new right Flashcards
charles murray
crime is caused by cultural and not economic factors, societies only exist if there is a degree of order, otherwise there is chaos, societies develop methods of control, informal methods and formal methods. children brought up in the underclass are not brought uo with values of society.
james wilson
crime flourishs when social control breaks down. poverty was not the fundamental cause of crime so getting rid of poverty would not get rid of crime, as many poor people didnt commit crime
predatory street crime, the general public are more concerned about this than white collar. a high proportion of the population was involved in incivilities, in some communities they were held in check, when not held in check more serious crime happens. crime is a result of rational calculations, people will commit crimes if the benefits outweighs the costs, most people dont get caught for their crimes. solution is change the cost of taking drugs and reduced the giving up cost.
no real causes to crime as it is inevitable, people from broken homes who are not socialised properly are more likely to commit crimes. there is a biological element as some people are born with the predisposition towards crime. children can be conditioned to have a conscience which will keep them out of trouble
milton friedman
increasing lack of respect for the law friedman blames the welfare state, people no longer take responsibility for their own family. the state take over the problem and the family no longer care.
van den haag
in a capitalist society there will always be the temptation for the losers to cheat so laws are needed to restrain these people, the losers are usually poor, only way to limit crime is by proper socialisation.
farrington and west
study of 411 working class male by the age of 25 one third had offended, but about 5% of the sample had committed over 50% of all crimes carried out. the offenders generally came from homes with poor parenting.
changes in the family had weakened the external patterns of social control. children are not always socialised properly and dont learn and internalise the values that would lead to self control, too many single parent families, too much cohabitation, the changing role of women. young males do not have role models on behaviour and are not disciplined.
place some blame on the state, as local people have little say in their communities they are powerless, they accept and leave it to the police.
wilson and kelling
broken window theory, if empty buildings were in good condition they would remain unvandalised, when the police accept and allow smaller crime this allows bigger crimes to happen
george kelling
encourages communities to look after their neighbourhoods - social control. zero tolerance policies also have a role, this can cut out predatory street crime.
suggest stronger social bonds between people make them have strong moral values, re-moralisation
ray mallon who was suspended from CID promised to quit if he failed to cut crime by 20% in 18 months. he managed to deliver and cut crime by a fifth in 18 months major crime had fallen by 39% and murder 49%
within 2 years of the introduction of zero tolerance homicides in new york halved and robberies dropped by a third.
there are other explanations for falling crime in new york, as crime has also fallen in areas without zero tolerance, as long term effects are unknown.
more visible policing, the introduction of cctv to make criminals think they will be caught and act as a deterrent
criminal justice act
1991 grades punishments into 3 groups on the basis pf their seriousness
page et al
it is not the structure of the family that results in poor socialisation but the amount of parental supervision, as a move towards a surveillance society is believed to lead to a loss of privacy
stephen jones
a need for investment in poor areas to improve facilities, zero tolerance also wastes policing time
breaking strong social bonds risks losing the opinion of those nearest to us. a lack of social control would mean these bonds are present.