New Deal Flashcards
first 100 days
FDR passes massive legislation
mass media
fireside chats
Emergency Banking Act
March 5, 1933
Closed all banks for 1 week
inspection of funds and safety
if it’s reopened, then it is safe
Emergency Conservation Work Act
CCC (civilian conservation corps) hires men to do conservation work over 200000 employed $35/month+ room and board integrated (some)
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Raise prices of farm supply
have to cut supply (get rid of cows, wheat, etc.)
government subsidies for farmers to destroy supply
controversial bc ppl are starving
Federal Emergency Relief Act
sending $ to states and cities to fun local welfare programs
headed by harry hopkins
$1 bill in 2 years
Tennessee Valley Authority
built hydroelectric network that supplied cheap power to the south
created jobs and encouraged industry
Home owners Refinancing Act and Farm Credit Act
allows home owners and farmers facing foreclosure to refinance
refinanced about 20% of all home mortgages
Glass-Seagall Banking Act
created federal deposit and insurance corporation
insures all deposits up to $5000
separates commercial and investment banking
federal securities act
promotes full disclosure of stock information
national industry recovery act
set code of prices, production quotas, minimum wage, max hours abolished child labor guaranteed recognition of unions rules unconstitutional in 1935 created civil works admin. act struck down, then resurrected later
schnecter v us
company challenging production quotas and prices
any exec. control= unconstitutional
2d 100 days
social security act
gov’t pensions for retired workers
assistance to disabled or dependent children
funded by current employers and employees
works progress administration
replaces the PWA and CWA
employed 8.5 mil, spent 10.5 bill
wagner act
national labor relations act
creational labor relations board
guarantees right to form unions
outlaws discriminatory actions against unions
congress of industrial organizations
growth in organized labor
open to blacks and women
9 mil members
sit down strikes
revenue act of 1935
raise $250 mil/year in revenue by increasing upper income tax brackets, corporate taxes, gift taxes, and inheritances
“soak the rich”
election of 1936
“are you better off now than 4 years ago?”
FDR wins by a landslide
wagner- steagall housing act
mandates construction of low cost public house
fair labor standards act
min wage
max hours
anti child labor provisions
used in NIRA
indian reorganization act
reverses dawes act
allows tribal councils
francis townshend
old age revolving pension plan
huey long
“share our wealth”
herbert hoover
supreme court
struck down NIRA and AAA
court packing plan 1937
one new justice for every one over 70
6 new justices
doesnt pass
under FDR
roosevelt recession
by 37 industrial output and real income had reached 29 levels and unemployment had dropped to 14%
FDR starts cutting back, stock market drops and unemployment rises
1938- shifts gears back
ends great depression
new deal programs wither away
long term effects
democratic coalition last until 1960s position of labor strengthened defecit spending precedent gov't rolr in welfare more established banking and busines regulations more accepted