Neuroscience and mental health 7 & 8(only and unordered) Flashcards
Explain the principles behind how chronic pain is increased and decreased(change flashcard if needed, didnt understand so come back to it)
pg 6-9
Explain how you can test the integrity of ascending pathways
slide 38,39
Define the term stimulus threshold
slide 7
Describe positional of cell bodies coming from the body and the face
slide 17
Describe the different types of nociceptors and their roles,
slide 16
Classify the different types of sensory recptors , describe the speed and diameter for each classification
slide 5
Explain what happens in an anterior spinal cord lesion
slide 40
Explain the link between descending control and chronic pain
slide 56-60
give the detial of the roles and general structures of the the subcategories of mechanorecpetors and thermoreceptors
slide 9 and 10
Give the details of the structure of the emotional component of pain, and explain what the pain matrix is
slide 34,35
Define the term: sensory receptors
slide 7
Explain how acute pain can develop
Define what adaptation is and explain the basis for the different tyoes of adaptation
slide 11-14
describe the difference between allodynia and hyperalgesia
slide 53
Explain how descending control systems for pain relief can be targetted, and compare effectiveness of different initiatives for pain releif
Explain the difference between central sensitisation and peripheral sensitisation
slide 52
Explain what happens during pain, including details of control pathways in your answer
slide 40-49
Explain the different types of nerve endings you can get for the different recptors
slide 6
Define what a recptive field is and differentiate between the significance of different receptive fields and the link between these and to point discrination and dermatomes
slide 13-15
Give the details on how the dorsal horn of the spinal cord is split up into laminae, and explain lateral inhibition
slide 18-19
Describe the difference between neuropathic and nociceptive pain, including examples of each
slide 51
What is a modality , explain the relationship between a modlaity and receptor and receptors anf give dtails of the diffeent types
slide 4
Explai the ascending pathways transmitting sensory information and somatotopic organisation within the pathway, whilst outlining key difference between two main types
slide 21-34