Dermatology Flashcards
Seborrhea dermatitis
- malassezia yeast, immunocop, bimodal (2-12mo, adolescence/early adulthood), M>F
- sxs: scaling erythema, itching, most common on scalp, face, chest, back, axilla, groin
- Infants: thick white or yellow greasy scale on scalp
- adults: flaky, greasy erythematous patches on scalp, nasolabial folds, ears, eyebrows, ant chest or upper back
- dx: mainly clinical, but bx may reveal parakeratosis, plugged follicular ostia, and spongiosis
- tx: topical ketoconazole, antifungal shampoo (selenium sulfide), zinc pyrithione twice/wk, irritation, topical steroids, calcineurin inhib second line, short term
- infants resolve spontaneously
atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- more . susceptible to skin infxns, S. aurus (most common), associated allergic triad: asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic derm
- onset before age 2, 10% diagnosed after age 5
- acute phase: vesicular, weeping, crusting eruption
- subacute: dry, scaly, red papules and plaques
- chronic: excoriations and lichenifiecation of skin, xerosis, hyperpigmentation, flexural lichenification in adults: anterior and lateral neck, eyelids, forehead, face, wrists, dorsa of feet, hands, facial and extensor involvement in children and infants
- dx: complications: secondary bacterial infxns - pustules and crusts
- tx: moisturizers or emollients: cetaphil or eucerin (ointments = aquaphor, patroleum jelly)
- bathing removes scale, crust irritants, allergens, limit use of nonsoap cleansers
- topical steroids = first line for flareups
- topical calcineurin for mod-severe (pimecrolimus/elidel or tacrolimus)
- abx to reduce flare ups
- UV phototx for severe or refractory
nummular eczema
- one or several . coin-shaped plaques on extreities, typically on backs of hands
dyshidrosis (pompholyx)
- occurs on lateral digits, clear, deep-seated erythematous “tapioca pudding” vesicles +/- scaling
- dx: history/clinical dx
- tx: topical steroids and emollients
lichen simplex chronicus
- MC: adults, possible in children
- sxs: eczematous eruption caused by habitual scratching of single localized area, one or more plaques with lichenification in an area that is easily scratched
- tx: high potency topical steroids (first line) for all forms: clobetasol
- health maintenance: avoid scratching and picking at skin
lichen planus
- chronic, inflammatory autoimmune dz, MC in perimen women 30-60yo, commonly associated with hep C
- sxs: acute onset, affects flexor surfaces of . wrists, forearms, legs
- 6 Ps: planar (flat topped), purple, polygonal, pruritic, papules, plaques, pruritis
- signs: Koebner phenomenon - follow lines of trauma, covered by lacy, reticular, white lines (wickham striae), postinflammatory hyperpigmentation as skin lesions clear, especially with darker skin
- dx: 4mm punch bx helpful and required for atypical dz
- tx: high potency topical steroids (first line) for all forms: clobetasol
- oral antihist, for itching, intralesional triamcinolone (kenalog) for hypertrophic lesions, topical calcineurin inhib (tacrolimus or pimecrolimus) for vulvovaginal lichen planus, 3-6wk oral prednisone for severe widespread cases
- prognosis: most self-limites: resolves spontaneously within 1-2y although recurrence is common
- screen for hep C
pityriasis rosea
- children . and young adults, related to herpes type 7, not contagious, common on trunk, upper arms, and thighs
- sxs: begins w/ herald patch, pruritis, progress to generalized rash in 1-3wks, multiple salmon-pink oval papules scattered symmetrically, christmas-tree like distribution over neck, trunk, and proximal extremities, annular plaques with collarette scale
- tx: self-limiting (reassurance) in 6-8 wk without tx, antihistamines for itching
- etiology: genetic . and enviro factors, immune-mediated dz, MC form: plaque psoriasis
- RF: direct skin trauma (Koebner phenom), strep infxn, stress, smoking, obesity, ETOH
- sxs: distinctive red, scaling patches and papules that coalesce to form round-to-oval plaques on extensor surfaces, itchy and sometimes painful
- associated comorbidities: CV dz, lumphoma, depression
- dx: clinical, bx rarely needed
- tx: topical steroids, topical vitD, tazarotene for mild cases, calcineurin inhib such as tacrolimus or pimecrolimus, biologics for . severe, TNF inhib for sporiatic arthitis
- Pustular psoriasis: on palms and feet without plaques, can be severe and life-threatening
erythema multiforme
- delayed-type hypersensitivity rxn to infxn or drugs, adults 20-40, infectious causes = HSV 1 or 2, M pneumo, fungal
- meds: barbiturates, hydantoins, NSAIDs, PCN, phenothiazines, sulfonamides
- sxs: acute, polymorphous eruption of macules, papules, and “target or iris lesions” without scaele = round shape, 3 concentric zones, itching or burning at site
- signs: sharply demarcated red or pink macules → papular → plaques , central portion becomes darker red, brown, dusky, or purpuric, crusting or blistering of center, symmetrically distrib, spreads distal to prox, minimal mucous memb involvement
- dx: <10% of body surface area
- tx: tx existing infxn or dc drug (mild = no tx; recurrent = acyclovir continuously)
- prognosis: resolves spontaneously in 3-5wks without sequelae, may recur
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- most often caused by meds, MC = sulfonamides (TMP-SMX), allopurinol, antipsychotics, antisiezure meds
- sxs: no typical target lesions, flat atypical targets, confluent purpuric macules on face and trunk, severe mucosal erosions at one or more sites
- dx: <10% of body surface area
- tx: stop meds immediately and transfer pt to burn center
toxic epidermal necrolysis
- fever, mucocutaneous lesions, necrosis . and sloughing of epidermis (diffuse, macular rash with indistinct margins and central purpuric region followed by eventual formation of vesicles and bullae as epidermal necrosis develops over days; start on face . and spread inf to trunk and lower extrems), no typical target lesions, flat atypical target lesions, begins with severe mucosal erosions and progresses to diffuse, generalized detachement of epidermis
- dx: >30% of body surface area, nikolsky sign + (sloughing of superficial skin layers with gentle pressure), must have erythema and sloughing of mucosal surfaces including conjunctiva, oral, and vagina (2 or more)
- bx: full-thickness involvement of dermis
- tx: prednisolone
bullous pemphigoid
- IgG Ab complexes deposit between the epidermis and dermis causing formation of fluid-filled bullae
autoimmune skin disorder with subepidermal blistering, mostly elderly onset 60-80, M=W, S. aureus
- Scenario: elderly who takes multiple meds
- sxs: large, tense bullae, but may begin as an urticarial eruption, fluid with clear fluid or hemorrhagic, discrete lesions arise on axilla, medial thigh, groin, abdomen, flexor arms, and lower legs, itchy, NOT PAINFUL, tense, not easy to rupture, lesions start as urticarial eruption, developing into bullae over wks to mos, no scar formation after but milia appear at sites of perv involved skin
- dx: nikolsky sign -: no sloughing of skin w/ light pressure
- skin bx: REQUIRED FOR DX - subep separation and intact ep
- tx: oral prednisone, alone or in combo with steroid-sparing Asathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil or tetracycline
- vascular rxn of skin marked by transient appearance of smooth, slightly elevated papules or plaques (wheals) that are erythematous and often itchy, IgE triggers release of histamine from mast cells
- etiology: drugs (NSAID, ASA, opiates, succinylcholine, abx), radiocontrast media\
- sxs: rapid onset pruritic erythematous wheals (lack of ep change, intense itching, presence of advancing edge and receding edge), life-threatening angioedema, features of anaphylaxis (HoTN, resp distress, stridor, GI distress, swallowing difficulty, jnt swelling, pain)
- dx: RAST
- tx: 2nd gen H1 antag: cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine (1st line), H2 antag (in combo with 2nd gen H1s - famotidine, ranitidine), 1st gen H1 antac (diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, chlorpheniramine), epi for laryngeal angioedema
actinic keratosis
- RF: sun exposure, considered premalignant (of SCC)
- sxs: 3-6mm in size, rough texture, red, scaly plaques, formation of yellow adherent crust
- dx: bx to exclude SCC
- tx: cryotx, curettage +/- electrocautery, shave excision, topical 5-FU or imiquimod, photodynamic tx
seborrheic keratosis
- age 40+, benign, hereditary (autosomal dom), no association with sunlight
- sxs: usually multiple, located on all body surfaces except palms . and soles
- signs: well-circumscribed border, stuck-on or waxy (velvety) appearance, tan, brown, black color
- dx: dermoscopy - keratin pseudocyst, tend to get darker the longer theyve been present
- tx: cryotherapy, curette, electrocautery shave removal
- Head: pediculus humanis capitis or pediculus capitis
- Genital: phthirus pubis
- Transmission: sexual contact, clothing, towels
- sxs: severe itching of scalp, body, groin
- signs: live lice and nits attached to hair on exam
- dx: requires observation of live lice, most commonly found behind ears and on back of neck
- tx: permethrin cream shampoo (elimite)
- mites tunnel into skin, lay eggs, depositing feces (scybala), causing delayed type IV hypersens. rxn
- highly contagious via skin-skin contact, towels, bed linens, or clothes, caused by skin mite Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis
- sxs: burrows and typical distrib on . hands, feet, waist, axilla, or groin - linear marks, severe itching, especially at night
- signs: erythematous papules on wrists, between fingers, and in genital area, excoriation, characteristic burrows on hands, wrists, and ankles and in genital region
- dx: hx of itching, rash in typical distrib, hx of itching in close contacts, definitive dx = mites, eggs, fecal pellets, skin scraping from nonexcoriated burrows, papules, or vesicles
- tx: overnight tx with permethrin (no longer contagious after one tx although itching may continue), topical steroids and oral antihist for itching
- common, chronic, progressive
- MC: white F
- avoid sun exposure, emotional stress, hot weather, wind, strenuous exercise, alc consump, hot baths, cold weather, spicy food, humidity, indoor heat, hot beverages
- sxs: central . facial erythema, symmetric flushing, stinging sensation, inflamm lesions, telangectasias, phymatous changes
- signs: erythematous edematous eruptions fof papulles and pustules on forehead, cheeks, nose, and eyes, NO COMEDONES
- tx: emollients, moisturizers, fragrance and soap-free cleansers, broad spectrum sunscreen with zinc, topical metronidazole FIRST LINE, topical + oral tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline for mod-severe disease
- erythematotelangiectatic = most difficult to treat: peristent erythema of central face, prolonged flushing, telangiectasias, burning/stinging, ocular may coexist
- papulopustular rosacea = easiest to tx: persistent central erythema with small papules and pinpoint pustules, burning/stinging, sparing of periocular and perioral areas, resembles acne vulgaris WITHOUT comedones
- phymatous: more common in men, marked skin thickening and irreg nodularities of nose, chin, ears, forehead, or eyelid, rhinophyma
- ocular: watery, bloodshot eyes, dry eye, foreign body . sensation, irritation, photophobia
acne vulgaris
- four factors responsible: increased sebum production, hyperkeratinization of follicle, colinization by P. acnes, inflammatory rxn
- occurs on face, neck, chest, back, adding benzoyl peroxide to abx tx prevents risk of bact resistance
- after tx goals reached, oral abx should be replaced by topical retinoids for maintenance tx
- MC skin disorder in US, MCC = P. acnes, more prevalent in adolescents and more severe in males
- pathology: plugged follicles, retained sebum, bacterial overgrowth, release of fatty acids
- sxs: noninflamm → open comedones = blackheads, closed comedones = whiteheads
- inflammatory: erythematous papules, pustules, nodules or cysts
- dx: testosterone, FSH, LH, DHE-5 levels (not necessary for dx)
acne tx mild, moderate, severe
- mild: noninflamm → topical retinoids, benxoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or azelaic acid; inflamm → topical tretinoin, topical benzoyl peroxide, topical abx (erythro or clinda)
- moderate: oral abx (tetracyclines, erythromycin, doxycycline, minocycline, bactrim, clindamycin) effective of monotx but better when combined w/ retinoids (topical benzoyl peroxide)
- severe: oral isotritinoin, must be member of iPLEDGE, premature closure of long bones, visual changes, elevated LFTs, laeukopenia, triglyceridemia, teratogenicity, oral abx topical retinoid benzoyl peroxide
Spider bites
- Black widow: presynaptic release of most neurotrans (AcH, NE, Dop, glutamate)
- sxs: mod to severely painful bite, no surrounding inflamma, muscle spasms and rigidity starting at bite site w/in 30min-2h, spreads proximally to abd and face, rebound tenderness mimicking acute appy
- tx: resolves over 2-3d, death rarely occurs
- brown recluse: local cytotoxicity w/ subsequent ulcerating dermonecrosis, occurs early in morning, painless - delayed reaction (3-7d), arthralgias, fever, chills, maculopap rash, N/V, progress to ulcerating dermonecrosis at bite site, most ulcers heal over 1-8wk
- Tarantula: urticating hairs on dorsal abdomen, penetrate skin causing foreign body keratoconjuctivitis or ophthalmia nodosa, refer opthalmo if suspected eye injury (slit lamp exam)
Basal cell carcinoma
- MC cutaneous neoplasm, 85% occur on head or neck
- RF: fair skin, sun exposure, male gender
- signs: firm, round, and pearly or waxy papule or nodule on head or neck (PEARLY PINK PAPULES), margin telangiectasia (rolled border), fragile (bleed and scab)
- dx: shave bx, scoop or punch for sclerosing or flat superficial BCC
- tx: currettage, cryotx, excision, Mohs (gold standard), imiquimod, 5% FU, photodynamic radiation
Kaposi sarcoma
- typically seen in HIV or AIDS pts
- sxs: lesions anywhere (eyelids, conjunctiva, pinnae, palate, toe webs
- signs: purplish, nonblanching papules or nodules
- tx: resolves with effective ART
- MC: cancer 25-29yo, number one COD d/t skin cancer
- RF: fair, sun exposure, FHx, xeroderma pigmentosum, old, lots of moles, dysplastic nevus syndrome, giant congenital nevi
- MC types: superficial spreading, flat macule or slightly raised discolored plaque with irregular borders, on trunk in men and legs in women
- sxs: asymmetry, irreg border, varied color, diameter >6mm, evolving size, shape, sxs
- dx: excision bx (shave and punch less accurate), lymph node dissection
- tx: complete full skin depth excision using margins determined by Breslow depth
- Breslow depth: tumor thickness from granular layer of ep to pnt of deepest invasion
- 5mm: in situ lesions
- 1-2cm: invasive lesions
- most important indicator of prognosis = depth of invasion
- areata: autoimmune, oval shaped, well-circumscribed; tx . = clobetasol
- androgenic (male pattern): top of head; tx = . topical minoxidil
- telogen effluvium: diffuse extensive hair loss or thinning, occurs after stress, illness, or chemo or radiation, no evidence of scaling; tx = self limiting
- traction: tight hairstyle
acute paronychia
- MCC: s aureus; others = s. pyogenes, pseudomonas, proteus vulgaris
- sxs: rapid onset erythema, edema, discomfort or tenderness of proximal and lateral nail folds, 2-5d after trauma, drainage of pus when compressed
- signs: swelling, erythema, dc
- dx: hx minor trauma and PE
- tx: warm compresses, soak in Burow solution (aluminum acetate or vinegar), tylenol or NSAIDs, topical abx with or without roids (mupirocin, neosporin, betamethasone), oral abx, surgical I and D
chronic paronychia
- inflamm of proximal paronychia more common in children
- RF: DM, systemic retinoids, protease inhibs
- sxs: hx continuous immersion of hands in H2O, contact w/ soap, detergents, other chemicals, similar to acute paronychia: erythema, tenderness, swelling of prox nail fold, retraction of prox nail fold, absence of adjacent cuticle
- signs: nail plate thickened and discolored with beau lines (inflamm of matrix) and nail loss, cross striations of nail, +/- pus
- dx: hx and PE, present at least 6 wks, strep, staph or candida on smear/cx
- tx: avoid exposure to irritants, topical antifungal and steroid (use emollients)

condyloma acuminatum
- external genital warts
- HPV type 6, 11, 16, 18, 31
- F 20-24, M 25-29
- RF: early intercourse, numerous partners, unprotected sex
- sxs: soft, hyperkeratotic exophytic, sessile . papules or large confluent plaques
- tx: cryotherapy, imiquimod or podophyllin, laser or electrocautery, scissors or shave debulking
- vaccine: gardasil: quadrivalent against 6, 11, 16, 18 for M/F 9-26; Cervarix: bivalent against 16, 18 for F 10-25
First disease: measles
- AKA rubeola
- incubation: 2wk
- sxs: prodromal (malaise and anorexia), then high fever and lethargy (4-7d), 3 Cs Triad (cough, coryza (runny nose, congestion), conjunctivitis), rash on day 3
- signs: Koplik spots (blue/gray spots on buccal mucosa), blanching erythematous macules and papules on face at hairline, sides of neck, and behind ears (coalesce into patches and plaques on trunk and extrems (palms/soles) lasts 5-7d
- dx: clinical, IgM titer, IgG, viral cx from throat and nasal swab, RT-PCR
- tx: ibuprofen, fluids, vitA
- complications: PNA, OM, endcephalitis
second dz: scarletina
- S. pyogenes, group A strep
- transmission: resp droplets, common in overcrowded places
- sxs: fever, abd pain, HA, pharyngitis, rhinorrhea, rash 12-48h after onset of fever (erythem patches below ears, on neck chest and axilla, dry ROUGH TEXTURE OF FINE SANDPAPER, blanchable, disseminates to flexural areas (axillae, pop fossa, inguinal folds), pastia lines: confluent petechiae in skin creases, neck, antecubital, axilla, groin
- signs: enlarged ant cerv lymph nodes, red scattered petechiae on soft palate, STRAWBERRY TONGUE (heavily coated with white membrane with edematous red papillae)
- dx: clinical, CBC, leukocytosis with left shift, cx or rapid strep test, antistreptolysin titer
- tx: calamine, tylenol, amox, macrolide
- prognosis: desquamation begins 7-10d after resolution of rash
- complications: rheumatic fever, septicemia, vasculitis, hepatitis, OM, PNA, osteomyelitis, glomerulonephritis
third disease: Rubella
- blueberry muffin baby, german measles
- Rubella virus (RNA virus rubivirus), 2-3wk incubation, prodromal phase absent in children
- transmission: droplet
- incubation period: 14-19d
- sxs: mild URI, low grade fever, macular rash day 1, face → trunk → limbs, arthralgia
- signs: postauricular, postcervical, and occipital nodes (tender, generalized)
- clinical dx
- tx: ibuprofen, fluids, contageious for 7d after rash onset
- complications: PDA, pulm art stenosis, aortic sten, ventricular defects, thrombocytopenic purpura w/ purple macular lesions, cataracts, retinopathy, sensorineural deafness
Fifth disease: erythema infectiosum
- slapped cheek syndrome
- parvovirus B19, 4-14d incubation
- transmission: aerosolized resp droplets, mother to fetus
- sxs: mild URI, HA, pharyngitis, itching, coryza, abd pain, arthralgias, low fever, 1wk later slapped cheek (nasal perioral, and periorbital sparing), lacy reticular rash on prox extrems and trunk, palms and soles spared
- complications: arthritis, anemia, fetal hydrops
- clinical dx
- tx: ibuprofen, fluids
- NOT INFECTIOUS when rash occurs, may attend school or childcare (only infxous in mild URI phase (2-3d))
sixth disease: Roseola
- HHV 6B or 7, 5-15d, MC in 9-12mo olds
- sxs: high fever x3-4d +/- febrile seizure, after 3d fever dissapates and rash occurs (small pink blanchable rash - morbilliform, nagayama spots (red papules on soft palate and base of uvula))
- dx: CBC, UA, blood cx, CSF exam, roseola IgM
- tx: ibuprofen, fluids
- complications: febril seizures
molluscum contagiosum
- trunk, face, extrem, genitalia
- MC: children w/ atopy, immunocomp, wrestlers, highly contagious via skin-skin contact, common in sexually active adults and children, caused by poxvirus
- sxs: itching
- signs: flesh-colored, dome shaped macules with central umbilication; pruritis, koebnerize (spread in line of scratching)
- tx: topical karatolytic (cantharidin), cryotx, curettage
- prognosis: persists up to 6mo but spontaneously regresses
verruca vulgaris, planae, and palmoplantar
- Verruca vulgaris: HPV (infxn basal keratinocytes of cut and mucosal ep), type 2 or 4, skin-skin contact or contam surfaces
- MC fingers, dorsal hands, knees, elbows
- signs: hyperkeratotic, exophytic, dome shaped papules or nodules, well circumscribed, flesh-colored, black punctate dots, may koebnerize
- tx: cryotx, salicylic acid (applied under occlusion, changed q1-2d)
- verruca planae (flat warts): HPV 3 or 10, dorsal hands, arms, face; skin colored or pink, smooth, slightly elevated, flat-topped
- tx: cryotx not recommended for face, refer to derm
- palmoplantar: HPV 1, thick endophytic paps, mosaic warts coalesce into large plaques, painful with ambulation
- tx: observe, spont resolve at 2y (76%)
- 80% caused by s. aureus, or GABHS, pasteurella multocida if cat or dog bite
- MRSA RF: abx, prolonged hosp, surg infxn, ICU, hemodialysis
- usually lower leg, deeper than erysipelas, ill-defined border, acute infxn of skin involving the dermis and subcut tissues
- sxs: hx break in skin, erythema, warmth, TTP, pain, edema, indistinct margins, bulla → necrosis, sloughing and erosion, firm, tender induration, usually no fluctuance, +/- fever, crepitus, streaks of lymphangitis
- dx: asp if fluctuant, blood cx if febrile, rubor, calor, tumor, dolor
- tx: outpt nonpurulent → tx for GAS (PCN, dicloxacillin, cefazolin, cephalexin, clinda)
- outpt purulent → tx for MRSA (clinda, bactrim, FQ, tetra)
- inpt: hosp pts who are immunocomp, IV abx until infxn sxs improve, then oral abx x2wk (IV naf, IV cefazolin, IV vanco)
- superficial cellulitis with derm/lymph involvement (edema), GAS, MC on lower extrems and face
- RF: lymph obst (after mastect), local trauma, abscess, fungal infxn, DM, ETOHism
- sxs: prodromal → chills, fever, HA, V, jnt pain, follows bact pharyngitis or trauma
- pain, superficial “fiery” erythema, plaque like edema . with sharply demarcated area slowly advacing margin described as peau d’orange, streaking lymph involvement, plaques may develop overlying blisters
- dx: high WBC (>20k)
- tx: PCN VK IM, erythro for PCN allergy, high rate recurrence
- complications: sepsis, local spread to SQ tissue, nec fasc.
- strep or staph, MC affects kids 2-5yo, highly contagious, MC areas = exposed skin of face (nares, perioral) and extrems
- sxs: superficial skin infxn that begins as vesicles with thin, fragil roof
- dx: clinical
- tx: resolves 2-3wk, topical abx (mupirocen), oral abx for bullae (augment, diclox, cephalexin, clinda, doxy, bactrim, macrolides)
- complications: poststrep GN
acanthosis nigricans
- hyperkeratosis and epidermal papillomatosis, increased melanin in basal layer of epidermis, most cases benign, MC in native american, AA, or hispanic . pts
- associated: T2DM and obesity (insulin resistance, PCOS, gastric CA, drug rxn
- sxs: velvety to verrucous hyperpig plaques in intertriginous areas
- signs: velvety hyperpig, gray-brown, neck, axilla, groin or inframammary folds, acrochordons (skin tags) may be present, symmetrically distrib
- dx: fasting blood sugar, LDL, HgbA1C, r/o PCOS in females, skin bx (definitive)
- tx: topical retinoids, vitD analogues, discourage excessive scrubbing of affected skin
- if malignant AN, associated with gastric or lung cancer, occurs in unusual locs like oral, palms, soles
hidradenitis suppurativa
- tombstone comedone, chronic follicular occlusion, onset usually puberty → 40s, F>M
- RF: genetic, skin stress, obesity, smoking, hormonal
- sxs: recurrent nodules and abscesses, intertriginous (axillae MC, groin, etc.), pain, malodorous, drainage
- signs: solitary, painful, deep seated inflamed nodule
- associated: acne vulgaris
- dx: skin bx not required but definitive
- hurley staging: stage 1 = abscess w/o sinus tracts or scarring, stage 2 = recurrent abscesses with sinus tracts and scarring, stage 3 = diffuse involvement of interconnected sinus tracts and abscesses
- tx: I and D ONLY for tense abscess for pain relief, dietary and hygiene mods, surg
- stage 1 = topical clinda, intralesion roids
- stage 2 = PO doxy
- stage 3 = adalimumab, infliximab, acitretin
- prognosis: inc risk met syndrome, DM, HLD, hyperglyc, CV associated death, etc.
- complications: strictures, lymph obst, lymphedema, infxn comps, arthritis, SCC, anemia, hypoproteinemia, amyloidosis
- solitary or multiple, mature fat cells enclosed by thin fibrous capsule, can occur anywhere on body, MC benign soft tissue neoplasm, can be familial
- sxs: soft, painless, subcut nodules
- signs: subcut nodules located on trunk or prox extrems, soft, mobile, no ep skin change, +/- TTP
- dx: clinical, bx if pain or restriction of movement, rapidly enlarging, firm rather than soft
- tx: excision, liposuction
- recurrence not common
epithelial inclusion cysts (sebaceous, epidermoid)
- benign, cyst wall consists of strat squamous ep and is filled with laminated layers of keratinous material, MC cutaneous cyst, can occur anywhere, sterile and dont need abx
- sxs: skin colored dermal nodules with visible central punctum
- signs: discrete cyst or nodule filled with nasty smelling white material with overlying punctum, compressible, mobile
- dx: clinical, cx drained contents
- tx: resolve spontaneously if inflamed, uninfected, may recur; I and D if fluctuant, if inflamed, IL steroid; excision for when noninflamed only, abx pending cx results - MRSA
melasma (Chloasma) “mask of pregnancy”
- acquired hyperpig affecting sun . exposed areas of the face
- MC: F with darker complexion living in areas of intense UV radiation exposure, occurs in 15-50% of pregnant F, F>M
- RF: darker skin, UC . radiation, pregnancy, OCPs, genetic disposition, cosmetic use, thyroid dysfn, AEDs
- sxs: irreg shaped, hyperpig macules on face
- signs: hyperpig macules, light brown to ash/blue, confluent and symmetrically distrib
- dx: wood lamp, tissue bx (inc melanin deposition in all layers of epidermis on Fontana-Masson stain
- tx: photoprotection (sun avoidance, wear wide brimmed hats, broad spectrum sunscreen, topical skin-lightening agents (hydroquinone, azelaic acid, mequinol, kojic acid, topical retinoids
- prognosis: refresses w/in 1 yr after delivery
pilonidal cyst or abscess
- fluid filled sac above crease of buttocks (natal cleft)
- asxatic or: redness, suden onset pain, swelling, discomfort with sitting, bending, situps, drainage
- signs: asxatic - one or more primary pres in natal cleft; sxatic - tender mass or sinus draining, hair protruding from sinus opening
- dx: no imaging, CBC - leukocytosis, clinical dx
- tx: acute → I and D, debridement, pack with gauze, heals by secondary intention; definitive/chronic → surgical excision, primary closure; abx (1st gen cephalosporin + flagyl
pressure or decubitus ulcers
- occur over bony prominences (sacrum, ischial tuberosities, trochanters, and heels most often)
- result form necrosis of tissues that becomes ischemic and ulcerates
- MC pathogen: p. aeruginosa, providencia
- sxs: blanchable erythema (first sign), inc temp
- dx: norton scale → lower scores = lower fn, high risk for ulcer; braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk
- tx: reposition q2h, debridement of necrotic tissue, adequate wound cleansing, and application of topical tx
- stage 2: epiderm disrupted w/ subep blisters, crusts, or scaling → may resolve in 2-4wks if tx, avoid wet-to-dry, use semiocclusive (transparent film) or occlusive (hydrocolloids or hydrogels)
- stage 3: full thickness loss of skin into subcut tissue, but not through fascia, eschar formation → debride necrotic tissue, cover with dressings, tx underlying infxn
- stage 4: full thickness loss of skin extending into muscle, bone, jnts, tendons, severe tissue necrosis, osteomyelitis, pathologic fxs, sinus tracts present → same tx as stage 3
- loss of melanin in ep and absence of melanocytes, unkown cause (likely hereditary)
- MC = nonsegmental (no increase in size of lesions, absence of new lesions in previous . 3-6mos
- sxs: asxatic . depig macules preceded by seere suburn, preg, skin trauma, and/or emotional stress, occurs anwhere, poliosis, premature graying of scalp hair
- signs: well demarcated, discrete, uniformly white, absence of of inflamm or textural changes
- dx: wood lamp exam (dx) appears bright blue w/ white fluorescence, dermoscopy (residual perifollicular pig or telangiectasia), skin bx (not routine but it is definitive)
- tx: topical roids and photochemotx
- screen for thyroid dz (TSH, antiTPO, antithyroglob abs), ANA if + family hx of autoimmune dz
- prognosis: slowly progresses over years
- inflammation of superficial or deep portion of hair follicle
- Bacterial (s. aureus, MCC, MC on scalp and face) and P. aeruginosa (“hot tub” occurs on trunk and buttocks)
- RF: male sex, nasal carriage, hyperhidrosis, occlusion of hair follicles, underlying skin dz, prolonged app of roids, long term oral abx for acne, shaving, hot tubs
- fungal: malassezia, dermatophy, candida albicans
- viral: herpesvirus, poxvirus (molluscum contagiosum)
- sxs: itching, painful pustules
- signs: follicular pustules, folliclular erythematous paps, nodules
- dx: gram stain and cx, skin bx
- tx: topical mupirocin, clinda, diclox, cephalex, if mRSA suspected then bactrim, clinda, or doxy
tinea capitis
- MC: trichophyton tonsurans, MC in AA children, classic “ringworm” pattern
- sxs: scalp or body, leading edge (active border), scaly red with slightly elevated with central, vesicles appear at active border, scaling . of scalp or circumscribed alopecia w/ broken hair at scalp
- signs: cervical and suboccipital adenopathy, alopecia, itching, scaling
- dx: KOH prep more sensitive than cx, fungal cx takes 2-6wks, histologic tissue exam
- tx: oral antifungals (griseofulvin), oral terbinafine, oral ketoconazole, selenium sulfide shampoo
tinea corporis
- MC trichophyton rubrum
- sxs: annular patch or plaque with advancing, raised, scaling border and central clearing
- dx: KOH prep, cx not needed
- tx: topical antifungals, fungicidal allylamines (terbinafine)
tinea cruris
- MC: T. rubrum, t. mentagrophytes, epidermophyton floccosum, adolescent an dyoung adult men, postpubertal females who are overweight or wearing tight jeans/pantyhose, usually with tinea pedis
- sxs: lesion border usually active with pustules or vesicles, background rash is red to reddish-brown, symmetric macule with fairly well demarcated borders, spares scrotum, itchy
- tx: topical antifungals (fungicidal . allylamines (terbinafine and butenafine)applied daily for 2 wks
tinea pedis
- MC: T. rubrum, predisposing factors (exposure to moist enviro and maceration of skin)
- sxs: white macerated area between toes, another pattern is inflamm vesiculopullous eruption occuring on soles, doesnt spare intertriginous areas
- tx: topical antifungals (fungicidal allylamines (terbinafine and butenafine), oral steroids if severe)
- tinea unguium, mostly caused by dermatophytes (trichophyton, candida), infxn of finger or toenails, subset of onychomycosis
- RF: associated tinea pedis, improperly fitting shoes, diabetes
- sxs: discomfort in walking, pain, limitation of activities
- dx: clean with 70% isopropyl alcohol, then collect samples of subungal debris, place on microscope with KOH soln, leave for 5 min before viewing, if neg → periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining to confirm infxn
- tx: oral terbinafine (AE = sensory loss, D, rash, HA, 250mg PO once daily x6wk (fingernails) or 12wk (toenails), baseline LFTs, CBC and LFT if used >6wks, itraconazole, fluconazole
tinea versicolor
- pityriasis
- MC: malassezia furfur, superficial fungal infxn caused by several species, affects young adults and adolescents
- sxs: worse with hot/humid weather, excessive sweating, skin oils
- signs: well-demarcated hyper or hypopigmented lesions affecting trunk
- dx: KOH
- tx: topical imidazoles, selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, or ketoconazole shampoo
- prognosis: recurs annually in summer