Ga HPC Flashcards
B&G pressure PSI
20 to 30 lbs.
5 steps to pest management
- Inspection 2. ID pest 3. recommendation for treatment,sanitation, structural modification 4. treatment 5. reevaluation
Roaches, Termites, bedbugs,earwigs Metamorphosis
Gradual Metamorphosis
Beetles,Flies, Fleas, ants bees, wasps, Metamorphosis
Complete Metamorphosis
Ticks metamorphosis
incomplete metamorphosis
8 legs
flea order
Roach order
beetles order
butterflies/moths order
bees wasp order
tick order
No Metamorphosis
Egg, Immature s, Adult
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Egg, Neph, Adult
Complete Metamorphosis
Egg, Lava , Pupae, Adult
Gradual Metamororphosis
Egg, Neph, neph, Adult
of German Cockroach ootheca,Egg capsules
4 to 8 Ootheca / 20 to 30 days to hatch
German Roach Habits
75% at rest in cracks Or crevices/Contact on top & bottom. Bait in crucial, cracks & crevices.
Wood Decay % No decay ?
Below 20% no active decay
Wood decay caution zone
20% to 28% existing decay can continue
Fiber saturation point for fungi
28% Conditions ripe for decay fungi & damage
white pocket rot
no threat to seasoned wood.Attacks only living trees
white rot
spreads slowly–=more common in hard woods
Poria incrassata rot
incorrectly called dry rot /decay rapidly when present
Ants Metamorphosis
Complete Metamorphosis
Ant atennae
Front longer & larger than hind, Almost clear
Carpenter ants food
animal or plant food, insects, honey-dew of aphids, sugar, syrup, grease Man food. Will go 100 Yards looking for food. No scent trail
Pharaoh ant food
sweets, Grease,dead insects, meats , open wounds
Pavement ants
sweets, greasy foods
Pyamid ants food
Often tend Aphids, eating on honeydew they produce as slaves in there nest.
4 Stepts to Ant Management
- Identify 2. know biology & habits 3. inspection 4. locate & eradicate nest & food sources.
Flea life cycle–metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis
Cicada order
ladybugs beetles order/ food
coleoptera / insects
odd beetle feed
anything with source of keratin/ natural history collections