'New Cold War' & E. bloc 1979 - 91 Flashcards
USSR invasion of Afghanistan
Dec 1979, executed leader Amin + replaced him w/ communist Kamal (no popular support), 50,000 soviet troops in Kabul to confront 200,000 mujahideen
Western response to Afghan invasion
- grain exports to USSR banned
- SALT II not ratified
- USA boycotted 1980 olympics in Moscow, joined by 65 other nations
- Arming of the mujahideen w/ weapons (aided by China), extended 1986 when Reagan supplied ground to air missiles -> diminished Soviet air superiority
Solidarity Crisis
1980 Polish gov’t recognised Solidarity as independent trade union, membership grew rapidly to over 10 million -> martial law declared, Solidarity outlawed 1982
Reagan and Thatcher
Reagan becomes president 1981, announced SDI ‘star wars’ (ballistic missile shield) program 1983 (massive expenditure), threatened to destroy MAD + alter balance of power, called soviets ‘Evil Empire’ 1983
Thatcher elected PM 1979, determined to oppose socialism + support the USA
When was a South Korean Airliner shot down?
1983, Soviet aircraft shoots down airliner w/ US citizens on board, frosting of relations
When does Gorbachev come to power and what problems does he inherit?
March 1985
- unaffordable arms race
- global overstretch, propping up regimes across horn of Africa
- ended gerontocracy, 1980 avg. age of Politburo member was 70
- stagnant economy, need input from West (Soviet production was 37% of US GNP)
October - reduces number of SS-20s in Europe
What were Perestroika + Glasnost?
- Perestroika, process of Gorb restructuring Soviet economy + commie party to meet needs of people
- Glasnost, eased censorship of media + legalised foreign broadcasts -> public exposed to Chernobyl disaster + Soviet failures in Afghanistan
When was the INF treaty?
1987, Gorb agrees to NATO plan to withdraw medium range missiles on both sides of Europe -> continued easing of hostility after 1985 nuclear detente (SS-20 missiles limited)
SS-20 missiles had been deployed in Europe 1976
What did the growing political + religious freedom in the USSR include 1988 - 89?
Churches, synagogues+ mosques reopened, religious texts sold openly. Democratic Union set up as first opposition to commie party
Renunciation of Brezhnev doctrine
July 1989, as Gorb wanted satellite states to willingly remain communist
gave sat. states freedom to be autonomous, strong resentment displayed following suppression before eg. Prague Spring 1968
Collapse of Communism in Bulgaria
1989 Zhivkov removed from power by Politburo w/ help of military police
Zhivkov diluted Gorbs reforms, upsetting Bulgarian reformers, end of 35 year reign (gerontocracy)
-> Gorb factor
Collapse of Communism in Poland
Reforms agreed w Solidarity 1989 after being crushed ‘81, inc. free elections -> June highlighted unpopular commies
Non- commie elected president (Lech Walesa) Nov. 1990
-> Opposition/Econ factor
Collapse of Communism in Hungary
Simmering resentment over suppression of 1956 uprising.
Reformers replaced Kadar w/ Grosz
June ‘89 free elections announced
Austrian-hungarian border fence dismantled
-> Innate weaknesses factor
Collapse of Communism in the GDR
Honecker rejected reforms after Gorb visited ‘89 + refused to quell protests unless he reformed, used censorship + Stasi to prevent change whilst economy failing/shortage of goods, 9% of budget on military
-> Gorb + Innate weaknesses factor
Leipzig protest of 70,000 persuaded Politburo to force Honecker resignation 1989
-> Opposition factor
Collapse of Communism in Czechoslovakia
‘velvet revolution’ very swift, centred around Havel + Charter 77 imprisonment ‘77, commies forced to relinquish power 1989
-> opposition factor
Collapse of Communism in Romania
Ceausescu ordered new palace to be built on housing 1984, Timisoara protests ‘89 brutally repressed, 100 killed
-> innate weakness factor
Dec. he was arrested w/ wife after military coup, National Salvation Front assumed power
-> opposition factor
When was the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Nov. 9th 1989
Crowds of 20,000 West Berliners force border guards to open crossings, collapse of Soviet authority
When was the re-unification of Germany?
October 1990