Dark Side Of The Family Flashcards
Vogal + Bell’s 2 findings in their study of middle class families
1) Conflict between parents pushed on to child
2) Child used to relieve stress of parents
Outline Leach’s explanation of divorce
1) N/f isolation places emotional tension on family members; overloaded with stress thus more likely to divorce
3 ways in which children are pressured within the family
1) Get caught up in parents arguments + blamed
2) High expectations of children to do well at school
3) Children’s freedom restricted + controlled
Outline 3 divorce laws since 1857
1) Matrimonial Causes Act (1857)
- Divorce only obtained if matrimonial offence committed
- Wife had to provide evidence and the man had to admit for divorce to be considered
2) Legal Aid Act (1949)
- Free legal aid to get divorce
- Divorce available to all social classes
3) Divorce Reform Act (1969)
- No longer need to prove matrimonial offence
- Able to divorce if in state of ‘irretrievable damage’
4 explanations of divorce
1) Change in social values
- Stigma once attached to divorce; now become acceptable
2) Change in marriage expectations
- Couples not prepared to stay in unhappy relationships
- Value of marriage results in increase of divorce
3) Change in women’s social position
- Women enter marriage with high expectations, realise this is not reality (housework/domestic abuse etc)
4) Demographic changes
- In the past, shorter life span meant shorter marriage
- Today, longer life span means boredom of partner and thus divorce