Neurology - Raised ICP and herniation syndromes Flashcards
Definition of intracranial pressure (ICP)
= Pressure within intracranial compartment, it is distributed evenly throughout the intracranial cavity and corresponds to pressure in the brain tissue and CSF
Lumbar CSF pressure in a supine patient equates to the ICP
How is ICP measured?
Measured relative to the foramen of Monroe (usually approximated to the external auditory meatus)
5-15mmHg in normal supine adults (can be much higher in coughing, straining or valsalva)
CBF = Cerebral blood flow
Raised ICP is only a problem if CBF is compromised
Flow = Pressure/ Resistance
So, CBF = Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)/ Cerebral vascular resistance (CVR)
CBF is reduced if CPP decreases or if CVR increases
What controls CVR?
i) Autoregulation (changes in vessel calibre in response to changes in cerebral perfusion pressure; myogenic response)
- Increased pressure = CONSTRICTION
- Decreased pressure = DILATION
ii) Metabolic changes:
- Hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis, increased metabolic products = DILATION
- Hypocapnia, alkalosis, and decreased metabolic by products = CONSTRICTION
CPP = Cerebral perfusion pressure
Normally > 50mmHg
Therefore, if ICP increases CPP decreases (due to loss of pressure gradient) leading to reduced cerebral blood flow causing ischaemic damage
How far does CBF need to fall before brain damage occurs?
Brain damage occurs when CBF falls to
When does auto regulation of cerebral blood flow begin to fail?
Autoregulation maintains cerebral blood flow over certain limits despite changes in cerebral perfusion pressure (MABP - ICP)
Autoregulation only works between a CPP of 60-160mmHg after which blood flow is determined directly by perfusion pressure
How is auto regulation affected during brain injury?
In the damaged brain autoregulation is impaired
Decreased CPP is more likely to cause reduced CBF and ischaemia
High CPP may raise CBF, break down the BBB and produce cerebral oedema
Causes of raised ICP
1) Intracranial mass lesion
- Tumor
- Infection: Abscess/ subdural empyema/ tuberculoma
- Haematoma: Traumatic or spontaneous
2) Increased CSF volume
- Obstructive or communicating hydrocephalus
3) Increase in cerebral blood volume
- Venous outflow obstruction (e.g. venous sinus thrombosis)
- Vasodilation (e.g. reactive hyperaemia due to loss of auto regulation following head injury)
4) Cerebral oedema
5) Prevention of normal skull growth (children)
- Multisutural synostosis (premature fusion of skull sutures) - e.g. Crouton’s syndrome
How does oedema appear on CT?
Affected brain is hypotenuse (darker) on CT
2 types of oedema - vasogenic and cytotoxic (both are often present in variable portions in trauma and schema)
Vasogenic oedema
- Secondary to breakdown of BBB, leakage of intravascular proteins and fluid into interstitial space
- Primarily affects white matter
- Seen around tumours or abscesses
When causes vasogenic oedema?
- Can occur in late stages of cerebral ischaemia due to ischaemic damage to cerebral blood vessels
- PRES = posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; type of vasogenic oedema that arises secondary to malignant hypertension
- Altitude sickness (HACE = high altitude cerebral oedema)
Appearance of vasogenic oedema on MRI
Elevated apparent diffusion co-efficient (ADC) - i.e. increased water diffusion
Cytotoxic oedema
Increased intracellular fluid in glia (particularly astrocytes) and neurones due to failure of cellular metabolism (ATP dependent ion channels)
Predominantly affects grey matter
What are the common causes of cytotoxic oedema?
1) Early cerebral ischaemia (failure of oxygen delivery to the brain) - e.g. stroke, near drowning, cardiac arrest, carbon monoxide poisoning
2) Drugs and toxins - e.g. hepatic encephalopathy (secondary to elevated ammonia), isoniazid
Appearance of cytotoxic oedema on MRI
Reduced ADC (decreased water diffusion)
Which type of oedema is most responsive to therapy?
Vasogenic oedema, not cytotoxic, is helped with dexamethasone therapy
3 stages in pathogenesis of ICP
1) Stage of compensation
2) Stage of decompensation
3) Vasomotor paralysis
What happens during the stage of compensation in raised ICP?
An expanding lesion (e.g. tumour, oedema, haematoma etc) leads to a potential increase in ICP
Initially there is:
- Vasoconstriction - reduces intracranial blood volume (predominantly venous)
- Increased CSF absorption and decreased formation - decreases CSF volume
This allows the brain to expand without serious effects but is only temporary
What happens during decompensated raised ICP?
At this stage there are herniations (with associated complications) and raised ABP with bradycardia (Cushing reflex)
Vasomotor paralysis
Raised ICP leads to reduced CPP this leads to reduced CBF and hypoxia and hypercapnia. This damages neurones and causes vasodilation with further increases ICP - vicious cycle
Monro-Kellie doctrine
Cranial compartment is of fixed volume. Any increase in one of the intracranial contents (blood, CSF or brain tissue) must be compensated by a decrease in another
What happens in infants with raised ICP?
Infants are the exception because their skull sutures have not fused
When volume increases their sutures separate (diastasis) and the cranial vault enlarges to accommodate increased volume
History of raised ICP
- Headache: global headache; usually persistent; may be relieved on standing or by vomiting; may wake from sleep in early morning due to headache; worse on coughing or straining
- Vomiting
- Drowsiness
- Confusion
Examination findings in raised ICP
- Reduced consciousness - GCS (correlates with severity of raised ICP)
- Eye signs - papilloedema if present is a reliable indicator of elevated ICP causing enlarged blind spot, constricted visual fields, decreased acuity
- Cushings triad - Hypertension, bradycardia and respiratory irregularity (only seen in severely elevated ICP usually in comatose patients)
- Infants - full or tense fontanelle, dilated scalp veins
What cranial nerve provides a “false localising sign” in raised ICP?
CN IV (Abducens nerve) - it has a long intracranial course and is therefore susceptible to stretch with raised ICP
Foster Kennedy Syndrome
A mass lesion (usually an olfactory groove meningioma) compresses one optic nerve - causing atrophy, with papilloedema on the contralateral side due to raised ICP from the tumour
Investigations in raised ICP
- Symptoms OR signs of raised ICP should prompt neuroimaging (CT is best modality in cases of trauma and depressed GCS)
- In non traumatic cases, if NO mass lesion is identified on imaging and the cerebral aqueduct is patent an LP can be performed to measure CSF pressure
- ICP monitoring
Key treatment goals in managing raised ICP
i) Reduce ICP (based around Monro-Kellie doctrine)
- Reduce volume of intracranial contents
- Increase volume of intracranial compartment
ii) Protect the brain from damage due to impaired cerebral blood flow
Reducing the volume of intracranial contents in raised ICP
i) Blood:
- Optimise venous drainage (i.e. elevate the head, thrombolysis if raised ICP secondary to CVST)
- Prevent hyperaemic vasodilation: maintain pCO2 at 4.0-4.5kPA
ii) CSF:
- surgical drainage of CSF from ventricles (even if hydrocephalus is not present)
iii) Brain:
- Surgical removal of expanding mass (e.g. tumour, haematoma, abscess)
- “Shrink” the brain
Therapeutic strategies to “shrink” the brain in raised ICP
1) Osmotic agents (reduce brain interstitial fluid) - e.g. 20% mannitol or hypertonic saline
2) Steroids (dexamethasone) - reduce vasogenic oedema around tumours and cerebral abscesses (not helpful in trauma or ischaemic injury)
3) Brief (minutes) of hyperventilation (pCO2 3.5-4.0kPa) can transiently reduce cerebral blood volume to offset “spikes” in raised ICP in ventilated patients
How can the volume of the intracranial compartment be increased in raised ICP?
- Surgical decompressive craniectomy - removing the skull vault and surgically expanding the dural sac to allow the brain to swell without increasing ICP
- Brain resection - in trauma, a non dominant partial temporal or frontal lobectomy can be considered (esp if those areas are badly contused)
Cerebral protection in raised ICP
1) Intubation and ventilation - ensures adequate cerebral oxygenation and control of CO2
2) Reduce brain metabolism
i) High dose barbiturate therapy (thiopentone coma) - intractable raised ICP; given until burst suppression seen on EEG
ii) Cerebral cooling; moderate hypothermia reduces brain oxygen requirements
2 main complications of raised ICP
1) Visual loss - severe and prolonged papilloedema can result in visual loss due to optic atrophy
2) Cerebral herniation - different types:
- Tentorial/ Uncal herniation (lateral)
- Tentorial herniation (central)
- Subfalcine herniation
- Tonsillar herniation
- Upward cerebellar
What is an “uncal” herniation?
This is a lateral tentorial herniation
Unilateral supratentorial mass lesion causes the medial edge of the temporal lobe (known as the uncus) to herniate through the tentorial hiatus
If ICP continues to rise, can progress to central and then tonsillar herniation
What are the clinical features of an uncal herniation?
NB - uncal herniation = lateral tentorial herniation
- Compression of IIIrd nerve causes ipsilateral pupil dilation that is unreactive to light (a “fixed” pupil)
- Compression of posterior cerebral artery causes homonymous hemianopia
- Pressure on midbrain reticular formation leads to reduced consciousness
- Pressure from the contralateral edge of the tentorium against the cerebral peduncle (Kernohan’s notch) can cause ipsilateral hemiparesis (a false localising sign)
What causes a central tentorial herniation?
- Diffuse bilateral hemisphere swelling
- Hydrocephalus
- Midline mass lesions
They cause vertical displacement of the diencephalon through the tentorial hiatus
Clinical features of a central tentorial herniation
- Distortion of diencephalic and midbrain structures and stretching of perforating vessels causes coma
- Pupils may initially be small later becoming fixed
- Pressure on the upper midbrain (tectum) may cause loss of upward gaze (Parinaud’s syndrome)
- Distortion of the pituitary stalk may cause diabetes insipidus
Subfalcine herniation
Occurs early with unilateral supratentorial mass lesions causing herniation across the midline below the fall cerebri
Clinical features of subfalcine herniation
- Often asymptomatic
- Can result in contralateral hydrocephalus of lateral ventricle
- If severe can cause kinking and infarction of distal ipsilateral anterior cerebral artery - causing contralateral leg weakness
What is idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
(= pseudo tumour cerebri)
Consider in patients presenting as if with a mass (headache, raised ICP and papilloedema) where none is found!
Typical patients are obese women with narrowed visual fields, blurred vision +/- diplopia, 6th nerve palsy and an enlarged blind spot if papilloedema is present (it usually is)
Consciousness and cognition are preserved