new quiz Flashcards
What was the point of the energy map?
The point of the map is to show how much energy is in each country and where is in in each of them.
Why does Australia only have one main place with energy in the map?
Australia only has energy in one place as most of the population lives along the coast and have a lot of land but don’t use it for living.
What type of energy does Canda mostly use?
Top three energy sources:
1) Hydro
2) fuel oil
3) Wind
Canada is the second largest consumer of energy…why?
1) we use a lot of heat as we are cold and ac as we are far from the equator during summer
2) natural resource development/resource extraction
3) we drive a lot and were designed with wide roads for travelling
4) energy is relatively cheap in Canada so we tend to waste it
What are the two main sources of energy? What sources do they use?
- oil
- natural gas
- coal
- hydro
- nuclear energy
Alternate (less common):
- solar
- wind
- hydrogen
- biomass
What are some types of Biomass?
- wood fuel
- rubbish
- alchohol fuels
- crops
- landfill gas
What are some energy facts?
most electricity is produced with a rotating generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
What are the different forms of energy produced?
Hydroelectric (using moving water) Thermal Electric (burning coal, oil, and natural gas to create expanding steam) Nuclear Electric (expanded steam created by nuclear fission)
What does NIMBY?
not in my back yard
What are the 3 top largest reserves?
Venezuela (298 barrels)
Saudi Arabia (265 barrels)-sells the most
Alberta/Canada (170 barrels)- Canada is ranked third for largest reserves
What are 3 reasons to continue to extract oil from oil sands?
1) reserves are worth money-14 trillion dollars
2) energy security- we can control our energy
3) no more easy oil
Ease of extraction
1) onshore liquid oil-faster and cheaper
2) shallow water liquid oil
3) onshore heavy oil and oil sands
4) ultra deep water oil
5) Polar oil
6) shale oil- slower and more expensive
Where are Canadas oil deposits?
1) Alberta(69)
2) Saskatchewan(16)
3) Newfoundland and Labrador(11)
When did oil sands become possible?
2003 before 2003 Canada only had 0.8% of world oil preserves now they are top three in the the world for oil reserves
Where are Albertas oil sands area?
Fort McMurray- city
Peace River- river
Cold lake- lake
What are the four components of oil sands?
1) water
2) sand
3) clay
4) bitumen
What are two environmental concerns with oil sands?
1) oil sands account for 6.5% of ghg emissions
2) tailing ponds occupy 172km^2 of Alberta
What is bull frog power?
Bull frog power is a company that gives green energy to homes and businesses. The purpose of it is to create a sustainable community and what they do is measure how big your property is, replaces it with green energy made by wind, solar and much more to make it more environmentally friendly. The more people that use it the more a community becomes sustainable.
Who are the largest 5 GHG emitters?
1) china
2) united states
3) European union
4) india
5) Russian federation
What are the primary energy productions methods and their percentages?
crude oil- 44% hydro- 8% coal- 9% nuclear- 2% naturel gases- 37%
What type of energy does ontario mostly use?
what is cap and trade?
Is when the government makes a limit to gas emissions and different company works together to trade allowances. It os better than individual limit because it gives companies a chance to trade and one will make money as the other saves. It a win win
What is the purpose of trailing ponds?
the purpose is to bring all excess toxic oil water to the tailing ponds so they aren’t putting them in rivers and oceans
What is the problem with tailing ponds?
birds are seeing the shimmer in the water and think they are fish and so when they drop down they get oil on there wings and get heavy and drown. it also leaks into the ground
How is water used to extract oil from sand?
oil floats on water so they use water to separate the oil from the sands.
Why do people who live near both these energy projects not want them (NIMBY- “Not in my back yard”)
oil sands: it a big whole instead of trees, it is not something that you want to see
turbines: they are big, noisy, can impact the cost of the house, birds being killed
Explain the R/P ratio- what the letters stand for, what the calculation means, and why it is an useful term to understand.
R means reserves- how much of the resource in on land
P means production- how much the resource is being taken from the ground each year
the calculation shows how many years we will have with the resource before it’s gone. This is good so we always know the stages of our resources and if we need to be more carful and save more.
Do we need to save resources for the future? Which viewpoint do you agree with? Record three arguments that support your view.
yes I do for the three following reasons
1) we need them to have a sustainable environment if we waste now we wont be able to create certain things
2) the future generations wont have the same opportunities that we have had
3) our over use with some resources is causing negative environmental problems
What are the four sectors of energy use in Canada in order from greatest to least use (with percentages)? What are the projected energy use numbers based on (3 things)?
industrial, transportation, residential, commercial and institutional. It is changed by population size change, the rate of economic growth, and how we use energy