Newspaper Front Page Features/Conventions Flashcards
The name of the paper, which can signify the paper’s ethos and values.
Examples of Mastheads and their meanings
Daily Mirror - suggests it is giving a true reflection of what is happening.
Independent - suggests forward thinking and a lack of bias.
Examples of Masthead typographies and their meanings
Daily Telegraph - maintained its traditional font style, has connotations of history and longevity.
The Guardian - rebranded, changed its font style to give a more modern feel to the paper.
Usually runs across the top of the front pages and advertises what else is in the newspaper. Often focuses on lighter aspects of the news. (Quality newspapers will focus on the arts)
Aim of the plug
To broaden the target audience
Offer a distraction from more serious stories
Will be in a larger font than the rest of the front page story
Aim of the headline
To attract an audience
Features of a tabloid/quality newspaper headline
Tabloid - Dramatic, alliteration, hyperbole, colloquialisms and puns to target the audience.
Quality newspapers - More informative because they are attracting readers who want more serious, detailed news
Usually either above or below the main headline - provides more information or anchors the meaning of the central image.
Short headlines which break up the main text to make it easier to read. (Appear throughout but are mainly evident in popular, tabloid papers where they tend to be dramatic)
Jump Line
Follows the teaser headline on the front page, encourages the reader to buy the paper in order to read on
Central image
Popular/tabloid - essential in selling the paper, often a celebrity or dramatic image of an event.
Block of text that introduces the story, normally in a style different from the body text and headline.
Pull quote
Quote from the story that is enlarged and appears within the text
A picture story that can exist on its own or on a front page, leading to a story inside. Usually used by broadsheets who want an attractive image on their front cover along with the news copy.
A prominent or sensational news story, which is often the front page lead.