New Pharmacy Service Flashcards
Why would a pharmacy want to start a new service?
(1) Increase revenue
(2) Provide patients with better health service options
(3) Fill a niche
(4) Save NHS money
(5) Save patients money
(6) Job satisfaction
(7) Innovation
(8) Improve quality + safety of health
Who is likely to pay for a new pharmacy service?
(1) Patient/ customer
(2) Charitable organisation
(3) Business
What is a CCG?
Clinical Commissioning Group
What is PHE?
Public Health England
What is the purpose of the CCG?
Responsible for:
- Commissioning
- Planning
- Designing
- Paying
for local NHS services
What is the purpose of the PHE?
Responsible for:
- Improving
- Protecting
…nations health + reducing health inequalities
What are PCNs?
Primary Care Network
What is the purpose of PCNs?
(1) Improve health + save lives
(2) Improve quality of care for people with co-morbidities
(3) Help make the NHS more sustainable
(4) Produce a workforce development plan
What types of new pharmacy services might be funded by NHSE?
(1) Children’s seasonal flu vaccination
(2) Medicines reviews after hospital discharge
What types of new pharmacy services might be funded by PHE?
(1) Alcohol brief advice
(2) Blood borne viruses screening
(3) NHS Health Checks
What types of new pharmacy services might be funded by CCGs?
(1) HTN/ AF case finding
(2) Falls prevention
(3) Anticoagulation monitoring
What is the process for setting up a new pharmacy service?
(1) Identify need for a service
(2) Understand local context
(3) Build potential solutions
(4) Structure an informal proposal
(5) Present proposal
(6) Obtain feedback/ approval
(7) Implement service
What is QIPP?
Quality, innovation, productivity, and prevention
When is QIPP used?
New pharmacy services
- Does it improve QUALITY?
- Does it improve PRODUCTIVITY?
- Does it PREVENT future disease/ admissions
What is CQUIN?
Commissioning for Quality and Innovation
What does JSNA stand for?
Joint strategic needs assessment
What is the purpose of JSNA?
Improve health and wellbeing of the local community and reduce inequalities
What is a JSNA?
Assessment of current and future health and social care needs of a local community
What does PNA stand for?
Pharmaceutical needs assessment
What is the purpose of a PNA?
Assess demography of its area
Used by NHS England to agree changes to the commissioning of local pharmaceutical services
What are the risks of starting a new pharmacy service?
(1) Financial viability - losses
(2) Clinical risk
(3) Health + safety risks to staff
(4) Risk of capacity loss for current services
(5) Risk of inability to maintain current service provision
(6) Legal/ ethical risks?
What are the stages in the tendering process of a new pharmacy service?
(1) Register on the portal
(2) Receive an appropriate tender and begin bidding process