New Concepts/Shortcuts 11 Flashcards
bandwidth formula for AC
what would be the smallest circle passing through the intersection of two circles?
the circle passing thought PQ is the smallest circle
and it will also bisect the circle
standard electrode potential formula
what act anode ? the one above H or below H?
the one below H in an order of decreasing redution potential
delta G formula for electrochemistry
nernst equation
0.059 (298K)
equivalent moles of metal depostied formula
Q is the charge passed
cell constant formula
whats conductivity and conductance
conductivity and conductance and cell constant relation
molar conductance formula if the given conductivity is given Scm^-1
molar conductance formula if the given conductivity is given Sm^-1
Debye Huckle Onsagar equation
kohlrausch’s law
alpha relation with limiting molar conductivity and molar conductivity
hydrogen orbits energy in eV
Dumas method shortcut for finding the %age of N
the middle line is the standard line representing the standard values
the final %age of N will have the x/y depending on its position with respect to the line
Dumas method shortcut for finding the formula of the compound
flame test colors of metals Sr Li Ca Ba K Cu Na Ni
shortcut for finding optical isomerism in CC(if CN=4)
Mabcd will show optical isomerism
shortcut for finding optical isomerism in CC(if CN=6)
only these kind of compounds can show optical isomerism
its 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2
can bi dentate ligand show optical isomerism in CC if CN=6
yes if 1/2 bidentate is there, it shows optical isomerism
and it should be cis
magnification in mirror formula
apparent depth formula
lateral displacement formula for slab of a thickness t
lens maker’s formula
magnification formula in lens
combination of lens and mirror
critical angle formula
angle of deviation
minimum deviation
refractive index formula
For prism
condition for deviation from 2 prism without dispersion
dispersive power and dispersion angle formula
shortcut for MOT
fill the orbitals from top left
then top right
then bottom left
then bottom right
shortcut for writing electronic configuration of any element
write the noble gas numbers
see the difference of the electrons from the noble gas number and then that difference will be the number of electrons to fill in and we will also find the period number
then the number of orbitals to be filled in a nth period is given by:- ns np (n-1)p (n-2)p
firstly write the ns then write the numbers in ascending order from the lowest to the highest and then fill in that order only
NaBH4 is the reagent
phenol with HNO3 gives what major compound?
becuase of H bonding
comparision of these sugars with OG sugar
aspartame: 100 times
saccharin: 550 times
sucralose: 600 times
alitame: 2000 times