreted