Newscape Deck 1 Flashcards
: a lottery in which the prize is won by one of numerous persons buying chances
: large enough to be walked intoof a place : able to be visited without an appointmentof a person : visiting a place without an appointment
intramural -ˈmyu̇r-əl\
: existing or occurring within a particular group or organization (such as a school)
computing devices
laptop, tablet, smartphone…
increment \ˈiŋ-krə-mənt, ˈin-\
: a usually small amount or degree by which something is made larger or greater
: a set of methods, rules, or ideas that are important in a science or art : a particular procedure or set of procedures
document(v.) \ˈdä-kyə-ˌment\
: to create a record of (something) through writing, film, photography, etc.: to prove (something) by using usually written evidence
: a flat case for carrying documents or drawings: a set of drawings, paintings, or photographs that are presented together in a folderfinance : the investments that are owned by a person or organization
miscellaneous \ˌmi-sə-ˈlā-nē-əs, -nyəs\
: including many things of different kinds
: an error in the way a law, rule, or contract is written that makes it possible for some people to legally avoid obeying it
recluse \ˈre-ˌklüs, ri-ˈklüs, ˈre-ˌklüz\
adj.: marked by withdrawal from society : solitaryn.: a person who lives alone and avoids other people
bollocks \ˈbä-ləks\
: foolish or untrue words or ideas
: a soldier who is paid by a foreign country to fight in its army : a soldier who will fight for any group or country that hires him
: a person who is in charge of one of the parts of a university (such as a college or school): a person whose job is to give advice to the students in a college or high school and to make sure that they obey the school’s rules: a person who has more experience in or knowledge about a particular profession, subject, etc., than anyone or almost anyone
atrium \ˈā-trē-əm\
: an open area inside a tall building that has windows to let light in from above: one of two sections of the heart that take in blood from the veins
: drinks and small amounts of food: food and drink: the process of becoming rested and regaining strength or energy
alumnus \ə-ˈləm-nəs\plural alumni, female alumna
: a student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in order to get experience: a person who works in a hospital in order to complete training as a doctor
vending machine
: a machine that you put money into in order to buy food, drinks, cigarettes, etc.
: a jacket that is worn over a shirt and that looks like a suit jacket but is not part of a suit
: a thin layer of wood or other material that is attached to the surface of something in order to make it look better: a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation
: to break off a small piece from (something): to break or come off in small pieces: to break off (something) especially with a tool
: the quality of people who have too much pride in their own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc. : the quality of being vain: something (such as a belief or a way of behaving) which shows that you have too much pride in yourself, your social status, etc.: a bathroom cabinet that is covered by a sink and a countertop
: having permanent electronic circuits and connections
: something (such as a light, toilet, sink, etc.) that is attached to a house or building and that is not removed when the house or building is sold: a person or thing that has been part of something or involved in something for a long timesports : a game played at a particular time and place
: the part of the inside of a car, truck, etc., that is below the windshield and that has the controls on it
: a very warm jacket with a hood
: separate and different from each other
: combining the work of two or more people or groups of people: done by or involving two or more people: doing something together
relocate (ˌ)rē-ˈlō-ˌkāt, ˌrē-lō-ˈ\
: to move to a new place
: someone who is not accepted by other people
: a statement or series of statements for or against something: a discussion in which people express different opinions about something: an angry disagreement
trial and error
: a finding out of the best way to reach a desired result or a correct solution by trying out one or more ways or means and by noting and eliminating errors or causes of failure also : the trying of one thing or another until something succeeds
a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding
: relaxed and calm
: informal and easy to talk to: practical and sensible
: to pull something with a quick, forceful movement
: to gather together information from different sources in order to study it carefully: to arrange (sheets of paper) in the correct order
: full of courage or energy : very lively or determined
: having or showing a desire to do something good but often producing bad results
cod (pl. cod)
: a large fish that lives in the northern Atlantic Ocean and is often eaten as food
: a person who works in a professional medical or legal business: a person who regularly does an activity that requires skill or practice
composite \käm-ˈpä-zət, kəm-ˈ, especially British ˈkäm-pə-zit\
adj.: made of different parts or elementsn.: : something that is made up of different parts: a drawing of someone who is wanted by the police that is made using descriptions given by witnesses
intuitive \in-ˈtü-ə-tiv, -ˈtyü-\
: having the ability to know or understand things without any proof or evidence : having or characterized by intuition: based on or agreeing with what is known or understood without any proof or evidence : known or understood by intuition: agreeing with what seems naturally right
: ethnic quality or affiliation: a particular ethnic affiliation or group
: of or relating to races or large groups of people who have the same customs, religion, origin, etc.: associated with or belonging to a particular race or group of people who have a culture that is different from the main culture of a country
n. ethicadj. ethical
: rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad: an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior : a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong: a belief that something is very important
: controlling a situation by making things happen or by preparing for possible future problems
prescience \ˈpre-sh(ē-)ən(t)s, ˈprē-, -s(ē-)ən(t)s\
: the ability to know what will or might happen in the future
connectivity (ˌ)kä-ˌnek-ˈti-və-tē, kə-\
: the quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected especially : the ability to connect to or communicate with another computer or computer system
adj.: seeming to be something when compared with others: involving the act of looking at the ways that things are alike or differentgrammar : of or relating to the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular qualityn: the comparative form of an adjective or adverb : the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular quality
: a small usually premoistened piece of material used for personal cleansing (as of the hands)
: being in a funk : panicky: having an offensive odor : foul: having an earthy unsophisticated style and feeling especially : having the style and feeling of older black American music (as blues or gospel) or of funk: odd or quaint in appearance or feeling
: to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid
jump cut
: a sudden often jarring cut from one shot or scene to another without intervening devices (as fade-outs) broadly : an abrupt transition (as in a narrative)
: to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce
: to officially cancel the power or effect of (something, such as a law, license, agreement, etc.) : to make (something) not valid
: something (such as food, clothing, or money) that is given to someone who is poor: a document that is given to people
finance : an amount of a company’s profits that the company pays to people who own stock in the company: an advantage or benefit that you get because of something you have donemathematics : a number that is being divided by another number
v.: to make a soft, light sound because parts of something are touching or rubbing against each other: to cause (something) to make a soft, light sound: to steal (animals) from a farm or ranchn.: a quick series of soft, light sounds caused when things (such as leaves or pieces of paper) rub against each other
: a person or team that has defeated others to enter a competition: a game or contest that a person or team must win in order to enter a particular competitiongrammar : a word (such as an adjective or adverb) or phrase that describes another word or group of words
: a badge or sign which shows that a person is a member of a particular group or has a particular rank
figurine \ˌfi-g(y)ə-ˈrēn\
: a small figure or model of a person made of wood, plastic, etc.
v.: to produce a pattern, design, etc., by using a powerful liquid (called an acid) to cut the surface of metal or glassn.: the action or effect of etching a surface: a chemical agent used in etching
emissary \ˈe-mə-ˌser-ē, -ˌse-rē\
: a person who is sent on a mission to represent another person or organization
spiral \ˈspī-rəl\
adj.: winding or circling around a central point and usually getting closer to or farther away from it : shaped or moving like a spiraln.: a circular curving line that goes around a central point while getting closer to or farther away from it: a situation in which something continuously increases, decreases, or gets worseAmerican football : a kick or throw in which the ball spins while moving through the airv.: to move in a circle around a central point while getting closer to or farther away from it : to move in a spiral: to greatly increase, decrease, or get worse in a continuous and usually fast and uncontrolled way
: a model or pattern for something that may be copied: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about
: of any kind or amount at all
weasel word
: a word used in order to avoid being clear or direct
: to show, prove, or state that something is true or real
v.: to summon into court to warrant or defend a title: assert, affirm: attestn.: allegation, declaration
n.: an act of vouching: a piece of supporting evidence : proof: a documentary record of a business transaction: one that guarantees : suretyv.: to establish the authenticity of: to prepare a voucher for
dismal \ˈdiz-məl\
: showing or causing unhappiness or sad feelings : not warm, cheerful, etc.: very bad or poor
: to think of (something that you believe might exist or happen in the future) : to picture (something) in your mind
: to cut off the head of (a person or animal)
: something that is bought and sold: something or someone that is useful or valued
v.: to make a dent in (something): to decrease (something) : to make (something) weakern.: a depression or hollow made by a blow or by pressure: an appreciable impression or effect often made against resistance specifically : a weakening or lessening effect: toothabbr.: dental; dentist; dentistry
: put off, delay: to postpone induction of (a person) into military service: to delegate to another: to submit to another’s wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect
:an opportunity or choice to use or do something in order to deal with a problem or situation
:commit: to cause (oneself) to go
n.: a formal military gathering to examine or test soldiersv.: to work hard to find or get (courage, support, etc.): to gather together (a group of people, soldiers, etc.) especially for battle or war
n.: a very small sculpture, portrait, or paintingadj.: very small
realm \ˈrelm\
: an area of activity, interest, or knowledge: a country that is ruled by a king or queen
orchestrate \ˈȯr-kə-ˌstrāt\
: to write or change (a piece of music) so that it can be played by an orchestra: to organize or plan (something that is complicated)
conspiracy \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
: a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal: the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal
: a toy: a person or thing that you treat in a careless way and use for your own amusement or advantage
insipid \in-ˈsi-pəd\
: not interesting or exciting : dull or boring: lacking strong flavor
dominion \də-ˈmi-nyən\
: the power to rule : control of a country, region, etc.: the land that a ruler or government controls: a country that was part of the British Empire but had its own government
twitch \ˈtwich\
: to make a slight, sudden movement that is not controlled or deliberate: to move or pull (something) with a sudden motion
: an action, behavior, or condition that is different from what is usual or expected: the difference between the average of a group of numbers and a particular number in that group
disparate \ˈdis-p(ə-)rət, di-ˈsper-ət, -ˈspa-rət\
: different from each other
proprietor \prə-ˈprī-ə-tər\
: a person who owns a business or property
: according to the law: proper or appropriate
: to cause yourself to have or experience (something unpleasant or unwanted)
n.: a document issued by a government that gives rights to a person or group: a document which declares that a city, town, school, or corporation has been established: a document that describes the basic laws, principles, etc., of a groupv.: to give a charter to (a government, corporation, etc.): to hire (a ship, bus, etc.) for temporary useadj.: hired for temporary use
: mental illness in which a person becomes very emotional or excited: extreme enthusiasm for something that is usually shared by many people
: not warm, friendly, cheerful, etc.: not hopeful or encouraging
salient \ˈsā-lyənt, -lē-ənt\
adj.: very important or noticeablen.: something (as a promontory) that projects outward or upward from its surroundings especially : an outwardly projecting part of a fortification, trench system, or line of defense
: a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about somethingbotany : the top part in the center of a flower which receives the pollen
n.: an inexpensive place for usually young travelers to stay overnight: a shelter for homeless peoplev.: to stay at hostels overnight in the course of traveling
v.: to divide (a document) so as to produce sections with irregular edges that can be matched for authentication: to draw up (as a deed) in two or more exactly corresponding copies: to notch the edge of : make jaggedn.: indenture: a certificate issued by the United States at the close of the American Revolution for the principal or interest on the public debt: an official requisition
: a document or a section of a document that is indented: a formal or official document usually executed in two or more copies: a contract binding one person to work for another for a given period of time: to bind (as an apprentice) by or as if by indentures
: filled with smoke: having a flavor, taste, or appearance of smoke: very attractive or sexy: having a low throaty quality
promiscuous \prə-ˈmis-kyə-wəs\
: having or involving many sexual partners: including or involving too many people or things : not limited in a careful or proper way
dally (with)
: to do something slowly or too slowly
: having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love
: to officially tell someone to use (a medicine, therapy, diet, etc.) as a remedy or treatment: to make (something) an official rule
: a story that is told or written
: not able to be stated or described in an exact way
: the number of times something happens or develops : the rate at which something occurs: the angle at which a ray (such as a ray of light) hits a surface
: a thin board that has a hole for the thumb at one end and that is used by a painter to mix colors while painting: the range of colors used by someone
: to increase in value or amount gradually as time passes : to grow or build up slowly: to come to or be given to someone
: to talk loudly and in a way that shows anger : to complain in a way that is unreasonable
v.: to stick out, up, or forwardn.: something that juts : projection
: completely and fully : with everything added together : when everything is added up: in a general way : when everything is considered
: lacking skill or ability: showing a lack of skill or ability : not done well
v.: to confer knighthood on: to call by a distinctive title, epithet, or nickname: to trim or remove the comb and wattles of: to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production: to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new sound track and especially dialogue in a different language: to make a new recording of (sound or videotape already recorded) also : to mix (recorded sound or videotape from different sources) into a single recordingn.: one who is inept or clumsy: pool, puddle: Jamaican music in which audio effects and spoken or chanted words are imposed on an instrumental reggae background
: good at doing something
: advancement in knowledge or skill : progress: the quality or state of being proficient
: the power to influence or control situations: a hit especially with the hand
embezzle \im-ˈbe-zəl, em-\n. embezzlement
: to steal money that you have been trusted with
invoice \ˈin-ˌvȯis\
an itemized list of goods shipped usually specifying the price and the terms of sale : bill
: something that is given for free
albeit \ȯl-ˈbē-ət, al-\
: even though
carsickn. carsickness
: feeling sick while riding in a car because of the movement of the vehicle
v.: to sit or lie in a relaxed way : to spend time resting or relaxingn.: a place for lounging: as : a room in a private home or public building for leisure activities : living room: lobby: a room in a private home or public building for leisure activities : living room also : lobby: a room in a usually public building or vehicle often combining lounging, smoking, and toilet facilities
: to place or set (something) firmly in something else
: the group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, art, etc.: the soldiers, ships, etc., that are at the front of a fighting force that is moving forward
: a place where things are made or repaired: a class or series of classes in which a small group of people learn the methods and skills used in doing something
mellifluous \me-ˈli-flə-wəs, mə-\n. mellifluousness
: having a smooth, flowing sound
v.: to walk through water: to move or proceed with difficulty: to become involved in a discussion, situation, activity, etc., in a forceful, direct, or careless wayn.: an act of wading
n.: a long, loose piece of clothing that is worn on top of other clothes to show that someone has a high rank or an important job: a loose piece of clothing that wraps around your body and that you wear before or after bathing, swimming, etc., or while resting at homev.: to clothe or cover with or as if with a robe: to put on a robe: dress
vice versa \ˌvī-si-ˈvər-sə, ˈvīs-ˈvər-\
adv.: —used to say that the opposite of a statement is also true
annuity \ə-ˈnü-ə-tē, -ˈnyü-\
: a fixed amount of money that is paid to someone each year: an insurance policy or an investment that pays someone a fixed amount of money each year
n.: the activity of making secret plans: a secret planv.: to make (someone) want to know more about something : to cause (someone) to become interested: to make secret plans
n.: a long, thin piece of cotton, wool, etc., that is thicker than thread and that is used for knitting and weaving: an exciting or interesting story ; especially : a story that is so surprising or unusual that it is difficult to believev.: to tell a yarn
inverse (ˌ)in-ˈvərs, ˈin-ˌ\
adj.—used to describe two things that are related in such a way that as one becomes larger the other becomes smaller: opposite in nature or effectn.: something that is the opposite of something else
: to have (someone) officially begin a new job, position, or government office: to officially make (someone) a member of a group or organization: to enroll (someone) for military training or service
n.: a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for othersv.: to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone : to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.): to choose (someone) to do something
curtail (ˌ)kər-ˈtāl\
: to reduce or limit (something)
v.of the moon : to appear to become thinner or less full: to become smaller or less : to decrease in size, amount, length, or qualityn.: the act or process of waning: a period or time of waning specifically : the period from the full moon to the new moon: a defect in lumber characterized by bark or a lack of wood at a corner or edge
: to gradually become smaller
n.: a piece of music played at the start of an opera, a musical play, etc.: something that is offered or suggested with the hope that it will start a relationship, lead to an agreement, etc.: the first part of an event : the beginning of somethingv.: to put forward as an overture: to make or present an overture to
: to force (someone) to leave a country as punishment: to send (someone or something) away: to cause (something) to go away : to get rid of (something)
: a style of cooking: food that is cooked in a particular way
: the way a child is raised : the care and teaching given to a child by parents or other people
immobile (ˌ)i(m)-ˈmō-bəl, -ˌbī(-ə)l also -ˌbēl\
: unable to move: not moving
: the hard outer surface of bread: the outside part of a pie: the bread that is used to make a pizza
craton \ˈkrā-ˌtän, ˈkra-\
: a stable relatively immobile area of the earth’s crust that forms the nuclear mass of a continent or the central basin of an ocean
v.: understandn.: practical understanding or knowledge of somethingadj.: having practical understanding or knowledge of something
conduit \ˈkän-ˌdü-ət, -ˌdyü- also -dwət, -dət\
: a pipe or tube through which something (such as water or wire) passes: someone or something that is used as a way of sending something (such as information or money) from one place or person to another
v.: to cause (someone or something) to be in a specified condition: to give (something) to someonelaw : to officially report or declare (a legal judgment, such as a verdict)n.: a return especially in goods or services due from a feudal tenant to his lord
1 : of that or it2 : from that cause or particular : therefrom
: from that or it
: a specially built place in a room where a fire can be built
hearth \ˈhärth\
: the floor in front of or inside a fireplace
v.: to dip (food) quickly into a liquid (such as coffee or milk) while eating: to push (someone or something) under water or other liquid for a short amount of timebasketball : to jump high in the air and push (the ball) down through the basketn. basketball : a shot that is made by jumping high in the air and pushing the ball down through the basket
lubricate \ˈlü-brə-ˌkāt\
: to make (something) smooth or slippery : to apply a lubricant to (something, such as a machine or a part of a machine)
n.: rain that falls lightly in very small dropsv.: to rain in very small drops: to pour a small amount of liquid onto or over something
perturbation \ˌpər-tər-ˈbā-shən, ˌpər-ˌtər-\
: a change in the normal state or regular movement of something: the state of being worried or upset
oblateadj. \ä-ˈblāt, ˈä-ˌ\n. \ˈä-ˌblāt\
adj.: flattened or depressed at the polesn.: a layman living in a monastery under a modified rule and without vows: a member of one of several Roman Catholic communities of men or women
trampoline \ˌtram-pə-ˈlēn, ˈtram-pə-ˌ\
: a piece of equipment that has a sheet of strong cloth attached by springs to a metal frame and that is used for jumping up and down for exercise or as a sport
v.: to stick out in a rounded lump: to be completely filled with somethingn.: a rounded lump on the surface of something: a sudden increase
thesis \ˈthē-səs, British especially for 1 ˈthe-sis\
: a long piece of writing on a particular subject that is done to earn a degree at a university: a statement that someone wants to discuss or prove
optative \ˈäp-tə-tiv\
: of, relating to, or constituting a verbal mood that is expressive of wish or desire: of, relating to, or constituting a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope: expressing desire or wish
of an egg : boiled until all the inside parts have become solid: not feeling or showing emotions such as affection or kindness : emotionally tough: having a tough detective as the main character
film noir -ˈnwär\
: a movie about crime that uses dark shadows and lighting to show the complicated moral nature of the subject ; also : this style of film
: lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people: very careful about acting or speaking
n.: a failure to do what is required by a law an agreement or a duty : failure to act in a required or promised way: a break in friendly relations between people or groups: a hole or opening in something (such as a wall) made by breaking through itv.: to fail to do what is required by (something, such as a law or agreement) : to break or violate (something): to make a hole or opening in (something)
: a feeling of unity between people who have the same interests, goals, etc.
quadruple \kwä-ˈdrü-pəl, -ˈdrə-; ˈkwä-drə-\
v.: to become four times bigger in value or number: to cause (something) to become four times biggern.: a sum four times as great as anotheradj.: four times bigger in size or amount: having four parts or including four people or things
scale (n. 1.)
: either pan or tray of a balance: a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends: an instrument or machine for weighing
: covered with scales or flakes
: amusing and very strange
produce \ˈprä-(ˌ)düs, ˈprō- also -(ˌ)dyüs\ (n.)
: fresh fruits and vegetables
oblong \ˈä-ˌblȯŋ\
: longer in one direction than in the other direction: having four straight sides that meet at right angles and having two opposite sides that are short and two opposite sides that are long
music : a man’s singing voice that is higher than the voice of the bass and lower than the voice of the tenor ; also : a singer who has such a voice
: a system of marks, signs, figures, or characters that is used to represent information
cashierv. \ka-ˈshir, kə-\n. (ˌ)ka-ˈshir\
v.: to remove (a person) from a position for doing something wrongn.: a person whose job is to take in or give out money in a store, bank, etc.
rinse (blank, out, off, etc.) \ˈrin(t)s, especially dial ˈrench\
v.: to wash (something) with clean water and without soap: to wash (something) with a liquid other than clean water: to remove (something) from an object by washing the object with clean watern.: an act of washing something with a liquid and especially with clean water: liquid that is used for rinsing something: a dye that you put on your hair to change its color for a short time
: to give or provide (something): to prepare and give (medicine)
contour \ˈkän-ˌtu̇r\
n.: the outline or outer edge of somethingadj.: following contour lines or forming furrows or ridges along them: made to fit the contour of somethingv.: to shape the contour of: to shape so as to fit contours: to construct (as a road) in conformity to a contour
sundae \ˈsən-(ˌ)dā, -dē\
: a dessert of ice cream that is topped with a sweet sauce, nuts, whipped cream, etc.
origami \ˌȯr-ə-ˈgä-mē\
: the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes that look like birds, animals, etc.
symposium \sim-ˈpō-zē-əm also -zh(ē-)əm\
: a formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic: a collection of articles on a particular subject
sci-fi \ˈsī-ˈfī\
: of, relating to, or being science fiction
:nervous and confused
excursion \ik-ˈskər-zhən\
: a short trip especially for pleasure
: beginning to develop: beginning to become successful
springy \ˈspriŋ-ē\bouncy
: returning to an original shape when pressed down, twisted, stretched, etc.: having or showing lively and energetic movement
blurt (out)
: to say (something) suddenly and without thinking about how people will react
obscene \äb-ˈsēn, əb-\n. obscenity -ˈse-nə-tē also -ˈsē-\
: relating to sex in an indecent or offensive way: very offensive in usually a shocking way: so large an amount or size as to be very shocking or unfair
: the central and most active part or place: the airport or the city through which an airline sends most of its flights: the center of a wheel, propeller, fan, etc.
nonchalant \ˌnän-shə-ˈlänt; ˈnän-shə-ˌlänt, -lənt\
: relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried about anything
reimburse \ˌrē-əm-ˈbərs\
: to pay someone an amount of money equal to an amount that person has spent
delineate \di-ˈli-nē-ˌāt, dē-\
: to clearly show or describe (something)
: the state of being in full agreement: a way of combining the parts in a work of art or literature so that they seem to belong together
dissimilar (ˌ)di(s)-ˈsi-mə-lər, -ˈsim-lər\
: not the same : different or unalike
: a set of steps that are followed in order to solve a mathematical problem or to complete a computer process
jagged \ˈja-gəd\
: having a sharp, uneven edge or surface
n.: the form, design, or arrangement of something (such as a book, magazine, or television or radio program): the way in which information is stored on a computer diskv.: to arrange (something) in a particular format: to prepare (a computer disk) so that it can store information in a particular format
file 5
: a device (as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of which papers are kept in order: roll, list: a collection of papers or publications usually arranged or classified
v.: to make (something) less severe or extreme: to cause (something, such as steel or glass) to become hard or strong by heating it and cooling itn.: the tendency of someone to become angry: a state of being angry: calmness of mind
reset (ˌ)rē-ˈset\
: to move (something) back to an original place or position: to put (a broken bone) back in the correct position for healing: to put (a gem) into a new piece of jewelry
wiggle room
: the ability to make small changes in a plan, schedule, etc., if they are needed
: a tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly: a harsh or dangerous place or situation in which people struggle for survival or success: a confusing or complex mixture of things
complexion \kəm-ˈplek-shən\
: the color or appearance of the skin especially on the face: the general appearance or character of something
: a toilet that is attached to a wall especially in a public bathroom for men to urinate into
commode \kə-ˈmōd\
: a low piece of furniture with drawers or sometimes a door and shelves: a chair with a hole in the seat and a pot underneath that is used as a toilet
impromptu \im-ˈpräm(p)-(ˌ)tü, -(ˌ)tyü\
adj.: not prepared ahead of time : made or done without preparationn.: something that is impromptu: a musical composition suggesting improvisation
calendrical \kə-ˈlen-dri-kəl, ka-\
: of, relating to, characteristic of, or used in a calendar
omen \ˈō-mən\
: something that is believed to be a sign or warning of something that will happen in the future
deorderant \dē-ˈō-də-rənt\
: a substance that you put on your body and especially under your arms to prevent, remove, or hide unpleasant smells
: the art, process, or job of filming movies : motion-picture photography
ablution \ə-ˈblü-shən, a-\
: the act of washing yourself
codify \ˈkä-də-ˌfī, ˈkō-\
: to put (laws or rules) together as a code or system: to put (things) in an orderly form
conflate \kən-ˈflāt\
: to bring together : fuse: confuse: to combine (as two readings of a text) into a composite whole
indentation \ˌin-ˌden-ˈtā-shən\
: a space at the beginning of a written line or paragraph: the act of indenting a line or paragraph: a cut in or into the edge of something
of a sound : deep or rough : made in the back of the throat
interlude \ˈin-tər-ˌlüd\
: a period of time between events or activities: a brief romantic or sexual meeting or relationship: a short piece of music that is played between the parts of a longer one, a drama, or a religious service
zenith \ˈzē-nəth, Canada also & British usually ˈze-nəth, -nith\
: the strongest or most successful period of time: the highest point reached in the sky by the sun, moon, etc.
: to strengthen or support (something) from below
demarcate \di-ˈmär-ˌkāt, ˈdē-ˌ\n. demarcation \ˌdē-ˌmär-ˈkā-shən\ noun
: to show the limits or edges of (something)
seemingadv. seemingly
: appearing to be true but not being true or certain
: belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
proceeds \ˈprō-ˌsēdz\
: the total amount of money or profit that is made
v.: to strike with a quick light blow : rap: to move up and down in a short quick movement: to polish with a bob : buff: deceive, cheat: to take by fraud : filchn.: a short quick down-and-up motion: any of several folk dances: a blow or tap especially with the fist: bunch, cluster: nosegay: a knob, knot, twist, or curl especially of ribbons, yarn, or hair: to cut shorter : crop: to cut (hair) in the style of a bob: shilling (slang British): bobsled
disinclination (ˌ)dis-ˌin-klə-ˈnā-shən, -ˌsiŋ-\
: a feeling of not wanting to do something : a tendency to avoid a particular activity
: very thin usually because of illness or suffering: plain and unpleasant in appearance : desolate and gloomy
insolent \ˈin(t)-s(ə-)lənt\
: rude or impolite : having or showing a lack of respect for other people
v.: to hit your foot on something when you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall: to walk in an awkward way: to speak or act in an awkward wayn.: an act or instance of stumbling
detent \ˈdē-ˌtent, di-ˈ\
: a device (as a catch, dog, or spring-operated ball) for positioning and holding one mechanical part in relation to another in a manner such that the device can be released by force applied to one of the parts
actuate \ˈak-chə-ˌwāt, -shə-\
: to make (a machine or electrical device) move or operate: to cause someone to do something or to act in a certain way
filamentadj. filamentary/filamentous
: a thin thread or hair: a thin wire in a light bulb that glows when electricity passes through it
: a frame with bars across it that is used to cover an opening
scrap paper
sketch paper
: bunk bed: a built-in bed (as on a ship) that is often one of a tier of berths: a sleeping place: bunkum, nonsensev.: to occupy a bunk or bed : stay the night: to provide with a bunk or bed
: foolish or untrue words or ideas
dissolute \ˈdi-sə-ˌlüt, -lət\
—used to describe someone (such as a person who often gets drunk) whose way of living is considered morally wrong
v.: to tear, split, or open (something) quickly or violently: to become torn or split: to remove (something) quickly or violentlyn.: a body of water made rough by the meeting of opposing tides, currents, or winds: a current of water roughened by passing over an irregular bottom: rip current: a dissolute person : libertine: a rent made by ripping : tear: cut
rend(pt. pp. rent)
: to tear (something) into pieces with force or violence
wrestn. wrench
v.: to pull (something) away from someone by using violent twisting movements: to take (something) from someone with much effortn.: the action of wresting : wrench: a key or wrench used for turning pins in a stringed instrument (as a piano)
ricochet \ˈri-kə-ˌshā, British also -ˌshet\
n.: something (such as a bullet or stone) that ricochets off a surface: the action of ricocheting off a surfacev.: to bounce off a surface and continue moving in a different direction
: the hollow area on a person’s body beneath the place where the arm and the shoulder meet: the worst area in a place
: the area in a boat, airplane, etc., where the pilot or driver sits
comrade \ˈkäm-ˌrad, -rəd, especially British -ˌrād\
: a close friend you have worked with, been in the military with, etc.—used as a title for a member of a communist party
finance \fə-ˈnan(t)s, ˈfī-ˌ, fī-ˈ\
n.: the way in which money is used and handled ; especially : the way in which large amounts of money are used and handled by governments and companies: money available to a government, business, or person: matters relating to money and how it is spent or savedv.: to provide money for (something or someone): to buy (something) by borrowing money that will be paid back over a period of time
draw up
: to bring (as troops) into array: to prepare a draft or version of: to bring to a halt
v.: to put (something) into a liquid and pull it out again quickly: to move (something) into and out of something: to lift (liquid) out from a containern.: an act of dipping especially : a brief plunge into the water for sport or exercise: inclination downward: : pitch: pitch: a stupid or unsophisticated personabbr.: diploma
: not having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the world and about culture, art, literature, etc.: not highly developed or complex
: a piece of wood or metal that is placed between the legs of a chair for support: one of the pieces of wood or metal that is used as a step on a ladder: a position or level within a group, organization, etc., that is higher or lower than others
trough \ˈtrȯf, ˈtrȯth, by bakers often ˈtrō\
: a long, shallow container from which animals (such as cows, pigs, horses, etc.) eat or drink: a period in which there is little economic activity and prices are usually low: a long, low area between waves or hills
n.: a flat or curved piece of metal that is attached to the front of a vehicle and used for clearing snow from a road, driveway, etc. ; also : a vehicle (such as a truck) that has a snowplow attached: a position in skiing in which the front ends of the skis are moved together in order to stop, slow down, or turnv.: to move the front ends of your skis together in order to stop, slow down, or turn
electromagnetism \i-ˌlek-trō-ˈmag-nə-ˌti-zəm\
: a magnetic field that is produced by a current of electricity
: to form a circle around (someone or something) : to surround (someone or something)
: to dig or labor with or as if with a spade : to make a careful or detailed search for information : to examine a subject in detail
: the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way: an understanding of the true nature of something
sous \ˈsü: being an assistant
externship \ˈek-ˌstərn-ˌship\
: a training program that is part of a course of study of an educational institution and is taken in private business
: something transparent especially : a picture (as on film) viewed by light shining through it or by projection: the quality or state of being transparent
sonorous \sə-ˈnȯr-əs, ˈsä-nə-rəs\
: having a sound that is deep, loud, and pleasant
resonant \ˈre-zə-nənt, ˈrez-nənt\
: producing a loud, clear, deep sound: strongly affecting someone especially with a particular quality
: very large or impressive
ornate \ȯr-ˈnāt\
: covered with decorations : covered with fancy patterns and shapes: using many fancy words
adj.: resonant, sonorous: pompous: imposingn.: a measurement of the depth of water: something that is done to find out what people think about something
v.: to hold (someone or something) in your arms in order to show affection: to lie or sit close togethern.: a close embrace
v.: to twist from side to side with small quick movements like a worm: to move forward by twisting and turningn.: a short or quick writhing motion or contortion: a formation or marking of sinuous design
: to twist your body from side to side
: a race or contest in which the winner receives all the prize money
launder \ˈlȯn-dər, ˈlän-\
v.: to make (clothes, towels, sheets, etc.) ready for use by washing, drying, and ironing them: to put (money that you got by doing something illegal) into a business or bank account in order to hide where it really came fromn.: trough especially : a box conduit conveying particulate material suspended in water in ore dressing
indict \in-ˈdīt\
law : to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime
adj.: without anyone or anything else : not involving or including anyone or anything else: done by a person who is alone: separate from other people or thingsn.: one who lives or seeks to live a solitary life : recluse: solitary confinement in prison
v.: to look closely or inquisitively also : to make a nosy or presumptuous inquiry: to raise, move, or pull apart with a lever : prize: to extract, detach, or open with difficultyn.: a tool for prying: leverage
n.: permission given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of a sentence usually as a reward for behaving wellv.: to release (a prisoner) on parole
v.: to flow and spread suddenly and freely: to glow brightly: blushn.: a sudden flow (as of water) also : a rinsing or cleansing with or as if with a flush of water: a sudden increase or expansion especially : sudden and usually abundant new plant growth: a surge of emotion
: lacking resilience or firmness : flaccid: weak and ineffective : feeble
preclude \pri-ˈklüd\
: to make (something) impossible : to prevent (something) from happening: to prevent (someone) from doing something
: a possible future effect or result: something that is suggested without being said directly : something that is implied: the fact or state of being involved in or connected to something (such as a crime) : the fact or state of being implicated in something
: required to explain actions or decisions to someone: required to be responsible for something
: to provide room for (someone) : to provide a place to stay and sleep for (someone): to have room for (someone or something): to do something helpful for (someone) : to provide what is needed or wanted for (someone or something)
n.: a strap that is fastened to a device (called a bridle) placed on the head of an animal (such as a horse) and that is used to guide and control the animal: the ability to limit or control something: the power to guide or control someone or somethingv.: to control or direct with or as if with reins: to check or stop by or as if by a pull at the reins: to submit to the use of reins
: to find or calculate the quantity or amount of (something)
: to float in the air without moving in any direction: to stay very close to a person or place: to stay near a specified point or level
: a situation in which an employer tries to force workers to accept certain conditions by refusing to let them come to work until those conditions are accepted
: to get back (something that was lost or taken away): to make (land) available for use by changing its condition: to get (a usable material) from materials that have been used before
: a general explanation or description of something
: the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II: an event or situation in which many people are killed and many things are destroyed especially by fire
: having an appearance that attracts attention
v.: to sit or ride with a leg on either side of (something): to be on both sides of (something): to have parts that are in (different places, regions, etc.)n.: the act or position of one who straddles: a noncommittal or equivocal position: spread
adv.: with one leg on each side : astride a horse: with the legs stretched wide apartprep.: with one leg or part on each side of (something)
v.: to walk with very long stepsn.: a long step: the distance covered by a long step: a way of walking
: to go back over a course or path: to return to something that was mentioned before: to completely change what you think or say about something
v.: to raise and lower your shoulders usually to show that you do not know or care about somethingn.: an act of shrugging: a woman’s small waist-length or shorter jacket
smirk \ˈsmərk\
: to smile in an unpleasant way because you are pleased with yourself, glad about someone else’s trouble, etc.
: to raise (someone or something) to a higher level: to praise (someone or something) highly: to present (something) in a way that is very favorable or too favorable
: not expressing or willing to express appropriate criticism or disapproval : not critical
: unsteady or foolish from drinking : slightly drunk
: not used, spent, etc., in a good, useful, or effective way: very thin because of sickness or lack of food: very drunk or affected by drugs
gown \ˈgau̇n\
: a long, formal dress that a woman wears especially during a special event: a loose piece of clothing that covers most of the body: a loose piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes during an official event by a judge, a priest, a student, etc.
: something that is taught : lesson: something that is learned : knowledge gained through study or experience: the space between the eye and bill in a bird or the corresponding region in a reptile or fish
: not having or showing any interest in the rights, opinions, or feelings of other people
arbitrary \ˈär-bə-ˌtrer-ē, -ˌtre-rē\
: not planned or chosen for a particular reason : not based on reason or evidence: done without concern for what is fair or right
felicity \fi-ˈli-sə-tē\
: great happiness: something that is pleasing and well chosen: a talent for speaking or writing in a very effective way
: a warrior or soldier: someone who does not give up : someone who continues fighting or trying: a fast airplane that has weapons for destroying enemy aircraft (fighter aircraft, fighter plane)
: a military aircraft designed for dropping bombs: a person who takes a bomb to a place so that it will explode there : a person who bombs a place
: an unmanned aircraft flown by remote control and used especially for reconnaissance (UAV)
reconnaissance \ri-ˈkä-nə-zən(t)s, -sən(t)s\
: military activity in which soldiers, airplanes, etc., are sent to find out information about an enemy
: not overly angry or emotional (restrained): done or organized according to certain rules, instructions, or procedures—used to describe a drug that is illegal to have or use without permission from a doctor
: not continuous : having interruptions or gaps
: a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to attach things, tie things together, or hang things: a group of objects that are connected with a string, wire, chain, etc.: a series of similar things
: a person who argues for or supports something
: an enemy
adversary \ˈad-və(r)-ˌser-ē, -ˌse-rē\
n.: an enemy or opponentadj.: of, relating to, or involving an enemy or adversary: having or involving antagonistic parties or opposing interests
antagonism \an-ˈta-gə-ˌni-zəm\adj. antagonistic
: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : a desire to oppose something you dislike or disagree with
popularize \ˈpä-pyə-lə-ˌrīz\
: to cause (something) to be liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by many people : to make (something) popular: to make (something that is difficult or complicated) simpler and easier to understand for the average person
diarrhea \ˌdī-ə-ˈrē-ə\
medical : an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid rather than solid form
v.: to fish with a hook and line that you pull through the water: to search for or try to get (something): to search through (something)n.: a lure or a line with its lure and hook used in trolling
hatch (n.)
: a small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship): an opening in the deck of a ship or in the floor or roof of a building: the covering for such an opening: an act or instance of hatching: a brood of hatched young
superfluous \su̇-ˈpər-flü-əs\
: beyond what is needed : not necessary
meme \ˈmēm\
: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
: to trick or cheat someone or something in order to get money : to use fraud in order to get money from a person, an organization, etc.
: the place and conditions in which something happens or exists: the time, place, and conditions in which the action of a book, movie, etc., takes place: the rooms, painted backgrounds, furniture, etc., that are used for a scene in a movie or play
adv./adj.: away from home : away from here or there
: to pay close attention : listen
hark back
: to turn back to an earlier topic or circumstance: to go back to something as an origin or source
: to watch and direct (an activity, a group of workers, etc.) in order to be sure that a job is done correctly
n.: a short border along the edge of a street that is usually made of stone or concrete: something that controls or limits something elsev.: to control or limit (something)
n.: a long-handled tool that was used in the past for beating wheat so that the grain would become separated from the wheatv.: to move or swing your arms or legs in a wild and uncontrolled way: to strike or hit (something or someone) in a wild and uncontrolled way
adj.: accepted as true or correct by most people : supporting or believing what most people think is true: accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion: of or relating to the Orthodox Churchn.: one that is orthodox: a member of an Eastern Orthodox church
: the confinement of prisoners to their cells for all or most of the day as a temporary security measure
: to do (something that is illegal or wrong)
mannequin \ˈma-ni-kən\
: a figure shaped like a human body that is used for making or displaying clothes
grind \ˈgrīnd\
v.: to crush or break (something) into very small pieces by rubbing it against a rough surface or using a special machine: to cut (meat) into small pieces by putting it through a special machine: to make (something) sharp or smooth by rubbing it against a hard surfacen.: boring or difficult work: a person who works or studies too much—used to describe the size of the pieces of something that has been ground
coliseum \ˌkä-lə-ˈsē-əm\
: a large stadium or building for sports or entertainment
syllabusplural syllabi
: a list of the topics or books that will be studied in a course
tuberculosis \tu̇-ˌbər-kyə-ˈlō-səs, tyu̇-\
medical : a serious disease that mainly affects the lungs
: extreme mental or physical pain
agonize (over)
: to think or worry very much about something
: something that people use to express their emotions or talents: a receptacle for the plug of an electrical device: a store that sells products made usually by one company and often at reduced prices: a television, radio, or publishing company
trajectory \trə-ˈjek-t(ə-)rē\
: the curved path along which something (such as a rocket) moves through the air or through space
: almost or approximately
planetary \ˈpla-nə-ˌter-ē\
: of or relating to planets
n.: a small map or picture that is shown on or next to a larger map or picture in order to show more detail: a piece of something that is added to something larger often for decorationv.: to put (something) in something larger for decoration, to give information, etc.: to put something into (something) often for decoration
traversen. \ˈtra-vərs\v. \trə-ˈvərs also tra-ˈ or ˈtra-(ˌ)\
n.: something that crosses or lies across: obstacle, adversity: a formal denial of a matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleadingv.: to move across (an area)adj.: lying across : transverse
n.: the period of time during which a king, queen, emperor, etc., is ruler of a country: the period of time during which someone is in charge of a group or organization: the period of time during which someone or something is the best or the most important, powerful, etc.v.: to rule as a king, queen, emperor, etc.: to be the best or the most powerful or important person or thing—used to say that a quality exists to such a degree in a place or situation that it affects everything about that place or situation
accretion \ə-ˈkrē-shən\
: a gradual process in which layers of a material are formed as small amounts are added over time: something that has grown or accumulated slowly : a product or result of gradual growth
: a religious group: the value that a particular coin or bill has: an amount of money that something is worth
constituent \kən-ˈstich-wənt, -ənt\
n.: any one of the people who live and vote in an area : a member of a constituency: one of the parts that form somethingadj.: forming part of a whole
microscopic \ˌmī-krə-ˈskä-pik\
: able to be seen only through a microscope : extremely small: much smaller than what is usual, normal, or expected: done with a microscope
: something (such as a movement or a facial expression) that clearly shows the truth or existence of something that had not been known: something that is given away free: an event at which things are given away
n.: a long, deep cutv.: to make a long, deep cut in (something)adj.: knowing, witty: well-dressed : trim
tape measure
: a long, thin piece of plastic, cloth, or metal that is marked with units of length (such as inches or centimeters) and that is used for measuring things
n.: an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : aspersion: a shaming or degrading effect : stain, stigma: a blurred spot in printed matter : smudge: a curved line connecting notes to be sung to the same syllable or performed without a break: the combination of two or more slurred tones: a slurring manner of speechv.: to cast aspersions on : disparage: to make indistinct : obscure: to slip so as to cause a slur: to slide or slip over without due mention, consideration, or emphasis: to perform hurriedly : skimp: to perform (successive tones of different pitch) in a smooth or connected manner
v.: to make a dirty mark, spot, streak, etc., on (something): to become blurry and unclear by being touched or rubbed: to make (something) blurry or unclear by touching or rubbing itn.: a dirty mark, spot, streak, etc.
adj.: able to express ideas clearly and effectively in speech or writing: clearly expressed and easily understoodv.: to express (something, such as an idea) in words: to say or pronounce (something, such as a word) in a way that can be clearly heard and understood: to connect with a joint or something that is like a joint
v.: to say (a word or phrase) many times in a rhythmic way usually loudly and with other people: to sing words and especially religious prayers by using a small number of musical notes that are repeated many timesn.: a word or phrase that is repeated in a rhythmic way usually loudly and by a group of people: a kind of singing using a small number of musical notes that are repeated many times
v.: to make (beer, ale, etc.): to make (coffee, tea, etc.): to start to formn.: a drink (such as beer or ale) that is made by brewing: a cup of tea: a mixture of different things
n.: extreme suffering, grief, or painv.: to suffer anguish: to cause to suffer anguish
: something (such as a disease) that causes pain or suffering: the state of being affected by something that causes suffering
: to cause pain or suffering to (someone or something)
: not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often : not fresh or original
purportn. \ˈpər-ˌpȯrt\v. (ˌ)pər-ˈpȯrt\
n.: the main or general meaning of something (such as a speech or a person’s actions)v.: to claim to be or do a particular thing when this claim may not be true
: a large group of people or animals that move or act together
commonweal \ˈkä-mən-ˌwēl\
: the happiness, health, and safety of all of the people of a community or nation
: having nothing exciting, interesting, or unusual happening : not eventful
definitive \di-ˈfi-nə-tiv\
adj.: not able to be argued about or changed : final and settled: complete, accurate, and considered to be the best of its kindn.: a definitive postage stamp compare provisional
: something that attracts the attention of the public: attention that is given to someone or something by newspapers, magazines, television news programs, etc.: the activity or business of getting people to give attention to someone or something
dish out
: to give or dispense freely
nativity \nə-ˈti-və-tē, nā-\
: the process or circumstances of being born : birth especially capitalized : the birth of Jesus: a horoscope at or of the time of one’s birth: the place of origin
indebted \in-ˈde-təd\
: owing something (such as money or thanks) to someone or something : in debt
rip off
: rob also : cheat, defraud: steal: to copy or imitate blatantly or unscrupulously
: something that is too expensive : something that is not worth its price: something that is too much like something made by someone else
: a cheap or inferior copy of something
transcend \tran(t)-ˈsend\
: to rise above or go beyond the normal limits of (something)
: money that is paid usually by a government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to continue to function
gold bullion
gold bargold ingot
: a stone that forms part of a corner in the outside wall of a building and that often shows the date when the building was built: something of basic importance
adj.: having or showing clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future: having or showing a powerful imagination: of or relating to something that is seen or imagined in a dream or vision (sense 3)n.: a person who has clear ideas about what should happen or be done in the future: a person who has a powerful imagination: a person who sees visions (sense 3)
n.: a soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water: a piece of soft wet plastic ground: a decoction of vegetable material used for tanning leather: the act of oozing: something that oozesv.: to flow out slowly: to have (something) flow out slowly: to show (a quality, emotion, etc.) very clearly or strongly
solicit \sə-ˈli-sət\
: to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.: to ask (a person or group) for money, help, etc.: to offer to have sex with (someone) in return for money
escortn. \ˈes-ˌkȯrt\v. \is-ˈkȯrt, es-, ˈes-ˌ\
n.: a person or group of people who go with someone to give protection guidance: a group of vehicles, ships, or planes that provide protection: a man who goes with a woman to a social eventv.: to go with (someone or something) to give protection or guidance
mug shot
: a photograph of someone’s face ; especially : a photograph taken by the police of someone who has been arrested
inhibition \ˌin-hə-ˈbi-shən, ˌi-nə-\
: a nervous feeling that prevents you from expressing your thoughts, emotions, or desires: the act of preventing or slowing the activity or occurrence of something
as of
: on, at, from
: to carefully cut off the outside or the ends of (something): to make (something) smaller : to reduce (something) in size, amount, or number
caulk/calk \ˈkȯk\
v.: to fill the cracks or holes in (something) with a substance that keeps out watern.: material used to caulk
v.: to cause (skin) to become darker especially from being exposed to the sun’s rays: to become darker especially from being exposed to the sun’s rays: to change (the skin of an animal) into leather by a chemical processadj.: having skin that has been made darker by being exposed to the sun’s rays: having a light brown colorn.: a browning of the skin that is caused by the sun’s rays: a light brown color
precedence \ˈpre-sə-dən(t)s, pri-ˈsē-dən(t)s\
: the condition of being more important than something or someone else and therefore coming or being dealt with first
n.: an unusual habit or way of behaving: something strange that happens by chancev.: curve, twist
topography \tə-ˈpä-grə-fē\
: the art or science of making maps that show the height, shape, etc., of the land in a particular area: the features (such as mountains and rivers) in an area of land
: the solid part of a celestial body (as the earth) specifically : the outer part of the solid earth composed of rock essentially like that exposed at the surface, consisting of the crust and outermost layer of the mantle, and usually considered to be about 60 miles (100 kilometers) in thickness
of a word : to have (something) as a meaning : to mean (something): to show, mark, or be a sign of (something)
pylon \ˈpī-ˌlän, -lən\
: a tall tower or similar structure: a tall, metal structure that is part of a series of structures supporting a long stretch of electrical wireAmerican football : one of the upright markers that are positioned at the corners of the end zone
relayn. \ˈrē-ˌlā\v1. \ˈrē-ˌlā, ri-ˈlā\v2. (ˌ)rē-ˈlā\
: a race between teams in which each team member runs, swims, etc., a different part of the race: the act of passing something from one person or device to another ; also : a system for doing this: a group of people, horses, etc., that takes the place of others so that something (such as a job or an activity) is done continuouslyv1.: to place or dispose in relays: to provide with relays: to pass along by relaysv2: to lay again
adv.: to or at a more distant place or time: to a greater degree or extent: in addition to what has been saidv.: to help the progress of (something): to cause (something) to become more successful or advancedadj.: more distant
parable \ˈpa-rə-bəl\
: a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson ; especially : one of the stories told by Jesus Christ and recorded in the Bible
cut back
: to shorten by cutting : prune: to interrupt the sequence of a plot (as of a movie) by introducing events prior to those last presented: cut down
n.: a dried plum that is often cooked before it is eatenv.: to cut off some of the branches of (a tree or bush) so that it will grow better or look better: to reduce (something) by removing parts that are not necessary or wanted
rank and fileadj. rank-and-file
: the enlisted personnel of an armed force: the individuals who constitute the body of an organization, society, or nation as distinguished from the leaders
: coming from or caused by something else