New Vocabulary 🎙️📺📻 Flashcards
Evict somebody from sth
Be/get evicted
100 employers evicted in Qatar ahead of world cup
They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.
be/get evicted
They refused to leave and were forcibly evicted (=evicted by force).
See the glass half empty
My mother sees the glass half empty so I usually remind him of the positive aspects
×look on the bright side!
The failure of a relationship or system
He moved to here after the breakdown of his marriage.
*Breakdown in: there has been a serious breakdown in relations between Iran and U.s
/Communication/Family/marriage/ martial breakdown
Verb: cause/ lead to breakdown
Wipe something out
Wipe sb out
Destroy, remove or get rid sth completely
Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.
The heat had wiped us out: to make your extremely tired ( informal)
Migration, mass departure
Elon Musk’s Twitter Faces Exodus of Advertisers and Executives
Take over
Gaining control
Musk took over Twitter last week. He feels delighted and now, he can takeover the world 🌍
Shake up
Restructuring, changing
If someone shakes up something such as an organization, an institution, or a profession, they make major changes to it.
The government wanted to reform the institutions, to shake up the country
What’s going on over there
What is happening over there?
Come out
if information comes out, people learn about it, especially after it has been kept secret
No doubt the truth will come out one day.
It’s come out that several ministers received payments from the company.
3 if a photograph comes out, it shows a clear picture
I took some photographs, but they didn’t come out.
The wedding photos have come out really well.
4 if a book, record etc comes out, it becomes publicly available
When is the new edition coming out?
Lay off
1)lay somebody ↔ offtostopemploying someone because there is no work for them to do→lay-offThe company laid off 250 workers in December.
2)to stop using or doing sth
I think I have to lay off running for several month
Get off a work
Finish work schedule
What time do you get off? I picked an extra shift
A Sound mind
sound mind and memory means the person has sufficient mental capacity to understand their actions
to do something wrong or illegal
Women commit fewer crimes than men.
commit murder/rape/arson etc
Brady committed a series of brutal murders.
2 → commit suicide
3 → commit adultery
4 SAY YOU WILL DO SOMETHING [intransitive, transitive] to say that someone will definitely do something or must do something
commit somebody to doing something
He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.
commit somebody to something
Meeting them doesn’t commit us to anything.
How long has it been?
چند وقته این شکلی بوده است
Fan the flames
Make an already tense situation more tense
Stop spreading are fanning the flames
Look up
Find, search for
If you don’t know the meaning of a word you can look it up in a dictionary
The thing is
We use it to introduce our idea: the thing is, once a film gets a bad review, it’s hard for it to do well.
The thing is, I don’t think I will get used to driving in Europe
To come across
Find sth accidentally
I came across some old albums when I was cleaning my room
To turn up to/at location= arrive
When do you suppose to turn up?
By the time we turned up at the concert, the tickets were already sold out
The fact of the matter is
The fact of the matter is I need to improve my Dutch
To lay someone off
Verb : to lay off
N: layoff
Amazon Is Said to Plan to Lay Off Thousands of Employees
Past: I got / was laid off
My company drawing up ( preparing) lists of people who should be laid off.
Thanks to
Thanks to Jennifer ‘s amazing lessons, I got the job
Compliment n or v
a remark that shows you admire someone or something
I love your shirt!
Thanks for the compliment 😊!
Verb: give, pay them a compliment
to make a good combination with someone or something else
John and Bob complemented each other well.
The dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.
In everyday English, people usually say that something goes well with another thing, or they go well together, rather than say they complement each other:
White wine goes well with fish
Joke around
Don’t get mad, I was just joking around
To work out
To say that a problem or situation become better/ improves
Don’t worry, I’m sure you will work it out
the quality of including a lot of different people, things, or ideas → broad, depth
breadth of
The job wasn’t giving him the breadth of experience he wanted.
His breadth of knowledge was amazing.
a politician known for his breadth of vision
We need to provide more breadth in the college curriculum.
Take on
formal to accept or have an important duty or job
It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issue
• Against all expectations, it has not taken on the mantle of best pupil in the euro class.
I took on too many projects last year.
Can you take on this client?
Sorry, I can’t take that on. I already have a lot on my plate.
I really regret taking this project on
2: a way to ask someone to say his opinion or idea
What is your take on that? =What is your opinion? Answer: my take on it is ….
Reversal (n)
a change to anoppositearrangement,process, or way of doing something→/ina sudden reversal of government policydramatic/sudden/complete reversala dramatic reversal in population declineSome Internet firms have suffered a painfulreversal of fortune(=they were successful but now they are not).Some carers and dependants find it difficult to adapt to arole reversal
“Reversal of policy”
To have a change of heart
a move to a different opinion or attitude.
“you can have your money back if you have a change of heart”
Come up
if someone comes up to you, they come close to you, especially in order to speak to you
One of the teachers came up and started talking to me.
A man came up to him and asked for a lighte
Walk in/into
Let’s walk in the shop!
What is your opinion about people who walked in the office with jacket and tie?
Stay off
I’m just trying to stay off junk food
=To avoid
To cut back
اندازه چیزی رو کم کردن
showing signs of being successful or good in the future
a promising career in law
a promising young actor
a promising start
► see thesaurus at successful
Do sth in someone sleep
Do very easily.
My brother has a natural at playing football. He can do it in his sleep
Put my phone on silent
Craving (n)
an extremely strong desire for something → longing
craving for
She had a craving for some chocolate.
I have to watch my weight, I have a craving for chocolate.
af‧ford‧a‧ble /əˈfɔːdəbəl $ -ɔːrd-/ ●○○ adjective
cheap enough for most people to afford
affordable housing
This is a top-quality product at a very affordable price.
to make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they want
They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks
I think this discount will appease our clients
Inept (adj)
not good at doing something OPP capable, skilful
inept leadership
He was criticized for his inept handling of the problem.
politically/socially inept
Blake was intellectually able but politically inept.
→im inapt at math
Subsequent (adj(
happening or coming after something else → consequent
These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.
subsequent pages of the book
subsequent to something
events that happened subsequent to the accident
Usually we use as an adverb:
I moverd to Belgium, subsequently I studied my second master
Custody (n)
the right to take care of a child, given to one of their parents when they have divorced
custody of
He got custody of his son after the divorce.
The mother is usually awarded custody
directly relating to something that is being considered SYN relevant
He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
pertinent to
The last point is particularly pertinent to today’s discussion.
—pertinently adverb
Noun and verb
choose someone to do a particular job, or to be a representative of a group, organization etc
delegate somebody to do something
I was delegated to find a suitable conference venue.
You can delegate that to the internet
=To give someone else responsibility for a task
Summon (v)
Iran summons China envoy over islands dispute statement with UAE
Iran’s foreign ministry says Chinese diplomat ‘had a visit’ as Tehran expressed ‘strong dissatisfaction’ over China’s joint statement with GCC nations
rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully.
The Golden Globes Snub Female Directors Again
Iran was ousted from a United Nations women’s group on Wednesday for policies contrary to the rights of women and girls, a move proposed by the United States after Tehran’s crackdown on protests over the death of a young woman in custody.
There were 29 votes in favor, eight against - including Russia and China - and there were 16 abstentions
I’m pulling your leg!
It’s joke and not true
Would go
I’m not sure that the furniture would go with our carpet
Grind ( n)
grind2 noun
1 [singular] something that is hard work and physically or mentally tiring
I find the journey to work a real grind.
workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory
2 [countable]
We are not going backwards
We are pushing forwards
miscarriage of justice
Did you serve?
سربازی رفتی
Treating yourself to…(good deed)
خودت رو مهمون چیزهای خوب کن
Do you ever find yourself completely gripped by what you are doing that you lose track of time?
Well_paid job
Low-paid job
I’m looking for a better-paid job
I needed to get the time off from work or I was going to miss out on all the fun.
re‧pres‧sion/rɪˈpreʃən/●○○noun[countable, uncountable]1when someone does not allow themselves toexpressfeelingsordesireswhich they areashamedof, especiallysexualones – used when you think someone should express these feelingssexual repressionrepression ofthe repression of desire
Sorry to keep you
ببخشید معطلت کردم
Put yourself in my shoes
خودت رو بدار جای من
I’m over it
Get a kick out of something
To really like or enjoy something. Examples: I get a kick out of studying English. “How did you like the movie?” “I really got a kick out of it
The wait is finally over
Got any plan for this coming weekend?
I haven’t got any planned
This coming weekend
The weekend after the next week
To come around to (an opinion or idea)
To change an opinion
I came around to the new job after I heard about the benefits
To come between
Disturb a relationship,business, social,family
Sara and mand were best friends until Shafagh came between them
To put up with Seth or somebody
Tolerate bad or unwanted behaviour
I don’t know how you put up with your boss
I’m not going to put up with your constant criticism any longer
To act up
To tick off
To annoy, angry
It ticks me off when my computer doesn’t work
To do a double take
to look at someone or something and then look again because you suddenly recognize him, her, or it or notice that something unusual is happening: I did a double take - I couldn’t believe
To turn
I turn 31 on Feb 23
To be on the fence
We are on the fence if she is a good fit for the promotion
*unable to decide
Make time
to make certain you have some time when you are not busy in order to do something you think you should do:
It’s important to make time to read to your children.
Got tasted
You’ve got taste!: You have class, distinction, and style!
Ring a bell
When information is familiar
Barbie? It doesn’t ring a bell
When a product becomes available
iPhone 12 was out last Friday
Barbie movie out friday
Back in
Back in July I got promotion
Back when I was younger I played with my doll
Move in
Move out
Bitterly cold
Very cold