Idioms & Phrases Flashcards
…pale in comparison with…
…is only compatible with iPhone 4S & upwards…
In Chicago alone, …
…be no more than…
…be only…
…be no less than…
…be not inferior to…
…be far from…
nothing could be further from…
by no means
…be anything but…
…be absolutely not…
…nothing but…
…be absolutely…
Feel free to let me know if…
Realize the futility in this effort
On top of everything else, …
Did you ever…?
Found any pattern?
be driving me crazy
over-ear headphone
memory on …
conform to…
in detail
a new tax has been imposed on cigarette
Apart form the result, your intention was good.
Your plan is not in line with our policy.
She conned me out of $100.
past and past participle of shine
She inclined her head in acquiescence.
I am inclined to tiredness in winter.
That remark was intended as a joke.
subscribe to
with one command
…changes on a weekly basis
staffing hours
…serves two important functions:…
…offers an advantage: …
hear me out
The behaviors that define a good listener vary by culture.
overlook a quick glance
given that…
on the loose
having escaped from confinement. “a serial killer is on the loose” synonyms: free, at liberty, at large, escaped
at large
on the loose
courier \ˈku̇r-ē-ər\
all time best
best of all time
Do not use spaces in between terms.
Typing the equal sign is preferable to selecting the equal sign in the Formula bar.
tidy services
portable toilet supplier
Alarm will sound.
What’s the female equivalent of fraternal?
Easy on the glass!
I’m now super thirsty.
in there
queso side
tell (the difference) between
transaction \tran-ˈzak-shən, tran(t)-ˈsak-\
5-point scale
Score ranging from 1 to 5
formerly anonymous people
minor celebrities
It’s easy to spot good communicators, and even easier to spot poor ones.
one of the leading challenges for communication scholars
Twitter is another example of the fuzzy boundary between…
…can make a real difference in your success.
first love
the one that you first truely have feelings for
short for featuring. When an artist/band brings another artist/band into one of their songs, normally to make it more popular or for the second artist to make easy $$.
It’s also worth noting that…
personal dilemmas
phase \ˈfāz\
ten/nine… times as much or as many
sign in to Office
Quiet down, please.
diligent \ˈdi-lə-jənt\
vocab-weak test-takers
way too long
As an adverb, “way” means “to a great degree”. So “way too long” means “very/extremely long”.
throw a party (for someone)
to have a party; to hold a party; to arrange a party
sit on one’s heels
on the move
open air
asphalt \ˈas-ˌfȯlt\
get wind of
to become aware of
e. g.
exempli gratia
thesaurus pl. thesauri
hard copy
computers : a printed copy of a document
smoky eyes
marijuana \ˌmer-ə-ˈwä-nə\
narrate \ˈner-ˌāt, ˈna-ˌrat, na-ˈrāt\ narrator \ˈner-ˌā-tər, ˈna-ˌrā-, na-ˈrā-, nə-; ˈner-ə-, ˈna-rə-\ narration \na-ˈrā-shən, nə-\ narrative \ˈner-ə-tiv, ˈna-rə-\
lounge \ˈlau̇nj\
wash up
: to be deposited by or as if by a swell of waves : to wash one’s face and hands : to wash the dishes after a meal
never mind
to whom it may concern
The Sort On list defaults to Value
logistic \lō-ˈjis-tik, lə-\
equation \i-ˈkwā-zhən also -shən\
prop money
prop: something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect
net force
overall force
decrease by a factor of 9
directly/inversely proportional to
defy gravity
temperature \ˈtem-pə(r)-ˌchu̇r, -p(ə-)rə-, -chər, -ˌtyu̇r, -ˌtu̇r\
by/in virtue of
through the force of : by authority of
parabola \pə-ˈra-bə-lə\ hyperbola \hī-ˈpər-bə-lə\
directly toward/away from
elongation (ˌ)ē-ˌlȯŋ-ˈgā-shən\
born circa 1600
Recently it has come to the attention of our Facilities team that…
temper with
royal \ˈrȯi(-ə)l\
European Union
trip the fire alarm
trip: 6 : to release or operate (a mechanism) especially by releasing a catch or detent
T (Kelvin scale)
transparent \tran(t)s-ˈper-ənt\
strategic \strə-ˈtē-jik\
two-year stretch
stretch: a period of time spent in prison
managerial \ˌma-nə-ˈjir-ē-əl\ adjective
ceremony \ˈser-ə-ˌmō-nē, ˈse-rə-\
participative \pär-ˈti-sə-pə-tiv, pər-, -ˌpā-tiv\
Manager’s role becomes less of a boss and more of a coach.
productivity \ˌprō-dək-ˈti-və-tē, ˌprä-, prə-ˌdək-\
contiguous \kən-ˈti-gyə-wəs, -gyü-əs\
—used to describe things that touch each other or are immediately next to each other
decorative \ˈde-k(ə-)rə-tiv, ˈde-kə-ˌrā-\
This is not the right moment.
loneliness \ˈlōn-lē-nəs\
The height of a sunflower after t days can be modeled by the function H(t) = …
interval \ˈin-tər-vəl\
stringed instrument
supreme \sə-ˈprēm, sü-\
in bulk
: not divided into parts or packaged in separate units : in large quantities
strike up
: to begin to sing or play or to be sung or played : to cause to begin singing or playing : to cause to begin
ground beef
ground: pt., pp. of grind
details will be forthcoming
Lisa 'lē-sə\
Planets fall into two major categories.
Several exceptions to the general trends stand out.
identical to…
Earth scaled in comparison to the Sun
12 feet outwards
maintenance \ˈmānt-nən(t)s, ˈmān-tə-nən(t)s\
catch the drift
: to understand the general meaning of some situation or piece of information
expansion \ik-ˈspan(t)-shən\
superior \su̇-ˈpir-ē-ər\
in one setting
senior \ˈsē-nyər\
What is this called?
stand the test of time
beyond \bē-ˈänd\
in (the) light of
in view of
comply with/violate the simplicity principle
enhance readability
…so these row references do need a dollar sign.
the left most
by default
Let’s assume that…
Witty talk doesn’t excuse bad manners.
excuse: to serve as justification
…all the characters up to, but not including, the slash in position 11.
The function returns the number of characters contained within a cell.
character \ˈker-ik-tər, ˈka-rik-\
pointy edge
Then he set another brick atop that one, and then another.
i. e.
Latin id est: that is
paragraph \ˈper-ə-ˌgraf, ˈpa-rə-\
crack the beer open
errand \ˈer-ənd, ˈe-rənd\
: a short journey that you take to do or get something
Thank you in advance for taking a moment to answer the survey by Monday, 26 October 2015.
any \ˈe-nē\
ancient \ˈān(t)-shənt, ˈāŋ(k)-shənt\
elude \ē-ˈlüd\ elusive \ē-ˈlü-siv, -ˈlü-ziv\
catch a break
: to obtain or receive a convenient, beneficial, and/or lucky opportunity : to get relief from some difficulty or problems
give it to me straight
tell me the truth
bit by bit
little by little
pull on the hat
speak out of turn
: to say something unwise or imprudent : to say something at the wrong time
He is not everything he pretends to be.
see you around
shallow-sloped deep-sloped
This is true of Earth, but not of the other terrestrial worlds.
real quick
knock on the door
That first fired my interest in boxing.
That’s the way it goes.
: that is the normal way of things : that is fate
equatorial \ˌē-kwə-ˈtȯr-ē-əl, ˌe-kwə-\
twice for every three instances of…
Incidentally, the name greenhouse effect is a bit of a misnomer.
than would otherwise be
the degree to which…
I left a different person.
I have a right to tell you what to do around the house.
Most of the time…
Imagine how much better the chance of a positive outcome would be if…
look the other person in the eye
Going a step further, …
I’ve always thought you were… You’ve always been nothing.
have always: originally
stimulate the urge to do…
more than likely
very likely or bound to happen
The location of the inflection points is independent of the location of the extrema.
You are not being…
You shouldn’t…
I’m trying to make the point that…
Other than that…
Little does he know…
for your information (FYI)
a phrase that means information is simply being shared and that no immediate action is required or expected. (Can be spoken with considerable impatience.)
volcanic \väl-ˈka-nik, vȯl- also -ˈkā-\
flex one’s muscles
: to demonstrate one’s strength
…at a rate too small to be observed.
Touch the broken end to your finger or lips.
in accord with
in agreement with
in accordance with
in compliance with (rules, laws, etc.)
in any sense
at all
optimal \ˈäp-tə-məl\ n. optimum
: best or most effective
authoritarian \ȯ-ˌthär-ə-ˈter-ē-ən, ə-, -ˌthȯr-\ authoritative \ə-ˈthär-ə-ˌtā-tiv, ȯ-, -ˈthȯr-\
obey \ō-ˈbā, ə-\
: giving people a lot of freedom or too much freedom to do what they want to do
If you ever…
to the left
next to another thing but on the left side
take/bear the consequences
hint at the answer
to give a hint at the answer
give an edge to have an edge on
edge: a favorable margin: advantage
serve my purpose