Newborn Assessment Flashcards
What is gestation
Using the method of adding 280 days to the first day of the last menstrual period and giving this as the ‘due date’
Centile chart
• Plot weight (in kgs), length (in cm) and head circumference (in cm) against age
• Below 2nd centile
Neonatal largest organ
Baby skin
Less melanin
Thinner epidermis
Faster rate of water loss
Less moisture
Baby skin
Less melanin
Thinner epidermis
Faster rate of water loss
Less moisture
Vernix caseosa
Develops from mid term, decreases as gestation increases
composed of sebaceous gland secretions (sebum) and skin cells and is rich in lipids, cholesterol and protein
Downy body hair – fine and unpigmented (from 12 weeks and mostly shed by birth)
Increased blood to extremities seen within 48hrs
Milia/milk spots
small hard white pearly keratin vesicles (1-2mm in size)
Occurs in around 50% of newborn babies
Erythemia toxicum (rash of the newborn)
Rash of yellow papules surrounded by reddened areas
Port Wine Stain (naevus flammeus
Shape/colour, depression of the skin (colour stays the same)
Refer if on head
Blue Spot (Dermal Melanocytes
Present in 90% ethnic babies
Lasts 5-6years
Strawberry haemangioma
Overgrowth of blood vessels – benign tumour
Can be very faint colour at birth, then develops over time to become red, like a strawberry colour
Will disappear on own
Café au lait
Brown areas <3cm diameter
Refer if more than 5
Naevus Simplex (salmon patch - stock mark / angel kiss)
ink, location, goes when gently press skin
Most common birthmark present at birth – 40% of neonates
Fades within a year
Refer if on spine or not on head/neck