Neuromuscular disorders Flashcards
Peripheral nerves
12 pairs of cranial nerves and 36 pairs of spinal nerves
Contain both motor and sensory axons
Limbs supplied by nerves from brachial or lumbosacral plexi
Neuromuscular juntion
Axon terminal, a synaptic cleft, and the endplate region of skeletal muscle
Junction is a transducer (electrical to chemical)
Clinical signs of muscle/nerve/synapse dysfunction
Generailsed weakness
Split into neuropathies, myopathies, and juctionopathies
Clinical signs of neuropathies
LMN disease
Usually severe impairment of motor function
Gait: Flaccid paresis or paralysis
Postural reaction: deficits
Spinal reflexes: Reduced/absent
Muscle tone: decreased to absent
Muscle mass: neurogenic muscle atrophy
Sensation: Decreased (hypoesthesia) to absent (anaesthesia). Paraesthesia, auto-mutilation
Cranial nerve deficits: V, VII, IX, X/XI, dysphagia, dysphonia, regurgitation due to megaoesophagus
Clinical signs of myopathies
Ventroflexion of the neck - especially in cats
Gait: generalised weakness, exercise intolerance, stiff and stilted
Postural reactions: usually normal
Spinal reflexes: usually normal
Muscle tone: usually normal
Muscle mass: muscle atrophy
Sensation: Usually unaltered, but can have muscle pain on palpation
Cranial nerve deficits: Usually unaltered but may be altered by involvement of masticatory muscles or impairment of swallowing
Neuromuscular diagnostic investigation (NM)
Serum biochem (creatinine kinase and electrolytes)
Urinalysis (glucosuria, myoglobinuria)
Chest x-rays (megaoesophagus, aspiration pneumonia)
Peripheral nerve disorders causing generalised weakness
Idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis
Protozoal neuritis-myositis
Muscle diseases causing generalised weakness
Protozoal neuritis-myositis
Neuromuscular diseases causing generalised weakness
Myasthenia gravis
Organophosphate and carbamates
Infectious causes of nerve/muscle ‘generalised weakness’
Protozoal polyradiculoneuritis-myositis
Inflammatory causes of nerve generalised weakness
Idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis
Inflammatory causes of muscle generalised weakness
Idiopathic polymyositis
Inflammatory causes of NM junction generalised weakness
Myasthenia gravis
Indiopathic causes of muscle generalised weakness
Exercise induced rhabdomyolysis
Toxic causes of nerve generalised weakness
Toxic causes of Muscle generalised weakness
Toxic rhabdomyolysis
Toxic causes of muscle generalised weakness
Botulism, organophosphates/carbamates, aminoglycosides
Metabolic causes of nerve generalised weakness
Diabetes mellitus
Metabolic causes of muscle generalised weakness
Cushing’s myopathy
Hypokalaemic myopathy
Neoplastic causes of nerve generalised weakness
Paraneoplastic: insulinoma
Neoplastic causes of muscle generalised weakness
Paraneoplastic: lymphoma
Neoplastic causes of NM junciton generalised weakness
Degenerative causes of nerve generalised weakness
Inherited neuropathies