Neuropsychological Assessment Flashcards
Basic aim of neuropsych assessment
- reliable and valid picture of the relationship between the brain and behaviour
- identification of cogniitive, emotional, motor and behavioural consequences of brain dysfunctions
central focus: assessment of cognitive dysfunctions
Reasons for neuropsych assessment
- is there evidence of organic brain dysfunction?
- diagnosis of brain pathology not always possible by neuroimaging, neurophysiological assessment, lab or physical markers
- cognitive impairment sometimes the only indicator of pathology
- mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
- dementia
- developmental disorders
what is nature and extent of cognitive impairment
- is there memory deficit
- what aspect of memory are affected? (eg. short-term vs long-term memory, memory for verbal vs figural information, recall from memory vs recognition)
- how severe are the disturbances?
(eg. mild, moderate or severe)
what are the practical consequences of cognitive impairment?
- activities of daily living (eg dressing)
- driving capacity
- social functioning (social skills, social role, responsibilities)
- work/education
- leisure
in what way is an individual’s mood and behaviour affected by brain dysfunction?
- identification of mood disorders meaningful, since they
- need treatment
- may affect test performance (important for interpretation of test results)
- may be an additional burden for relatives
Does cognitive performance change over time?
- detection of the process of cognitive decline associated with progressive disorders (eg Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease)
- recording the process of recovery from brain lesions (eg. traumatic brain injury, stroke)
- recording the effects of treatment (eg. neuro-rehabilitation, neurosurgery, pharmacological treatment)
Problem: Practice effects
Solution: Use of parallel versions of tests
Problem: no parallel versions available for most tests
Problem: and even if: Test idea known on retesting (no novelty effect (eg. in delayed recall tasks), reduced nervousness (eg. elderly on computerised tasks))
what are cognitive strengths and weaknesses of an individual regarding the rehabilitation process?
Individual has intact visual memory and impaired verbal memory
rehabilitation efforts
supporting individual to develop compensatory strategies using the intact system
- providing feedback to patient and family
- improving patient self-awareness
approaches to assessment:
review of info from referrer
- begin of assessment
- great variability of available information
- only patient’s complaints (eg. difficulties remembering names or dates)
- Detailed clinical history, family history, brain images, neurological evaluation, data from former maps assessments
approaches to assessment:
Information from clinical and laboratory examinations
Can be related to neuropschological findings
- lesions localisation to cognitive functions (eg. MRI)
- cognitive decline with progressive diseases (eg. Alzheimer’s disease)
- Fluctuations in performance to epileptic seizures (eg. EEG)
approaches to assessment:
Clinical Neurological examination, what to do ?
Taking the patient’s history
- what are the complaints?
- what are complaints localised?
- when did complaints start?
- how did complaint start? (suddenly or gradually)?
- what course have complaints taken?
- which situations trigger or relieve complaints?
- what treatment has been tried?
approaches to assessment:
How many cranial nerves? and for what?
12 cranial nerves to relay motor functions, senses and reflexes of the head
- don’t need to learn the individual cranial nerves for the exam
- olfactory - smell
- optic - vision
- oculomotor nerve - eyelid and eyeball movement
- trochlear - innervates superior oblique turns eye downward and laterally
- trigeminal nerve- chewing face and mouth touch and pain
- abducens nerve - turns eye laterally
- facial nerve - controls most facial expressions secretion of tears and saliva taste
- vestibulocochlear nerve - hearing equilibrium sensation
- glossopharyngeal nerve - taste senses carotid blood pressure
- vagus nerve - senses aortic blood pressure slows heart rate stimulates digestive organs Tate
- spinal accessory nerve - controls trapezius and sternocleidomastoid - controls swallowing movement
- hypoglossal nerve - controls tongue movements
approaches to assessment:
motor functions
muscle power
paresis/paralysis = muscle weakness
plegia = complete loss of force
hemiparesis = weakness of one side of body
paraparesis = weakness of both legs
tetraparesis/quadriparesis = weakness of all four limbs
coordination (fine and gross motor movement)
finger-nose test (move index finger and touch nose)
Shin-heel-test (moving the heel too the opposite knee and along the shin)
posture and gait
(eg. patient stands straight or bent, secure or insecure)
approaches to assessment:
Romberg Test
Patient is asked to stand still with heels together
Patient is asked to remain still and close eyes
Some patients lose their balance
approaches to assessment:
biceps and triceps reflexes in arms, knee jerk, ankle jerk iiim legs
pathological reflexes indicate lesion in CNS
eg. Babinski reflex
occurs when great toe flex toward top of foot and other toes fan out when the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked
approaches to assessment:
brief mental state examination
full nosy examination provides significantly more detailed analysis of cognitive deficits
laboratory examinations
computerised tomography (CT)
transmission of X-rays through the head from different sides
strength measures by detectors on opposite side
weakening (absorption) during passage through head depends on density of tissue
spatial solution 2 mm
laboratory examinations
examples of computerised tomography
Hypodense areas are darker
indicates stroke, oedema, inflammation or certain brain tumours
hyper dense areas are lighter
indicates fresh bleeding, calcification or other brain tumours
laboratory examinations
size of ventricles
increase in size indicates hydrocephalus or brain atrophy
decrease in size indicates brain oedema (swelling of brain)
laboratory examinations
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Hydrogen protons (H+) in brain tissue constantly rotate (spin)
powerful magnetic field forces all protons into a single direction
direction briefly diverted by short electromagnetic impulses
emission of high-frequency radiation (echo), when returning to previous state
echo can be measured by MRI
characteristic of each proton’s echo is influenced by surrounding brain tissue
consequently generation of high-resolution pictures of the brain
spatial solution 1mm
functional MRI (fMRI) not used in routine clinical practice
laboratory examinations
single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET)
use of radioactive substances (tracers) in both (injected or inhaled)
uptake preferentially in most active brain areas
therefore images of blood flow and activity of different brain areas
no detailed anatomical pictures (in contrast to CT, MRI)
spatial resolution 1-2 cm in SPECT and 0.5-1 cm in PET
both rarely used in clinical practice
both (SPECT, PET) allow study of receptor binding
dopamine receptors of patients with Parkinson’s disease
decrease in dopamine as the disease progresses (in putamen)
laboratory examinations
angiography (or arteriography)
conventional x-ray examination after injection of iodine-containing contrast substance
leads to visualisation of arteries and veins
laboratory examinations
stenosis (narrowing) of an artery
blockade of an artery
aneurysms (bulging of artery by a weakness of artery wall)
Arteriovenous malformation or angioma (AVM, a tangle of pathological vessels)
pathological vessels in a brain tumour
laboratory examinations
electroencephalography (EEG)
Hans Berger recorded the first human EEG in 1924
he noted rhythms in the electric activity - brain waves
the first one he noticed he called alpha waves
laboratory examinations
electroencephalography (EEG) how it works
neurons generate action potentials that bread across axons and dendrite
multitude of action potentials of cortisol neutrons adds up to electrical field potentials
measurement of electric activity of cerebral cortex
most important use
searching for signs of epileptic activity
EEG abnormality also in other diseases, such as
degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
general slowing (indication of)
brain tumours
focal changes of rhythm or shape of EEG waves