New Ga Test Termite Flashcards
Fungus Treatment Commercial
Vents 15 Li Ft/3 sides if not 4 on 70% Plastic sheet
Fungus Treatment Private Residences
At least 1 Vent each side or 3 sides and 70% Plastic Sheet
Termite Treatment porches
beside house 4 gal 10 linear feet
Termite Treatment along slab
4 Gal 10 linear feet One feet deep
F looting slab
12 in holes/ long rods not to exceed 20 feet
2 Gal 10 linear feet
Block walls
2 Gal 10 Linear feet
Under Slab P retreat
1 gal every 10 SQ FT
Dry wood no worker class
Gradual Metamorphosis/ egg,nymph,adult/nymph feed colony
Termites Order
Mud Tubes
Allows for fungi growth for food ( protein & vitamins Controls moisture/ Concealment
Termite Antennae
Straight, beaded
Termite Wings
If present equal in size & shape/held flat over body at rest
Termite preferred Soil
Loose sandy soil
Termites life
10 to 30 years
Sub termite colony size
55,000 to 5 million/ Average of 300,000
Formosan sub termites size
1 to 7 million members
Queens can produce
1,000 eggs a day
floor to ground
18 in minim
Drywood termites pellets
hard with 6 distinct flattened concavely depressed sides , rounded ends
sub termite workers
feed the colony
Drywood termites eat
across grain
Communications in Colony
sound-vibrations/ pheromones
Termite Protozoans
single-celled animals in gut breaks down cellulose to digestible substances.
Beetle Order
Beetle Metamorphosis
Complete Metamorphosis
Old house borers attracts ? Type Wood
Softwoods/ less than 10 years old
Old house borer exit hole size
Oval 1/4 to 3/8
Fiber saturation point
25 to 28
Anobiid Power Post Beetles Wood
softwoods Like pine
Growth requirements Fungi
Air/food-cellulose-lignin from cell walls attack starches-sugars-fats-proteins in cells
Single most important fungi item
White rot wood
More common in hardwoods
Sub. termites requires
ground contact
Dry wood termites swarm
Late evening or at night
Formosan swarm
at dusk & are attracted to light
Sub Termites swarm
Early part of the day/ attracted to light
Nymphs and workers
responsible for damage to wood
Lyctid powder post beetle type wood
hard woods/ like oak,maple,hickory
lycid PPB life cycle
1 to 3 years
old house borers type wood
less than 10 years old
old house house borers life cycle
3 to 12 years
old house borers wood eating effects
eat with a ripple pattern
wood decay fungi attacks
cell walls of wood causing weaken
surface molds do not damage wood but grow at what moisture level
20% moisture/ lower than 20% will not grow
White pocket rot attacks
only live trees
White rot type of wood attracts
hardwoods/ consume both lignin and cellulose from cells/
Brown rot
wood fractures
Dry-woods infest
undecayed wood
Drywood location
Coastal regions/So. Calf.
Drywood Termite size
larger than Sub Ter.
Drywood swarm when
Fall months
Formosan swarm
at dusk & are attracted to light
Sub. Termite swarm when
spring can swarm year around inside.
all Termite swarms are
attracted to light