New Right & The Family Flashcards
3 reasons as to why N/R sociologists believe the family is in crisis
1) Family diversity
2) Increase in divorce / single mothers
3) Dark side of family
Outline Marsland’s ‘Culture of dependency’ theory (4)
1) Takes away self-reliance + responsibility
2) Creates incentive to remain unemployed
3) Takes money away from other areas (NHS/Education/Defence etc)
4) Weakens family bonds
Outline the 5 stages in Bill Jordan’s ‘poverty trap’ theory
1) Claims benefits
2) Takes low paid work
3) Loses benefits (financially worse)
4) Loses incentive to work
5) Return to claiming benefits
What did Dean + Taylor-Gooby find when interviewing people claiming benefits? (1)
When interviewed, only 4/85 stated they chose not to work
4 critiques of Dean + Taylor-Gooby’s study
1) Impositional bias
2) Interviewer bias
3) Leading questions
4) Small sample size