New Deal NEW Flashcards
How did Roosevelt win the 1932 election and figures to show this?
-Won by promising voters that he would use federal government money to help the unemployed directly, and called his plans a new deal.
-majority in congress were Democrat which would authorise his decisions
-42/48 states were won by Roosevelt.
Roosevelt’s aims for the new deal
1. Increased income for farmers
2. Higher rates of industrial production
3. End to the banking crisis
1. States provided with enough money to meet needs for relief
2. Short-term work relief projects available for unemployed
1. Social security system that looks after US citizens
2. Improvements in the way banks ad businesses were run to secure long term recovery
What actions (not policies) did Roosevelt do to try achieve his aims
- gain support using radio broadcasts called fireside chats to share his message
- used his majority in Congress to run New Deal policies into law
- Restore economic activity by using government money
- Expand the federal government by setting up new agencies to organise recovery and relief
What were the ‘First Hundred Days’
-the first 100 days in office, Roosevelt started introducing measures to tackle the depression
How did Roosevelt gain support for the hundred days
-‘fireside chats’ on 30 separate occasions to explain new laws and agencies.
List the alphabet agencies and achievements of the hundred days
- Emergency Banking act 1933
- Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) (after first hundred days)
- National Industrial Recovery Act (set up NR Administration)
- Agricultural Adjustment Act (set up AA administration)
- Federal Emergency Administration (FERA)
- Economy Act
- Beer and Wine Revenue Act
- Farm Credit Association (FCA)
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
- Public Works Administration (PWA) (after 100 days)
- Civil Works Administration
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- Home Owner’s Refinancing Act
Emergency Banking Act features, date and statistics?
-Roosevelt needed time to sort out the banks (too many closing down), so he closed all banks for 4 days
-5000 trustworthy banks reopened, and promised people would get $2,500 back if a bank failed
-Americans had deposited $1 million in their bank after 20 days
Securities Exchange Commissions features, date and statistics?
-took steps to regulate trading on Wall Street to stop reckless speculation
-ensured companies that wanted to be on the stock market had to release truthful accounts of their business before they could sell shares to people
National Industrial Recovery Act features, date and statistics?
-created National Recovery Administration
-NRA worked with major industries to create industry-wide codes which had an optional scheme, offering incentives to those that followed the code (companies wanted to join, but didn’t have to)
-set up quotas on how much was produced, controlled prices, set wages, limited working hours and banned child labour.
-companies could display the Blue Eagle if they followed the code, showing to the public
-2.3 million businesses took part in the scheme 1.5 months after setting up
-NIRA also gave workers the legal right to join unions to fight for better wages, working hours and conditions.
-caused union membership to rise fro 3.1m to 3.9m in 7 years
Agricultural Adjustment administration features, date and statistics?
-set up by agricultural adjustment act
-aimed to end overproduction and falling prices in farming.
-Farmers were paid to destroy some crops and livestock to force up prices. E.g. farmers were paid $11 to keep 1 acre of land empty
-Farmers earned around one and a half times as much in 1936 as they had in 1933.
Commodity credit corporation
-AAA did not work initially as farmers still had many farm products from previous harvest. Roosevelt set up Commodity Credit Corporation after 100 days to pay farmers to keep extra goods in warehouses
Farm Credit Administration
-Farmers who struggled to sell goods struggled to pay for their mortgages, and could lose their farms
-FCA helped to improve mortgage arranges for 20% of USA farms, helping farmers to stay on their land
Federal Emergency Relief Act date, features and statistics
-provided $500 million for states to spend on relief, to help with unemployment, providing them with a basic income to survive in the short term
Home Owner’s Refinancing Act date, features and statistics
-unemployed were at risk of being thrown out of their homes
-this act was introduced to extend mortgage payments from 5 years to 20 years
-made it easier for 1 million people to keep their homes
Economy Act date, features and statistics
Government Employees’ pay were cut by 15%, saving almost $1bn to spend on the New Deal
Beer and Wine Revenue Act date, features and statistics
-made it legal to buy and sell alcohol under 3.2%, which the government taxed, raising funds to help finance the New Deal
Civilian Conservation Corps date, features and statistics
-Took unemployed men into the countryside and gave them tough outdoor jobs for $30 a month, which mostly had to be sent back home so families benefitted from this too.
-only for 17-23 year olds, so only employed 500,000 men after two years