Neurology Flashcards
Gait ataxia and hypotonia will be seen in a patient with a lesion in the
Rostral vermis
Manifestation of vermian lesion:
a. Dysarthria
b. Scanning speech
c. Nystagmus
d. All
d. All
Manifestation of cerebellar dysfunction
a. Hypotonia
b. Decomposition of movement
c. Mild aesthenia
d. All
d. All
Test for arm dystaxia
a. Wrist tapping test
b. Arm pulling test
c. Thigh patting test
d. all
d. All
True in a patient with cerebellar hemisphere infarct in the right:
a. Nystagmus
b. Limb ataxia
C. Dysmetria
d. all
d. All
Superficial sensation routinely examined
Manifestation of polyneuropathy
a. Symetrical distal weakness
b. Areflexia
From medial to lateral (CTLS) segmented arrangement of fibers in the spinal cord is seen in the
b. Lateral cortico spinal
TRUE during testing of sensory function,
a. Usually done with patient’s eyes closed
b. Should compare cornified vs. Non cornified areas
c. Should examine symmetrical dermatomal area
d. All
a. Look for involuntary movements
b. Look for coordinated performance of
motor acts
c. Inspect muscle size
d. all
spastic gait
Narrow base of support
Leg externally rotated at the hip
Upper motor neuron paralysis:
a. Muscles affected in groups
b. Rigidity
c. Babinski
d. All
Cranial nerve from the supratentorial
Cranial nerve from the midbrain
Cranial nerve from the medulla
Open mouth
Cranial nerve from the pons
Corneal blink reflex
Cranial nerve from the pons
A stoke patient can open his eyes, moans and flexes on painful stimulation has a Glasgow coma scale of:
C. 10/15
The main objective of doing deep tendon reflex is to:
A. Differentiate whether the lesion is UMN or LMN
Babinski is not seen in: A. Frontal lobe tumor B. Brainstem stroke C. Spinal cord compression D. Diabetic neuropathy
A high stepped, slapping gate is usually secondary to:
B. Posterior column
Paralysis of upward gaze is usually secondary to:
C. Pineal Lesion
Not a feature of metabolic encephalopathy
A. Pupils are equal and reactive
B. Severe mental status alteration
c. Common occurrence of movement abnormality
d. Presence of lateralizing sign
Fatigue with exercise is usually seen in:
Neuromuscular function disorder
A unilateral, dilated, non – reactive pupil in a comatose pate will indicate:
Temporal bone herniation