New Testament Survey Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the four major Jewish sects from the time of the Old Testament to the new?
Pharisees: Very important and devoted religious scholars of the OT.
Sadducees: Similar to the Pharisees except for the fact that they believed in neither the resurrection nor any book of the bible past the first five.
Essens: Seclutionist Hyper-literalists, the Essenes separated themselves from the rest of Jewish society keeping the bible and its commands to the letter and past it.
Zealots: A group of extremists who believed in carrying out and ensuring the biblical law and success by any means necessary.
They were the middle and lower class businessmen and priests. They were concerned with how to apply the Law of Moses. They believed in the resurrection. This describes which group?
Which Idumean gave aid to Caesar Augustus in the war against Cleopatra and Mark Antony and was ruling as king of Judea when the New Testament begins?
Which foreign ruler desecrated the temple in Jerusalem by sacrificing a pig on the bronze altar and setting up a statue of Zeus there?
Antiochus Epiphanes
Which of the following is NOT a key religious group in the New Testament?
A. Essenes
B. Pharisees
C. Sadducees
D. Zealots
True or false. The Jews and early Church regarded the Apocryphal books as on par with the Old Testament canon.
They were the aristocracy in Jerusalem. They did not believe in angels or demons. They denied life after death. This describes which group?
What was the name given to the uprising of Jews in revolt against the Seleucid dynasty in the 160s BCE?
Maccabean Revolt
They were the extreme nationalists. They functioned like a terrorist organization. They refused to pay taxes and rejected the Greek language. This describes which group?
The Zealots
They copied, read, and interpreted the Law of Moses. They were concerned about the interpretations of the Law of Moses. They traced their origins back to Ezra in the Old Testament. This describes which group?
The Scribes
What does the word Apocrypha mean?
Hidden or Secret
What event occurred in Jesus’ life immediately after His baptism?
The Holy Spirit drove him to the wilderness to be tempted
Which of the following Gospels does not belong to the Synoptic Gospels?
True or False. The Gospels record which of the following events about Jesus’ childhood and youth?
What was the point of Jesus’ healing the paralytic man who was lowered through the roof by his four friends?
To show he has the power to forgive sins
The source Q is purely hypothetical, even though a number of books refer to it as though it were an attested document.
What was Jesus’ first recorded miracle?
Turning water into wine
What does the word apostle mean?
Sent one
True or False. The Gospels give us a biography of Jesus.
Approximately how old was Jesus when he began his ministry?
On which day of the week was Jesus crucified?
What did the inscription say which Pilate placed above Jesus’s head on the cross?
Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews
What did the soldiers do to Jesus’s clothes while Jesus was hanging crucified?
They gambled for them
When Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was, with what statement did Peter respond?
Jesus was the Messiah
Which two Old Testament persons appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?
Moses and Elijah
Who was the Roman governor of Judea who washed his hands of the guilt of Jesus’s death?
On which day of the week did Jesus celebrate the Passover with his disciples?
True or False. To ensure he died on the cross, the soldiers broke Jesus’s legs.
Which person betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot
Which Apostle denied Jesus three times?
Simon Peter
What significant event is recorded in Acts 2?
The church was born
Which of the following Apostles had a conversion on the road to Damascus?
When the Apostles were ‘baptized’ on Pentecost, what were they enabled to do?
Speak in other languages
Who was the first martyr for the cause of Jesus recorded in the book of Acts?
Who was the first apostle to be Martyred as recorded in the book of Acts?
The abrupt ending of the book of Acts hints at the book’s purpose. What was that purpose?
To serve as a defense for Paul’s trial before caesar.
What was NOT a facet of the early lifestyle of the church?
Performing Miracles
What event started the first real persecution of the church in the book of Acts?
The Martyrdom of the first Christian.
What was the command given to the Apostles in the Great Commission?
Make disciples
True or False. The book of Acts bridges between the Old Testament and the Gospels.
What is another name for the festival known as Pentecost?
The Feast of Ingathering
What did Peter do to Cornelius’s household when the Holy Spirit descended upon them?
He baptized them
In which city did Paul and Barnabas commence and end their first missionary journey?
What new title did the disciples in Antioch receive?
True or False. The New Testament epistles are ‘occasional writings’ written on a specific occasion to a specific local church, usually to deal with a specific issue.
What was Paul’s former name before the ascended Jesus changed it?
While Peter was on the roof praying, what did he see in a vision?
A sheet being lowered from heaven
Which James likely wrote the epistle of James in the New Testament?
James the half-brother of Jesus
What is another word for epistle?
Which island fits all the following descriptions? (1) home of Barnabas; (2) only island visited on Paul’s first missionary journey; (3) conversion of Sergius Paulus; and (4) Paul curses Elymas with blindness on this island.
Where did Paul customarily go to evangelize Jews on the Sabbath?
Who was sent on the first missionary trip from Antioch.
Paul and Barnabas
In what city was Saul first referred to as Paul
In what city does John Mark leave Paul and Barnabas and where Paul and Mark split up.
What was the first city that Paul and Barnabas met contention?
Antioch of Pisidia
In what city was Paul almost stoned to death and also in which he met Timothy?
In what city were Paul and Barnabas called gods?
What were some characteristics of Paul
- He was a Jew
- He called himself a Hebrew of hebrews
- He was of the tribe of benjamin
- He was educated under Gamaliel
- He was a Pharisee
- He was a Roman citizen
What was the timeline of Passion week?
Saturday: Consecration of christ by Martha.
Sunday: Jesus came into Jerusalem on a Donkey with the people waving palm branches.
Monday: Jesus curses the fig tree. Jesus also drives the thieves from the temple.
Tuesday: The tree Jesus cursed was dead from the roots up. Jesus has many discussions and is questioned by the sadducees. Jesus also gives the Olivet discourse.
Wednesday: This is known as the day of silence. Nothing is recorded as happening on this day.
Thursday: This is the day of the last supper and the initial establishment of communion.
Friday: The day of Jesus’ betrayal and Crucifixion
Saturday: Jesus in the tomb
Sunday: The resurrection.