Neuronal mechanisms of attention - hemispatial neglect Flashcards
When someone has a stroke a blood clot breaks off and travels up the artery until it gets caught and blocks the blood flow to one side of the brain.
Neurons die off in that area that lead to functional impairment
area of brain damage
contralesional stim
Things occurring on the opposite side to the lesion
ipsilesional stim
Things occuring on the same side as the lesion
cancellation tests
Because of the crossed nature of the human sensory system, a right hemisphere lesion affects the left side of space and vice versa.
Thus, patients with right hemisphere lesions have weakness on the left of the body and also have problems noticing things on the left side of space – ignore things on the left side
Influences contralesional stimuli
This is a standard test for hemispatial neglect, requiring the patient (who has a right hemisphere lesion) to cross out all of the lines on the page.
As you can see, the patient only crosses out lines on the right, ignoring all those on the left.
what happens when the attention system breaks - hemispatial neglect
Another test simply requires patients to copy what they see. Here, you can see they ignore all the numbers on the left and the left side of the house.
neuroanatomy of neglect
Temporoparietal junction (TPJ) is the most common area but neglect can occur after damage to all of these regions.
how do we know the patent is not just blind on one side?
As the patient recovers, neglect often resolves into extinction.
In extinction, the patient can perceive individual touches on the left and the right side.
However, when presented with a simultaneous touch on both sides, the patient only perceives the one on the right.
It is the same with visual stimuli – patients can see things on either side individually but will generally miss things on the contralesional side (the side opposite the lesion) when presented together with things on the ipsilesional side (the same side as the lesion).
primary tactile processing in tact
Neglect/extinction is not specific to any sense
Patients with extinction often can detect contralesional stimuli, just not when they occur simultaneously with ipsilesional stimuli
Primary visual cortex is often intact and shows activation to (ignored) contralesional stimuli
Rees et al. (2000)
fMRI evidence demonstrates that patients with neglect/extinction have preserved visual processing.
This patient has a lesion in the right hemisphere.
As you can see, when a single face is presented in their contralesional visual field, they show normal activation in visual cortex.
When the face on the left is presented simultaneously with an object on the right, the patient reports no awareness of the face.
However, there is still activation in visual cortex (albeit reduced). Therefore, the visual cortex is still processing the object despite the lack of (conscious) awareness.
modulation of primary visual cortex processing
so what is ‘broken’ in neglect?
Consensus is that neglect/extinction is a disorder of attention
Inability to consciously detect or respond to stimuli in the contralesional side of space
neglects has helped shed light on the mechanisms underlying attention
- Attention can operate at a late stage of processing – contralesional stimuli are able to influence behaviour despite a complete lack of awareness of such stimuli
- early = filter out low level properties of stim - Attention selects internal representations as well as external stimuli
- e.g. imagination/visual memory
- allocate attention to diff internal representations
- overlap with WM - Attention operates in an object-centred frame of reference
- attention as spotlight - Attention is a competitive process
Mattingley, Davis and Driver (1997)
In this study Mattingley and colleagues wanted to test whether attention operates at a late stage in processing, i.e. after low level visual processing
They presented subjects with Kanizsa figures, in which removing a segment of each circle produces the illusion of an object in the centre.
These figures rely on substantial low level visual processing – edges, brightness combine to form a single illusory surface.
They found that extinction of left sided circles was substantially reduced when an illusory surface was formed.
Suggests attention operates after the low level visual processing has occurred – even after stimuli in the environment have been interpreted as objects.
lots of processing needed to see square
aware of left side stim when paired into full shape
see notes and slides
further evidence for unconscious processing of contralesional stim: capture of attention by fear related stim - Vuilleumier and Schwartz (2001)
They tested patients with extinction on a task where they were asked simply to identify what they could see.
Patients were presented with two pictures at a time, which could either be fearful (e.g. spiders) or neutral (e.g. a ring).
They found that extinction was highest in all patients when the stimulus on the left was neutral but that extinction was reduced when the stimulus on the left was fearful.
This suggests that despite the patient not being aware of information on the left side of space, if the information is sufficiently meaningful, or important, the stimulus can ‘break through’ the attentional filter
Parallels with the cocktail party effect from the previous lecture.
emotional response
see notes
evidence that unattended items are processed up to the semantic level in extinction - Vuilleumier and Rafael (2000)
Here subjects were shown two words, either the same (e.g one one) or different (e.g. one two)
The first thing to note is that extinction was higher when the words were the same demonstrating that the meaning of the word is processed preattentively.
However a potential confound is that the words also look visually the same – same features etc – so could be just visual features that are processed.
So next they showed subjects words that looked different but with either the same semantic meaning (e.g. one 1) or a different meaning (e.g. one 2).
Found that neglect was still lower for words that had the same meaning, even if they looked different, than words that had different meaning
This shows that it is not the low level visual features of the words that drives the difference, but the semantic meaning of the words.
see notes
presence of targets drives perseveration - Manly et al. (2002)
Perseveration behavior reduced when targets were removed from the left (unattended) side – suggests influence of unseen targets on behavior to seen targets.
re-cancel stars already cancelled
see notes
fewer stars presented = less perseveration
influence behav to stars can see - processed to level that know missing something
confound - just removing clutter?
So in the next experiment they again removed targets from the left but this time replaced each target with a distractor.
Thus, the number of items (clutter) remains the same but the number of targets reduces.
see notes
They found that perseveration still reduced dramatically with the number of targets.
Again suggests that the unseen targets on the left can influence responding.
This demonstrates a really interesting aspect of attention, which is that although things are not perceived, they can still influence our behaviour.
Parallels with influence of unattended stimuli in dichotic listening task.