Neurology Flashcards
- includes vertigo, light-headedness, faintness, imbalance
- vasc dz cause presyncopal dizziness dt cardiac dysrhythmia, ortho HyTN, medication
- vestibular causes dt peripheral lesions affecting labyrinths or vestribular nerves
- Ask the D’s: diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysmetria, dysesthesia, drop attacks
- deafness (transient and bilateral hearing loss is bad; abrupt onset unilateral loss may be bad or benign)
- dyspnea (SOB)
- when dizziness describes a sense of spinning or other motion (specifically the illusion of self or enviromental motion)
- can be physiologic (after sustained head rotation), pathologic (vestib dysfn)
- central etiology: multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, head injury, meds
- sxs:
- periph: sudden, intermittent, N/V, tinnitus, hearing loss, horizontal/rotary nystagmus
- central: gradual, continuous, N/V, vertical nystagmus, no auditory component, motor, sensory, or cerebellar deficits
- dx: dix-hallpike maneuver (nonfatigable nystagmus = central)
- tx: Periph = vestib suppressants for acute sxs (diazepam, meclizine), Epley maneuver; Central = tx source (deep head-hanging maneuver)
length of dizziness ddx
- seconds: BPPV, ortho HoTN
- minutes: TIA, migraine
- hours: vestibular migraine, Meniere dz
peripheral vs central vertigo
- peripheral: unilateral hearing loss and aural sxs
- unidirectional horizontal nystagmus (use Frenzel eyeglasses to aid detection)
- central: bilateral hearing loss, unless lesion lies near root entry zone of auditory nerve, double vision, numbness, limb ataxia (brainstem or cerebellar lesion)
head impulse test, diz-hallpicke maneuver, ancillary testing
- HIT: vestribuloocular reflex with 20 deg rapid head rotations - pt fixates on target, head rotated to right or left. If deficient, rotation followed by catch-up saccade in opposite direction
- Dix-Hallpike: sitting position, head turned 45 deg, hold pack of head and lower pt into supine w/ head extened backward 20 deg while watching eyes (post. canal BPPV = upbeating torsional nystagmus). If no nystagmus after 15-20 secs raist pt to sitting, repeat other side
- Ancillary testing (audiometry if vestib dz suspected)
Vestibular neuritis
- sudden asymetry of inputs from 2 labrynths or in central connections, stimulating continuous rotation of head
- Central (cerebellar, brainstem infarct, hemorrhage); Peripheral (affects vestribular nerve or labrynth)
- sxs: sudden, unilateral vertigo (persists even when head remains still), N/V, oscillopsia (motion of visual scene), imbalance, central sxs (diplopia, weakness, numbness, dysarthria)
- dx: head impulse test
- tx: spontaneously resolves (steroids w/in 3 d onset, antivirals NOT beneficial unless herpes zoster (Ramsay Hunt) suspected, vestribular suppresant meds for sxs, resume normal activity ASAP, vestricular rehab
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Common cause of recurrent vert, caused by dislodged otoconia (calcium carbonate crystals) from utricular macula and moved to semicirc canal
- sxs: brief (<1 min), provoked by change in head position
- Post canal BPPV: upward, torsional nystagmus
- Horizontal canal: horizontal nystag when lying ear down
- Sup canal: rare
- dx: + Dix hallpike (produces delayed fatigable nystagmus), Epley maneuver (for posterior canal BPPV)
- tx: dix-hallpike maneuver (quickly turn pts head 90 deg while supine), avoid using meclizine or similar meds
psychosomatic dizziness or vertigo
- phobic postural vert, psychophysiologic, or chonic subjective dizziness
- sxs: somatic manifestation of psychiatric condition (major depression, anxiety, panic), chronic dizziness and disequilibrium, increased sensitivity to self-motion and visual motion, worse with complex visual environments
- dx: neruo exam and vestibular testing: normal
- tx: SSRIs and cognitive behavioral tx, vestribular rehab tx
- comorbidity: anxiety, autonomic sxs
Acoustic neuroma
- intracranial benign tumor affecting CN VIII, bilateral acoustic neruomas associated with neurofibromatosis type II, progressive vertigo
- sxs: unilateral, progressive hearing loss, unsteadiness, vertigo, tinnitus, impaired speech discrim, HA
- signs: decreased corneal reflex, diplopia, facial weakness or numbness
- dx: head impulse test: deficient respone, MRI (dense enhancing lesions, enlarged internal auditory canal), LP (elevated protein)
- tx: asymptomatic = serial MRIs; larger lesions = surgery or SRS
- complicaiton: loss of corneal reflex from trigem involvement
- loss of consciousness/postural tone 2ary to acute dec in cerebral blood flow; 20% pts have 1ary dx of anxiety, mood, or substance abuse
- Ddx:
- seizure
- cardiat et: arrhythmias (sick sinus, v-tach, AV block, rapid SVT), obstruction of blood flow (aortic sten, HCM, mitral valve prolapse), massive MI
- vasovagal: ↑parasymp, ↓symp stim, MCC, emotional stress, fear, etc.; premonitory sxs = pallor, sweat, light-headed, N, dec vision, roaring in ears; Tilt table study to reproduce sxs; tx = supine, elevate legs, BB
- orthostatic HoTN: caused by ganglionic blocking agents, DM, old, defect in vasomotor reflexes; posture is main cause, + tilt table, tx with inc sodium and fluids, fludrocortisone
- TIA, hypoglyc, hypervent, hypersensitivity, mech reduction of venous return (valsalva, postmicturition), meds
- synchronoous dc of electrical activity or chonic disorder or recurrent, idiopathic seizures not reporduced by 2ary cause
- causes: 4Ms and 4Is
- Metabolic (hyponatremia, H2O tox, hypoglycemia, hyperglyc, hypocalc, uremia, thyroid storm, hypertherm
- Mass lesions (brain met, 1ary brain tumor, hemorrhage)
- Missing drugs (noncompliance w/ anticonvusants, withdrawal from ETOH, benzos, barbituates)
- Miscellaneous: pseudosiezures (psych), eclampsia, HTN enceph, febrile
- Intox (cocaine, lithium)
- Infxn (septic shock, bact, viral meningitis, brain abscess)
- Ischemia (embolic stroke, TIA, syncope)
- Increased ICP (dt trauma)
- chronic, reccurent seizures not produced by 2ary cause
- Triggers: sleep dep, emotional stress, meds, infxn, alc
- Causes: childhood and age
- sxs: dz requires 2+ separate seizures (unprovoked)
- dx: if known epileptic → check anticonculsant levels, if 1st seizure → CBC, CMP, gluc, renal fn, urinalysis
- EEG (abnormal pattern is NOT dx on its own), CT, MRI, LP, preg, PRL (serum levels rise abruptly in postictal state only in true epilepsy)
- tx: ABCs, check for noncompliance, check drug levels, increase dose of first anticonvulsant if persistent, add second drug if szs still uncontrolled. if controlled on 2 drugs, continue for 2y and then taper
- first seizure: EEG with neuro consult, if normal then recurrence is low.
- dont tx most pts with only one seizure
- start antiepileptics only if EEG abnl, MRI abnl or status epilepticus
simple partial seizure (focal), or aura
- sxs: consciousness INTACT (not impaired)
- seizure is localized but may evolve - can be described as a sensation (N, epigastric sensation), abnl thought (fear, deja vu), or involuntary mvmt
- pt can interact normally w/ enviro except for limitations imposed by seizure itself on local brain fns
- may involve transient unilateral clonic-tonic mvmt
- 60% of pts with partial epilepsy
- dx: EEG
- tx: phenytoin and carbamazepine (alternatives = phenobarb, depakote, primidone)
Complex partial seizure
- consciousness IMPAIRED (spans from minimal to complete unresponsiveness), preceding aura, ictal manifestations (1-3 mins), eyes usually open during ictus, automatisms (purposeless, involuntary, repetitive mvmts), epigastric sensation or vague cephalic sensation, olfactory or gustatory hallucinations, deja vu, micropsia, macropsia, fear, pleasure, anger, voices, music, speech arrest, absence-like sxs
- contralateral: eye dev, arm extens, fencing posture, clonic mvmts of face, fingers, hand, foot
- postictal confusion (fatigue, ipsilateral HA, mins to hours)
- dx: EEG
- tx: trileptal, lamictal, phenytoin and carbamazepine
Generalized tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure
- eyes open and “roll to back of head”, begins with sudden LOC, apnea, urinary incontinence, vomiting
- Tonic phase: extensor posturing for 20-60s (rigid trunk, limb extension, bilaterally symmetrical)
- clonic phase: progressively longer periods of inhibition → lasting up to 60s
- postictal phase: transient deep stupor → 15-30min of lethargy, confusion → hours to days of HA, muscle soreness, mental dulling, mood changes
- signs: cyanosis, foaming at mouth, tongue biting, hypoxemia
- dx: lactic acidosis, elevated catecholamines, increased CK, PRL, corticotropin, cort
- EEG: generalized high amp rapid spiking
- tx: roll pt onto side, levetiracetam, topiramate, zonisamide, phenytoin and carbamazepine, phenobarb, depakote, primidone