Exam 2 Flashcards
At which city did Timothy join the second missionary journey?
During Paul’s second missionary journey, at what city did Paul receive his famous vision of the man from Macedonia?
In what city was the first European conversion recorded?
Who were the first three converts on the continent of Europe?
- Jewish woman (Lillia)
- A Greek slave girl (Woman possessed by a spirit of fortune-telling)
- A Roman jailer (Likely the same man who either imprisoned them, beat them, or both)
In what city did Paul find an altar “to an unknown god?”
What is the name of Paul’s address to the people in the city with an “altar to an unknown god”?
Mars’ Hill address
In what city did the authorities attack the house of Jason, thinking Paul and Silas were there?
To what city did Paul escape after the Jews of Thessalonica rioted?
What city was the commercial and political capital of the province of Achaia?
Which of Paul’s letters had as its major theme, the second coming of Jesus Christ?
1 Thessalonians
Which of Paul’s epistles was written because the people were so convinced of the immediate second coming of Jesus that they ceased working?
2 Thessalonians
What two things did Paul write that must occur before the second coming of Christ?
- There will be a great apostasy
- This apostasy will culminate in the coming of the Man of Lawlessness
Luke highlights Paul’s appearance before this proconsul as the apex of his second missionary journey.
What are the dates for Paul’s third missionary journey?
A.D. 52-56
What Three condemnations of man does Pau present in Romans?
- Fornication
- Sexual perversion
- Depraved lifestyle
What results of juestification by faith does Paul present?
- Peace with God
- Access to the promise of god
- A great hope in the future with God
What reason did Paul give for Israel not inheriting the spiritual promises of the covenant?
Israel tried to gain the righteousness of God through human works
How does Paul say God’s righteousness should be applied?
- It should be applied in relation to fellow believers
- It should be applied in relation to the state
- Those believers whose faith is strong and who have a good grasp on their death to the Law should not be judgemental of weaker brothers.
What is the name of the young man whom Paul revived from death?
What Jewish vow did Paul take to show he was not forsaking the Mosaic Law?
Nazarite purification
Which of the cities visited by Paul had as their outstanding feautre, the great temple of Diana?
In which city did Paul encounter problems with the followers of John the Baptist?
Which Christian couple did Paul encounter at Corinth?
Aquilla and Priscilla
In which city was there a riot of silversmiths?
What was the occasion for Paul’s writing 1 Corinthinas?
- Paul received oral reports from the household of CHloe reagrding contentions in the church
- Paul also received an official letter from the CorinthianChurch seeking Paul’s advice on various problems the Corinthian CHurchwas facing.
Which of Paul’s letters has been referred to as the “Constitution of Biblical Christianity”?
What are two main divisions to the book of Romans?
- Romans 1-11 describe what God has done for Christians through sacrifice of Jesus
- Romans 12-16 ask what God expects of Christians
What three reasons for God’s judgement of a pagan world does Paul present in Romans?
- Suppressed God’s truth
- Ignored God’s revelation
- Perverted God’s glory
Who was procurator of Judea when Paul was transferred to Caesarea?
Who was procurator of Judea when Paul left Caesarea
Where was Paul Shipwrecked on his trip to rome, on what island was paul stranded?
What prison epistles did Paul write while in rome?
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Philemon
After arriving in Rome, why was Paul’s trial delay?
- The necessity for accusers to come from Palestine
- The destruction in the shipwreck of the document of accusations against Paul by Festus.
- The crowdedness of Nero’s court calendar.
Who was the runaway slave who was converted during Paul’s stay in Rome?
What books comprise the prison epistles
- Ephesians (3)
- Philippians (4)
- Colossians (2)
- Philemon (1)
Which of the three prison epistles are inseparably connected?
- Ephesians
- Colossians
- Philemon
What is the date of the prison epistles?
A.D. 61-63
What was the occasion for the epistle of Philemon?
Paul wanted to return Onesimus, a runaway slave, back to his owner Philemon.
What are the theological concerns with Philemon?
- Emphasizes the brotherhood of Christians
- Presents Paul as an ambassador and representative of Onesimus
What appeals did Paul make on behalf of Onesimus?
- He began with Philemon’s reputation as a man who brought blessings to others
- He appealed based on Christian love
- He appealed because of the conversion of Onesimus
- He appealed based on the how valuable Onesimus was to his ministry in Rome
Which two prison epistles are referred to as “twin epistles”?
Colossians and Ephesians
What was the occasion for the epistle of Colossians?
Paul received information about a heresy in Collosae
What is the purpose of Colossians?
To address the false teaching in the church
What central question does Paul address in Colossians?
Who is Jesus Christ?
What is the central theme of Colossians?
The supremacy of Christ in all things
What is the main purpose of Ephesians?
Jewish and Gentile believers are one in Christ
What is Paul’s focus in the epistle of Ephesians?
Christ is the exalted Lord of the church and creation.
What are the main Themes of Ephesians?
- The mystery of redemption
- The divine intention for the human race
- Grace
- Predestination
- Reconciliation
- Union with Christ
What is the name of the period of time between the time of the original apostles to the death of John?
The Apostolic Age
What books comprise the general epistles?
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
What books comprise the pastoral epistles (last epistles written by Paul around 63 A.D.)
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
What is the theme of 1 Peter?
What is the purpose of 1 Peter?
To provide his readers encouragement in Christian living
Which of Peter’s letters was written in response to false teachers who denied the second coming of Christ?
2 Peter
What are arguments for and against Petrine authorship of 2 Peter?
Arguments against:
1. Peter used Jude as a source in his second chapter, and the letter of Jude is too late to have been used by this historic Peter who died in the 60s
2. The Hellenistic vocabulary and is too complex for Peter, a Galiilean fisherman
3. False teachers in the letter are second-century gnostics
4. The canonicity of 2 Peter is questioned in the 4th century
5. The letter claims to be written by Peter
6. Even if Peter used Jude, there is no problem as Jude likely died before Peter
7. There is no definitive proof that the opponents in 2 Peter were 2nd century gnostics
8. The argument that Peter uses a different theology in 2 Peter from that of 1 Peter does not stand
9. No substantial evidence that psuedonymous letters were accepted as canonical
What are the major themes of 2 Peter?
- Jesus Christ as “Savior” and “Lord”
- Jesus’s transfiguration
- The affirmation of the return of Christ
- The assertion of God’s soverign control over the events of history
- The certainty of Christ’s return as an incentive to appeal for godly living
What possibilities exist for the identity of the author of Jude?
- The brother of James (Jesus’s half-brother)
- The son of James (James the Less)
- A coworker in the gospel
What is the theme of Jude?
- He warned against and condemned false teachers who were heavily influencing the area
- He urged his readers to greater firmness and commitment
What are arguments for and against Pauline authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy?
Arguments against:
1. The letters cannot be placed within the framework of the chornology of Acts and are thus assumed to hav ebeen written after Paul’s death
2. The content of the letters is said to be different from Paul’s teaching elsewhere
3. Differences in vocabulary are said to be so great that the same author could not have written these two letters and Paul’s earlier works
What is the occasion of 1 and 2 Timothy?
Dealing with false teaching which was negatively impacting the young churches.
What theological concerns are addressed in 1 Timothy?
- Propriety in Christian leadership
- Qualification for Christian ministers
- Firmness in teaching and defending the truth of the Gospel
What was the occasion of Titus?
- To urge Titus to finish the organization of the work begun by Paul
- To inform titus of Paul’s future plans for his associate and to send greetings
What theological concerns are addressed in Titus?
- Listing the qualifications of the elders
- Giving instruction concerning proper Christian domestic behavior
- Demonstrating that the grace of God should result in good works rather than reckless living
- Presenting guidelines for proper relationships to the unsaved
- Pointing out the right order in church discipline
What is the occasion for 2 Timothy?
- Paul was apparently once again in prison in Rome and was expecting to die soon
- Paul was alone and longed for Timothy’s company
- The heresy at Ephesus had continued to spread, so Paul urged Timothy to focus on developing faithful followers of Christ
What theological concerns are addressed in 2 Timothy?
- The value of Christian friendship and encouragement
- An encouraging example of suffering for the Gospel
- The costly commitment of Christian discipleship.
Who are the possible authors for the book of Hebrews?
- Luke
- Apollos
- Barnabas
- Priscilla
- Aquila
What is the purpose of Hebrews?
To warn Christians against apostasy, and to help them return to the mainstream of Christian fellowship.
What is the theme of Hebrews?
The supremacy of Christ in all things, specifically the presentation of Jesus Christ as the High Priest who offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sins.
What is the order of the 3 groups of seven calamities in revelation?
Seven Seals - Seven Trumpets - Seven bowls