Memory consolidation Flashcards
memory consolidation
- Cellular (synaptic – strengthening/amount of connections between 2 neurons)
- System-level (whole brain)
‘Offline neural changes that lead to memory stabilisation, enhancement, and integration with pre-existing knowledge’
Mueller and Pilzecker (1900)
New memories initially fragile, but soon resistant to interference (e.g. new learning, shock to the brain, stressor, resistance to drug)
o Lots can happen in period of solidification
Ps learnt list of paired-associate syllables (AB) and tested in cued recall (using first syllable, A)
Interpolating another list (CD) impaired memory of first list (AB)
Found temporal grad, whereby closer in time interfering list to target list, stronger amnestic effect
Memories require time to consolidate
Retroactive interference compromises integrity of recently formed – but not yet consolidated – memories
Interference ‘nonspecific’, i.e. interfering material doesn’t have to be similar to target material (i.e. AB v CD)
Mental exertion is interfering force
o Engage neurons into new learning
o Detrimental to consolidation overall
exp 34
see notes
Temporal grad
the ‘clay sculpture’ metaphor - Wixted and Cai (2014)
Memory initially at finest, but fragile; over time, becomes resistance to interference, i.e. shows less and less potentials for damage
shape of forgetting function - Wixted (2004)
Clay metaphor fits well with forgetting curves
Rate at which we forget not constant; would be property of memoryless systems
Ebbinghaus (1885): forgetting function is such that we forget less and less as time goes by
o Good learners also good consolidators
Jost (1897): if 2 mems have equal strength but diff ages, older trace will decay at slower rate
o Older memories already had time to solidify
Continue reduction in forgetting rate is sign of consolidation
see notes
- cellular consolidation
Occurs at neuron level (not at whole-brain “systems” level)
Takes place during first hours (or days) after initial memory formation in hippocampus
o Storing dec memories
Fits well with idea of trace-hardening phys process put forward as far as Mueller and Pilzecker
Corresponds to discovery of LT potentiation (Bliss and Lømo, 1973)
LT potentiation - Bliss and Lømo (1973)
Long lasting enhancement of synaptic efficacy induced by tetanus (short burst of high-freq stim) to presynaptic neuron
see notes
When drinking – brain stops encoding info – help consolidation of what you learnt in afternoon
No interference of what you are doing/encoding of new memories
retrograde facilitation
If subsequent encoding (mental exertion) interferes with memory consolidation, factors blocking new encoding should promote memory stabilisation
o Alcohol
o Benzodiazepines (anxiolytic drug)
o Slow-wave (non-REM) sleep
Mainly occurs earlier/first half of night
Not learning anything new – promote consolidation of precious memories
o Resulting anterograde amnesia accompanied by retrograde facilitation: memories formed prior to drug intake/sleep forgotten to lesser degree than memories formed prior to placebo/wake
retrograde interference/fac
see notes
- systems consolidation
HM’s bilateral medial temporal lobe (MTL) resection:
o Anterograde amnesia: inability to form new declarative memories (the ‘what’) – learning new facts
o Temporally graded retrograde amnesia: impairment of memories formed prior to surgery, stronger for young than old memories (Scoville and Milner, 1957; Ribot’s law, 1881)
Declarative memories becoming independent from hippocampus and more dependent on neocortex referred as ‘systems consolidation’
the hippocampus
Episodes in life represented in hippocampus v. quickly
Essence of memory captured by hippocampus – puts memories together to make them coherent
Disengages in long run once memories form
see notes
temporal gradient of semantic memory - behaviour
Bayley et al. (2006; Manns et al., 2003): 6 amnesic patients w/ damage limited to hippocampal region
Answer Qs about news – 1951-2005
Old memories preserved in patients
see notes
temporal gradient of semantic memory - brain activation (in controls)
Smith and Squire (2009): 160 Qs on news events over 30 years
Trade-off between hippocampus and outer layers of brain – expected to be given something from hippocampus
see notes
the same temporal grad over 24h
Shift from hippocampal to neocortical centred retrieval network with consolidation (Takashima et al., 2009)
Systems consolidation can occur v. quickly
Richness of memorised materials may determine how fast systems consolidation occurs
see notes
Associated face w. orientation of arrow
Test phase next
2 lists of orientations that don’t overlap – day before/just before test
Hippocampus used to initially code info
what is the sig of this shift go activation from the medial-temporal lobe to the neocortex?
Declarative memories stored in neocortex from the outset (e.g. sensory and semantic areas)
Hippocampus acts as a relay station and binds them together
Over time, cortico-cortical associations develop (due to the hippocampus), such that these memories become independent of the hippocampus
Traces for given event segmented – hippocampus connects them together
Sent back to neocortex when sleeping