Cardiorheumatology Flashcards
Treatment for pill overdose
ICU admission
Close monitoring
FAB antibody fragments
Most common finding of rheumatic fever
Coronary artery disease risk management
Screen the parents for total cholesterol
Swelling of hands and feet after exercise or emotical stress
Hereditary angioedema
Short stature
Webbed neck
XO karyotype
Probability of heart disease in future children after a new born is born with congenital heart disease
Loud first heart sound
Fixed and widely split second heart sound (upper left sternal border)
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Erythematous macular exanthem
Ocular conjunctivitis
Dry and cracked lips
Red throat
Kawasaki disease
Gallop heart sounds
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
Management for infant with tachycardia, listlessness and pallor
Carotid massage
S3 and S4 systolic murmur in pulmonic area
Mid diastolic murmur along lower left sternal border
Ebstein anomaly
Cyanosis after exercise
Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome
Spindle shaped swelling of joints
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Holosystolic murmur
Tricuspid atresia
ECG axis of 120
RV prominence
Transposition of the great vessels
Click heart sound
Hyperextensible skin and easy bruising
Mitral valve prolapse
Treatment for cyanotic newborn with deep and quick breathing
Prostoglandin E1 infusion
Shortened lower distal arms
Low platelet count
Shield like chest
Malformed ears
Pulmonic stenosis
Short of breath and dizzy during exercise
Occasional chest pain
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Emotionally induced syncopal episodes
Prolonged QT sydnrome
Large liver
Erythematous rash
Congenital Heart Block
No weight gain
Congestive heart failure
Age when infant with LVSD begins showing symptoms of congenital heart failure
1 month
Dominant mechanism to increase CO
By increasing heart rate
Earliest sign of congestive heart failure on X ray
Increased heart size
Decreased pulmonary vascular markings
Left axis deviation
Tricuspid atresia
Teratology of fallout
Infant with cyanotic congenital heart defect and decreased pulmonary vascularity treatment
Prostaglandin E1
Level of deoxygenated hemoglobin in cyanosis
3-5 gm/dL
Pulmonary vascularity is NOT decreased in
Difference between RHD and ARF
In RHD there is evidence of chronic heart disease
What is NOT included in Jones Major criteria
Maculopapular rash
Jones criteria for swollen knee, recent swollen wrist and fever
1 major
1 minor
ARF symptoms (most to least common)
Arthritis, carditis, chorea, erythema marginatum
Salicylates are directed at what ARF symptom?
Corticosteriods are directed at what ARF symptom?
Severe carditis
Most common microorg in pediatric infective endocarditis
Strep viridans
Most common etiologic factor of myocarditis
What is not a minor criteria for infective endocarditis
Vegetation on ECG
Most severe clincal manifestation of pediatric myocarditis
Acute congestive heart failure
Best test to diagnose myocarditis
Cardiac MRI
Treatment for pediatric postpericardiotomy syndrome
“All of the above”
Right aortic arch
Aberrant left subclavian
Vascular ring
Left aortic arch
Aberrant right subclavian
Tracheobronchial anomaly
Pulmonary artery sling
Not a symptom of vascular rings
Hoarse cry
Cause of syncope
What mutations cause long QT syndrome
NA, K and Ca channel
Brugada syndrome
Hereditary arrhythmia syndrome
Treatment to prevent arythmia in patients with long QT syndrome
Mechanism of SCD in Brugada syndrome
Ventricular reentry tachycardia