Neurology Flashcards
Xanthochromic LP
Lucid period after trauma
Extradural haemorrhage
“Woody texture” muscle swelling
Duchenne or Becker MD
Raised CK
Toe walker
Muscular Dystrophy
Positive gowers sign
Muscular Dystrophy
Fluctuating cognitive deficit
Lewy Body dementia
REM disturbance
Lewy Body dementia
Vivid visual hallucinations normally of children and not threatening
Lewy Body dementia
Acute onset cognitive disturbance that fluctuates
Personality/behaviour changes and then dementia
Frontotemporal dementia (Pick’s disease)
Stepwise detrioration
Vascular dementia
Pain on loud noise
Facial nerve palsy
Painful third nerve palsy
Myalgia + myositis + myoglobulinaemia/uria
Rhabdo (leads to DIC and renal failure)
Inflammatory myopathy with poor response to steroids
Inclusion body myositis
Weakness + frontal balding + cataracts + ptosis
Myotonic dystrophy
Leg symptoms + midline shift
Falcine herniation
Back pain worse on coughing
Slipped disk
Headache worse on coughing
Posterior fossa issue
Bilateral sciatica + male sexual dysfunction
Cauda equina
Pleocytosis on CSF
rules out bacterial meningitis
Describes Erbs palsy
Upper brachial plexus injury
Waiters tip
More common
Associated with shoulder dystocia
What does injury to lower brachial plexus cause?
Klumpke’s palsy (claw hand)
Positive Simmonds test
Achilles tendon rupture