Neuropathic bladder/urinary incontinence Flashcards
why are women more likely to have incontinence than men?
they have a weak bladder neck mechanism
bladder does not contract very strongly
the urethral sphincter is supported by pelvic floor muscles which are not very strong
why are men more likely to have obstructive causes of LUTS than women?
there is both a bladder neck sphincter and a distal urethral sphincter
bladder can contract quite strongly and develop high pressures
urethra is much longer
the distal urethral sphincter is also supported by the pelvic floor
it is the bladder neck mechanism that contributes a lot to obstruction and retention
why is there a bladder neck mechanism in males?
to prevent retrograde ejaculation
where does the ejaculatory duct joint the urethra?
prostatic urethra
is the bladder neck mechanism in males a urinary sphincter?
no it is a gential sphincter to prevent retrograde ejaculation
what does the cortex do in micturition?
senses whether the bladder is full
allows voluntary initiation of voiding
what does the PMC/PAG allow you to do?
co-ordination of bladder contraction and sphincter relaxation
what are the spinal reflexes of micturition?
- reflex bladder contraction when the bladder is full (but overridden by higher centres) - contrplled by the sacral micturition centre
- guarding reflex - controlled by Onuf’s nucleus
- sympathetic - receptive relaxation
from what spinal levels are the sympathetic fibres to the bladder?
what does the sympathetic NS do in micturition?
inhibits detrusor contraction - ie bladder relaxation
SMOOTH muscle sphincter contraction
what does the parasympathetic NS do in micturition?
detrusor contraction
SMOOTH muscle sphincter relaxation
what does the somatic pudendal nerve do?
contraction and relaxation of the STRIATED muscle sphincter - you don’t usually use this, but only when you are desperate and trying not to go
what are the storage symptoms of LUTS?
what are the voiding symptoms of LUTS?
slow stream splitting or spraying hesitancy straining terminal dribble intermittency
what are the post micturition symptoms?
post micturition dribble
feeling of incomplete emptying
what is the definition of frequency?
passing water more often
what is the definition of urgency?
a sudden, compelling desire to void which is difficult to defer
nocturia definition?
going to the toilet 2 or more times per night - nocturia is going to the toilet in the middle of the night with the intention of going back to sleep
incontinence definition?
involuntary loss of urine
intermittency definition?
urinating in a stop-start fashion
Hesitancy defintion?
delay in initiation of micturition
What parameters can you get from a bladder diary?
- 24 hour urine volume
- volume produced /day
- volume produced/night - if you know what time they went to sleep and woke up
- frequency of urination/day
- frequency of urination/night
- frequency of incontinence
- frequency of nocturia
- nocturnal volume ÷ 24 hour volume
- functional capacity - the maximum value in the bladder diary that the bladder has held
what is the normal urinary frequency per day?
what is the normal urinary frequency at night?