Development of Cold war 1946 - 62 Flashcards
Who made the ‘Iron Curtain’ speech and when?
Churchill, March 1946
Described how Stalin had separated eastern europe from West
When was Bizonia formed?
Jan 1947 - panicked Soviets
New currency Deutschmark in summer
What 2 main treaties were involved in Eastern European integration?
Cominform Oct ‘47 - ensured ideological unity but did not give Stalin direct control
COMECON Jan ‘49 - economic integration of commie policies, but took 10 years to be fully implemented
Truman Doctrine
Mar 1947, policy to actively stop spread of communism
It offered support to countries resisting commie subversion + stressed need to improve european economy
Marshall Plan
Jun 1947, $13.2 billion offered to European nations as safeguard against communism + to revive economy
Rejected by USSR + many sat. states which set up Cominform
Berlin Blockade
Jun 1948
Soviet response to new W.German state (Bizonia) + deutschmark (1947)
Soviets cut off supply routes and electricity to W.Berlin
Berlin Airlift
West avoid war but show off monetary + logistical might w/ massive airlift resupply mission
3 air corridors set up, 2,000 tonnes of food + raw materials flown in daily
-> blockade lifted May ‘49
Formation of 2 new German states
FRG established Aug ‘49
-> elections held and Adenauer becomes chancellor, starts Hallstein Doctrine (do not recognise E.Germany)
GDR established Oct ‘49
-> Pieck elected (all candidates from SED)
Germany to be formally divided for nearly 41 years
Formation of NATO
Apr 1949
Signed by 12 nations, saw US take lead role in resistance to commie aggression (Brussels Pact 1948 -> ‘Western Union’ did not include US)
- > safeguard against commie influence + unified w.nations
- > firm anti-commie policies under USA (Truman)
- > formal commitment to defence of W.Europe
ECSC (European Steel and Coal Committee)
Created in Treaty of Paris 1951
Designed to integrate W.European industries, included France, FRG, Benelux, Italy but not UK - exploited Germanys resources w/o granting it power
Death of Stalin
Mar 1953 - replaced by a committee of 5 men, Khrushchev emerges as leader + denounces Stalin 1956 -> ‘destalinisation’
-> Geneva conference 1954, ‘Geneva Spirit’
GDR uprising
Jun 1953
- caused by Ulbricht’s ‘Constructing Socialism’ -> food shortages and mass emigration (brain drain)
- 40,000 in Berlin demanded resignation of gov’t
- Soviets declared martial law, 20,000 soldiers sent + tanks, 125 killed (106 sentenced to death)
What was the response of the USA to the USSR crushing the GDR uprising?
- USA set up food relief program w/ ‘Eisenhower packages’ of food, so GDR cut off transport w/ West Berlin
- sent warning to future rebellions + strengthened rivalry w/ west
Warsaw pact
1955 - military alliance (eastern equivalent to NATO) signed by all E.bloc countries
Start of Arms Race (1953-84)
1952 - USA test first Hydrogen bomb, 2500 times stronger than Hiroshima
1953 - USSR tests first Hydrogen bomb
How and when was the SED formed?
Stalin merged SPD and KPD in Soviet Ger.
20,000 social democrats interrogated, imprisoned + murdered (moderates purged)
Feb ‘46 SED formed
What was Stalin’s significance?
- crushed dissent - 1936-38 Great Purge using NKVD murdered millions
- cult of personality, lots of propaganda + seen as ‘liberator of Eastern Europe’, many mourned death 1953
- ruthless moderniser with 5 year plan 1528 -> famine 2-7 million killed Holodomor, dekulakisation
Polish crisis
June 1556
100,000 protested Poznan, 73 killed 700 arrested, Gomulka (economic reformer) reinstated without permission of Krushchev so sent Red army in but allowed Gom to stay if he remained in Warsaw pact
Hungarian crisis
October 1556
Caused by Soviet control w/ censorship + secret Police (AVH)
Riots of students/workers , iconoclasm w/ success
Nagy (liberal reformer) announced Hungary leaving Warsaw pact
Nov. Red Army entered Budapest + crushed Hungarians (4000 dead) -> restored loyal commie leadership (Janos)
200,000 Hungarians led to Austria
Suez crisis
October 1556
Nasser nationalised (seized) canal July which angered British w/ declining int’l power
Gained support of French + israelis to intervene militarily
Krushchev threatened nuclear attacks (wanted to exploit arab nationalism)
but Eisenhower cautioned Krushchev not to intervene, threatened Brit, France + Israel w/ economic sanctions if persisted w/ attack
-> Brit + France withdrew by Dec
USA firmly leaders of W.bloc -> nuclear power
Soviets in stronger position (global superpower)
European Economic Committee (EEC)
1957 EEC evolves into broader econ. agreement btw. W. European countries
Sino Soviet split
1958 USSR critical of China’s ‘Great Leap Forward’, 1959 Khrushchev refuses to assist PRC w/ nuclear technology
Berlin Crisis
1958 - 61 Khrushchev issues Berlin ultimatum in response to mass emigration (Brain drain 2.8m left GDR 1949-61)
1960 US U-2 spy plane shot down over USSR
Jun 1961 Vienna summit Khrushchev vs Kennedy
Oct 1961 confrontation Checkpoint Charlie (tanks)
Krus. says Berlin ‘testicles of the West’
Berlin wall
Aug 1561 west refuse to meet Khrushchev’s demands so wall built preventing free movement