Newborn management/ ICU conditions Flashcards
What happens straight after delivery
1min after birth
5min after birth
Do-Stimulate baby to take first breath (towel rub, feet tap)
Check - O2 sats (between 60-65
Do - if less than sats –> PPC –> intubate
1min - APGAR Check - 7-10 - normla <7 02 sats 80-85 (if not give oxygen --> PPV --> intubate) HR - >100 , if less PPV <60 - CPR (3:1) - epi to umbilical cord
5mn o2 90-95% -give oxygen -PPV HR >100 then CPR
-keep going till apgar score >7
APGAR score
Apperance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
Score of 2 = pink, pulse >100, low stimuatlion, active movement, Resp - cry, strong
Score of 0 = blue, pulse absent, abset resp, stimulation and movement
Post birth - What do we do?
- Measure (weight, heigh, head circumference)
- Cord - 2 arteries 1 vien, clip and clamp
- Shots and drops - vit K, hep B (if mother infected), PPX - conjuctivits (erthromycin), tx - disease specifc
- Look - Scalp - fontanels
- red reflex
- cleft lip
- creptiis
- murmurs
- lung
- cord
- genetalia
- imperforated anus
- skin - aundice
- Ortoloni and barlow manover
Respiratory distress syndrome
Path: preterm infants, surfactant deficiencey as immature leading to poor lung compliance, alveolar collapse and atelctasis
RF: Maternal DM, male, second twin
Hist/Exam: first 49-72 hours - RR >60bpm, progressive hypoxaemia, cyanosis, nasal flaring, intercostal retractions, expiatory grunting.
Dx: ABGs, FBC, blood culture (rule out infection)
Xray - hypoextended lungs with atelectasis, grandular or ground glass apeprance of lung parnechyma, poor inflation, lack of focal opacities, promintent air bornchograms,
Tx: CPAP, intubation, surfactant
Pretreat mothers - corticosteroids <34 weeks
Transient tachypnea of new born
Path: Self limiting, baby didnt get stimulated enough during birth (e.g c-section)
Patient: term baby, grunting
Dx: Xray - hyper-extended lungs on CXR, perihilar streaking marks
Tx: Peep
(goes away in first 6 hours)
Path: LGA, SGA, DM mum, IUGR
Pt : decrease BG, asymptomatic or - jitters, tremors, seziures, lethargy –> coma
Dx: look for causes of infection
Tx: feed (breast milk)
or if cannot do this –> IV blus D5, then drip of D5 or D10 if above doesnt work.
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (same as RDS in adults) (ICU)
Path: reduced surfactant, decreased amount of alveoli, reduced oxygenation, can get chronic fibrosis. Caused by mechanical ventilation and long term use of oxygen
-more common in Low birth weight babys and preterm and those treated with oxygen for respiratory distress syndorme
Pt: increase oxygen demands, and giving oxygen does not correct this.
Dx: Xray -grand glass opacities , increase oxygnen requirements in first 28 days
Tx: surfactant, corticosteroids
Retinopathy of pre maturity (ICU
Path: neoangiogenesis - is worsened by increasing oxygen
Pt: prematurity - increase oxygen requirment
Dx: eye exam - see blood vessesls
Tx: lazer
F/u - glucoma
Intraventricular haemorrhage (ICU)
Path: highly avascular lining of ventricles are susceptible to changes in BP, premature babies blood vessels not properly developed
Pt: asymptomatic screen (premature babys all get a screen at less than 3 weks)
-If bleed during screen - increase ICP, and bulging fontaneles and seizure
-comatose = IVH
Dx: cranial doler
Tx: manage ICP - vp shunts, drains
F/u - mental retardation and seizure
Necrotising enerteroclotis
Path: dead gut
Pt: premature in ICU with another conditions, then get a blood bowel movement
Dx: get xray - see air in wall of intestine - pnumoatosis intestinalis
Tx: NPO, IV abx, gram negative
-Surgery - can lead to short gut syndrome