what is automation
the use of automatic equipment/machinery in production. They can do repetitive tasks that humans can do and can also perform computer based and physical tasks
advantages of automation
- increased efficiency and speed of production
- accurate and consistent output: no human errors made
- reduced labour costs and they can work 24/7
- they can work in all sorts of environments: dangerous environments that humans are at risk in.
disadvantages of automation
- reduces workforce leading to job losses for many people
- no human input/decision making
- a skilled workforce is required to maintain and fix the robots
- expensive to set up
where are robots commonly used
- environments that are hazardous, exposed to high temperatures pr where there are harmful vapours.
- assembly lines
- manufacture of vehicles
- laboratries
- aerospace
stages in automated assembly line manufacture
- delivery depot of raw materials and components
- production line: raw materials are processed and components are assembled to make the product
- packaging and distribution: product is wrapped, boxed and then shipped to customers
advantages of an automated assembly line manufacture
identical products are passed through the production line, making it easy to program the robots to perform repetitive operations. Precision is required and must be maintained, and robots enable that to happen. robots are able to work consistently and indefinitely.
Crowd funding definition
a way of raising money for a new business venture by asking a large number of people to each contribute a small amount of money, usually via online platforms
advantages of crowd funding
- it’s linked to social media so there is maximum exposure
- it is a fast way to raise money with no up-front fees, and you can ask anyone, it isn’t specific to a particular group of people
- doesn’t require big investors, but requires many
- highly visible way of reaching interested parties/investors
virtual marketing definition
the use of social media to spread awareness or reach a wide audience about a product, service or idea.
what is a cooperative
an enterprise that is owned and run by its members who may compromise its workforce or its customers
-> greater protection and stronger democratic voice
what is fair trade
Trade which offers fair prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers in less economically developed countries
advantages of using social media to raise awareness for a new company
- enables mass marketing at a lower cost
- it can attract global attention, making use of graphics and videos to achieve a viral advertising campaign
one disadvantage of crowd funding to a new company
if crowd funding doesn’t reach its funding target, the money invested so far may have to be returned, affecting the project as a whole and the reputation of the manufacturer
what is sustainability
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
what is a finite resource
finite resources are non renewable resources and are in limited supply.
Once used, they cannot be replenished fast enough and will eventually run out
examples of non-renewable materials
fossil fuels, coal, oil, gas, minerals, metal ores
what is a non-finite resource
non-finite resources are renewable resources, and are in an abundance of supply. they can be replaced at the rate they are being used
- a resource that is found naturally and can be replaced
examples of non-finite resources
solar, wind, timbers and cotton, water
what does a life cycle assessment do
allows companies to asses the environmental impact of a product during the different stages of a product’s life
different stages in the LCA
- extraction and processing - amount of energy used to extract raw material from the earth, or produce it through farming and process it so it’s ready for manufacturing
- manufacturing and production - energy required to manipulate the raw and refined materials into a product ready for sale
- distribution - packaging and transportation of the product to end user
- use
- end of life
factors of global warming and effects
- manufacturing and the burning of fossil fuels contribute to increased levels of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants that are collecting in the atmosphere.
- this contributes to global warming, which increases average global temperature and sea levels, causing extreme weather events