Neuromuscular System Flashcards
Malignant hyperthermia
Temperature increase after PE tube insertion
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
mulitfocal white matter lesions in brain
Unable to move right side of body
Concern about infant head shape
Refer to surgeon
Test for child holding eyes open with fingers
Effect of a test dose of edrophonium
Treatment for seizure with no epileptiform discharge
Request psychiatric evaluation
Left hemiparesis
Left central facial weakness
Acute infant hemiplegia
Absence of B hexoaminidase A
Tay Sachs disease
Late walker
Sluggish during physical activity
Past seizure activity
Enhanced basal cisterns
Tuberculous meningitis
Unsteady gait
Babinski reflex
Pontine glioma
Months of headaches with emesis
Headaches more frequent in morning
Behavioral change
School performance decrease
Lesion in subtentorial region
Infantile spinal muscular dystrophy
Facial diplegia
Cherry red spot in the eye
Defeciency of acid B galactosidase
High temp
Good state of health otherwise
Ottis media on examination
Weakness of lower extremities
Gullian Barr Syndrome
Pooled saliva
Tongue fasiculations
Degeneration of anterior horn cells in spinal chord
Waddle gait
Inward curvature of lower spine
Enlarged calves
Muscular dystrophy
Wakes up screaming
Doesn’t remember following morning
Night terrors
Management for fainting (no seizure activity)
Encourage adequate fluid and salt intake
Recurrent pulsatile headache localized behind the eyes
Migraine (Vascular headache)
Chronic, worsening headache without previous symptoms
Increase intracranial pressure
Headache that worsens during the school day
Tension headache
Clinical sign of Neurofibromatosis type 1
History of fractures and optic gliomas
Malignant schwannoma
Clinical sign of PHACE syndrome
Blindness on the same side as a large facial lesion
Clinical sign of Tuberous Sclerosis
Infantile spasms
Hypsarrhythmic EEG pattern
Ash leaf depigmentation