Neuromuscular System and Exercise Flashcards
What is the neuromuscular system
the interaction between the nervous system and the muscles.
What happens when there is a voluntary decision to move?
Efferent nerve impulses are sent
What is the basic functional unit of movement?
Motor neuron
What is in a motor unit?
Anterior motor neuron
Muscle fibers it innervates
What is a motor neuron?
Efferent nerve and is relatively large in diameter
leads to neuromuscular junstion
Myelinated thus provides fast conductivity
What is a motor units?
Includes the interface and muscle fiber
Site of acetylcholine release = change in NA2+ and K+ permeability
Initiating depolarization and contraction
How can we study motor units?
1) Electromyography (surface and intramuscular)
- Quality and quantity of electrical activity
2) Muscle biopsy
- Removal and analysis of a small portion of muscle
- Directly measures fibers
3) Force/Power Output Device
- Measures force, power, torque, angular velocity
4) Other imaging devices
What are the classifications of the 3 primary motor units?
Fast Fatiguable -high force -thickest -fatigue Fast fatigue resistance -fast -mod force -thick Slow twitch -low force -fatigue resistance
What is the nerve to muscle fibre ratio definition?
A single motor neuron and the number of muscle fibres stimulated
What is gross movement?
Muscles involved a higher muscle fiber to nerve ratio (gastroc 1:1776)
What is precise movement?
Fine movements have a lower muscle fiber to nerve ratio
eye 10:1
What is Hennman’s size principle?
Small neurons fire first
Need to be at or above 60% of MVC to recruit fast fatigue
What motor units are recruited first?
slow motor units for both power and endurance movements
-Slow have a lower recruitment threshold (depolarize quicker)
What accounts for force production during fast velocity exercise?
Fast fatigue and fast fatigue resistant
What are the fiber type classification?
Type I (Slow) Type IIa (FFR) Type II b/x (FF)