Newborn Flashcards
What are the clinical features which indicate the need for resus in newborns?
- No signs of life:
- Limp muscle tone
- Slow (<30 / min) or irregular respirations (e.g. gasping)
- Pulse cannot be confidently auscultated or identified on palpation of the umbilical cord - Signs of inadequate perfusion:
- Centrally pale or cyanosed
- Pulse less than 100 - Inadequate respiratory effort:
- Rib/sternal recession
- Retraction or indrawing
- Persistent expiratory grunting
List some important considerations in newborn resuscitation.
- Only 15% of newborns require supplementary cares such as stimulation, airway positioning or positive pressure ventilation
- The newborn should be placed supine with their head supported in a neutral position (avoiding flexion/extension of the neck) this can be achieved by placing a towel or blanket behind the shoulder blades of the newborn
- It is imperative that the temperature of the newborn is regulated & maintained (this can be achieved through the use of blankets & applying booties & a beanie)
- If active resuscitation of the newborn is required, delayed cord clamping (>60 sec) is recommended
if possible - Commencing resus in extremely preterm (<20 weeks) is not recommended
- Preterm babies (<34 weeks gestation) require additional methods of thermal care, CCP & the use of PEEP
- If central cyanosis persists for longer than 10min, commence O2 @2LPM until the newborn appears centrally pink
What are the SPO2 targets for a newborn?
Time after birth:
1 min 60-70% 2 min 65-85% 3 min 70-90% 4 min 75-90% 5 min 80-90% 10 min 85-90%
Outline the protocol for newborn resuscitation.
Full term gestation and evidence of:
- Good tone
- Vigorous breathing or crying
- Heart rate >100/min
- Stimulate the newborn
- Ensure airway patency (neutral head position)
- Normothermia maintained
Heart rate >100/min and adequate breathing?
If yes, continuously reassess the newborn. If centrally cyanosed 10 mins after birth consider O2 at 2 LPM.
If no, commence IPPV @40-60/min (room air)
- Pulse oximetry placed on right hand
- Reassess after 30 sec
Heart rate >100?
If yes, continuously reassess the newborn. If centrally cyanosed 10 mins after birth consider O2 at 2 LPM.
If no, commence IPPV (high concentration O2)
- 2 person BVM technique
- PEEP (5 cm H2O)
Heart rate >60?
If no, commence CPR (3:1) Consider: - Access - Adrenaline - Sodium chloride 0.9%
Transport to hospital with pre-notification as required