New Concepts/Shortcuts 16 Flashcards
whats a intermediate in the reimar teimar reaction
di chloro carbene
what does ethylidene means?
ethylidene means there are two halogen with one carbon atom and its an alkane
conditions of tyndall effects
what can be seen if we have to separate some organic compounds with fractional distillation
see if they have a difference in boiling point
which is directly related to intermolecular H bonding
what if we have to cancel something in the finding numerator question of binomial
cancel it but then multiply it with the result of remainder u have got
formula for circumradius and inradius of a triangle
delta is the area of triangle
short cut for these types of q
sub the n in the ratio given by the one in th shortcut formula and find the asked ratio
Kc and Kp relation (equilibrium constants)
adiabatic graph with
whats the difference between polytropic and adiabatic formulae
the alpha in polytropic is variable(given in the q)
but in the adiabatic q we have the gamma value which is used
B2H6 is a lewis acid/base
B2H6 are planar/ non planar
B2H6 is a lewis acid
B2H6 are not planar]
whats the thing to keep in mind for solving trigo equations
always put the value of theta answer we get in trigo equation in the main equation to see if it matches
PCl5 hybridisation is
carbonyl CC structures
concept of banking is?
the normal acts like it should
the key is the frictions acts downward if the max speed is in the scene as in that case the body will be in the tendency to go outwards/upwards
opposite to the min speed
Molar Mass and Vd relation
heat given and taken sign
and work done on and by the gas sign(chem)
opposite of physics
acc to physics
if work is done on the gas
means the volume is reduced
hence delta-V should be negative! Therefore according to physics, it will be +ve
Therefore according to chem that will be negative
delta H and delta U relation
w , k , m relation
steps to find Geometrical isomerism
first, see if there is a restricted rotation (like a double bond or cyclic alkane)
and if it’s there
see if both the C has different atoms attached to it
electrochemistry faraday’s law concept
grp s and p are called
representative elements
magnetic force produced by moving electron
whats chromic acid
K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4
the stability of lyophilic colloids is due to
a layer of dispersion medium
starch iodide paper is used to test the presence of
iodide ion
starch iodide paper is used to test the presence of
iodide ion
the number of normals of a rectangular hyperbola that can touch its conjugate is equal to
the graph between angle of deviation and angle of incidence for a light going from denser to lighter medium
relation between mole fraction in liquid phase and gas phase
the potential energy of an object at a appreciable height
as magnetic potential due to the dipole at a distance r along its axis is given by
path difference formula if we have the distance from the central fringe
x being the distance form the central fringe
conducitvity formula for electrons and holes in semiconductor
elements eg that shows photoelectric effect
newtons law of cooling initial formulae/law
symmetric difference formula if we have the number of elements in the sets
value of
sin,cos 18,36,54,72
sin,cos,tan 15,75
tan,cot pi/8=22.5
hybridization of [PtCl4]^ 2-