Neurology Flashcards
Dystrophia myotonica presentation
This man complains of worsening weakness in his hands. Please examine him.
Face Clinical signs in Dystrophia myotonica
- Myopathic facies: long, thin and expressionless
- Wasting of facial muscles and sternocleidomastoid
- Bilateral ptosis
- Frontal balding
- Dysarthria: due to myotonia of tongue and pharynx
Hands Clinical signs in Dystrophia myotonica
- Myotonia: ‘Grip my hand, now let go’ (may be obscured by profound weakness).
‘Screw up your eyes tightly shut, now open them’. - Wasting and weakness of distal muscles with areflexia.
- Percussion myotonia: percuss thenar eminence and watch for involuntary thumb flexion.
Additional signs in Dystrophia myotonica
- Cataracts
- Cardiomyopathy, brady‐ and tachy‐arrhythmias (look for pacemaker scar)
- Diabetes (ask to dip urine)
- Testicular atrophy
- Dysphagia (ask about swallowing)
Genetics in Dystrophia myotonica
- Dystrophia myotonica (DM) can be categorised as type 1 or 2 depending on the underling genetic defect.
⚬⚬⚬⚬> DM1: expansion of CTG trinucleotide repeat sequence within DMPK gene on chromosome 19
⚬⚬⚬⚬> DM2: expansion of CCTG tetranucleotide repeat sequence within ZNF9 gene on chromosome 3 - Genetic anticipation: worsening severity of the condition and earlier age of presentation within successive generations.
-Seen in Trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases:
⚬⚬⚬> DM1,
⚬⚬⚬> Huntington’s chorea (autosomal dominant),
⚬⚬⚬> Friedrich’s ataxia (autosomal recessive),
⚬⚬⚬> Fragile X syndrome (X-linked defect) - Both DM1 and 2 are autosomal dominant
- DM1 usually presents in 20s–40s (DM2 later), but can be very variable depending on number of triplet repeats.
Diagnosis of Dystrophia myotonica
- Clinical features
- EMG: ‘dive‐bomber’ potentials
- Genetic testing
Management of Dystrophia myotonica
- Affected individuals die prematurely of respiratory and cardiac complications
- Weakness is major problem – no treatment
- Phenytoin may help myotonia
- Advise against general anaesthetic (high risk of respiratory/cardiac complications)
Common causes of ptosis
*** Bilateral ============== *** Unilateral
⚬⚬> Myotonic dystrophy =====⚬⚬> Third nerve palsy
⚬⚬> Myasthenia gravis =======⚬⚬> Horner’s syndrome
⚬⚬> Congenital
Cerebellar syndrome presentation
This 37‐year‐old woman has noticed increasing problems with her coordination. Please examine her and suggest a diagnosis.
Clinical signs of Cerebellar syndrome
1- Brief conversation: Scanning, dysarthria
2. Outstretched arms: Rebound phenomenon
3. Movements:
⚬⚬> Upper limbs: Finger–nose incoordination, Dysdiadochokinesis, Hypotonia, Hyporeflexia
⚬⚬> Eyes: Nystagmus
⚬⚬> Lower limbs: Heel–shin, Foot tapping, Wide‐based gait
4. Direction of nystagmus: clue to the site of the lesion??
5. Cerebellar vermis lesions produce an ataxic trunk and gait but the limbs are normal when tested on the bed
6. Cerebellar lobe lesions produce ipsilateral cerebellar signs in the limbs
Direction of nystagmus: clue to the site of the lesion in Cerebellar syndrome??
The direction of the fast phase determines the direction of the nystagmus.
- Cerebellar lesion
The fast-phase direction is TOWARDS the side of the lesion, and is maximal on looking TOWARDS the lesion. - Vestibular nucleus/VIII nerve lesion
The fast-phase direction is AWAY FROM the side of the lesion, and is maximal on looking AWAY FROM the lesion.
In case that the fast phase of nystagmus is to the left so it could be due to - a LEFT cerebellar lesion or
- a RIGHT vestibular nucleus lesion.
Mnemonic for signs of Cerebellar syndrome
- Dysdiadochokinesis
- Ataxia
- Nystagmus
- Intention tremor
- Scanning dysarthria
- Hypotonia/hyporeflexia
Mnemonic for causes of Cerebellar syndrome
- Paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome
- Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
- Sclerosis (MS)
- Tumour (posterior fossa SOL)
- Rare (Friedrich’s and ataxia telangiectasia)
- Iatrogenic (phenytoin toxicity)
- Endocrine (hypothyroidism)
- Stroke (brain stem vascular event)
Aetiological clues for the cause of Cerebellar syndrome
- Internuclear opthalmoplegia, spasticity, female,
younger age ====> MS - Optic atrophy ====> MS and Friedrich’s ataxia
- Clubbing, tar‐stained fingers, radiotherapy burn ====> Bronchial carcinoma
- Stigmata of liver disease, unkempt appearance ====> EtOH
- Neuropathy ====> EtOH and Friedrich’s ataxia
- Gingival hypertrophy ====> Phenytoin
Multiple sclerosis presentation
This 30‐year‐old woman complains of double vision and incoordination with previous episodes of weakness. Please perform a neurological examination.
Clinical signs of Multiple Sclerosis
- Inspection: ataxic handshake and wheelchair
- Cranial nerves: internuclear ophthalmoplegia (frequently bilateral in MS), optic atrophy, reduced visual acuity, and any other cranial nerve palsy
- Peripheral nervous system: Upper‐motor neurone spasticity, weakness, brisk reflexes and altered sensation
- Cerebellar: ‘DANISH’ (see cerebellar syndrome section)
Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
- Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF):
is a pair of tracts that allows for crosstalk between CN VI and CN III nuclei.
Coordinates both eyes to move in same horizontal direction.
Highly myelinated (must communicate quickly so eyes move at same time).
Lesions may be unilateral or bilateral (latter classically seen in multiple sclerosis).
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Lesion in MLF = internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), a conjugate horizontal gaze palsy.
Lack of communication such that when CN VI nucleus activates ipsilateral lateral rectus, contralateral CN III nucleus does not stimulate medial rectus to fire. Abducting eye gets nystagmus (CN VI overfires to stimulate CN III).
Convergence normal.
MLF in MS.
When looking left, the left nucleus of CN VI fires, which contracts the left lateral rectus and stimulates the contralateral (right) nucleus of CN III via the right MLF to contract the right medial rectus.
Directional term (e.g., right INO, left INO) refers to which eye is paralyzed. so the other eye will have nystagmus
Diagnostic criteria of Multiple Sclerosis
Central nervous system demyelination (plaques) causing neurological impairment that is disseminated in both time and space.
Cause of Multiple Sclerosis
Unknown, but both genetic – (HLA‐DR2, interleukin‐2 and ‐7 receptors) and environmental factors (increasing incidence with increasing latitude, association with Epstein–Barr virus infection) appear to play a role.
Investigation of Multiple Sclerosis
Clinical diagnosis plus
- CSF: oligoclonal IgG bands
- MRI: periventricular white matter plaques
- Visual evoked potentials (VEPs): delayed velocity but normal amplitude (evidence of previous optic neuritis)
Other clinical features of Multiple Sclerosis
- Higher mental function: depression, occasionally euphoria
- Autonomic: urinary retention/incontinence, impotence and bowel problems
==> Uthoff’s phenomenon: worsening of symptoms after a hot bath or exercise
==> Lhermitte’s sign: lightening pains down the spine on neck flexion due to cervical cord plaques
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
- Multidisciplinary approach
- Disease modifying treatments
- Symptomatic treatments
Multidisciplinary approach in Multiple Sclerosis
Nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker and physician.
Disease modifying treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
- Interferon‐beta and Glatiramer reduce relapse rate but don’t affect progression.
- Monoclonal antibody therapy potentially offers greater benefits; reducing disease progression and accumulated disability, e.g.
===> Alemtuzumab (anti‐CD52) – lymphocyte depletion,
===> Natalizumab (anti‐α4 integrin) – blocks T‐cell trafficking.
»» Toxicity may limit their use.
Symptomatic treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
- Methyl‐prednisolone during the acute phase may shorten the duration of the ‘attack’ but does not affect the prognosis.
- Anti‐spasmodics, e.g. Baclofen.
- Carbamazepine (for neuropathic pain).
- Laxatives and intermittent catheterization/oxybutynin for bowel and bladder disturbance.
Prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis
Variable: The majority will remain ambulant at 10 years.
Multiple Sclerosis and pregnancy
- Reduced relapse rate during pregnancy
- Increased risk of relapse in postpartum period
- Safe for foetus (possibly reduced birth weight)
Impairment, disability and handicap in Multiple Sclerosis
- Arm paralysis is the impairment
- Inability to write is the disability
- Subsequent inability to work as an accountant is the handicap
Occupational therapy aims to help minimize the disability and abolish the handicap of arm paresis.
Examine this patient’s limbs neurologically and then proceed to examine anything else that you feel is important.
Clinical signs of Stroke
• Inspection: walking aids, nasogastric tube or PEG tube, posture (flexed upper limbs
and extended lower limbs), wasted or oedematous on affected side.
• Tone: spastic rigidity, ‘clasp knife’ (resistance to movement, then sudden release).
Ankles may demonstrate clonus (>4 beats).
• Power: reduced.
• Coordination: sometimes reduced. Usually impaired due to weakness but may reflect
cerebellar involvement in posterior circulation stroke.
• Reflexes: brisk with extensor plantars
Offer to
• Walk the patient if they are able to, to demonstrate the flexed posture of the upper
limb and ‘tip toeing’ of the lower limb.
• Test sensation (this is tricky and should be avoided if possible!). Proprioception is
important for rehabilitation.
Other signs
• Upper motor neurone unilateral facial weakness (spares frontalis due to its dual
• Gag reflex and swallow to minimize aspiration.
• Visual fields and higher cortical functions, e.g. neglect helps determine a Bamford
• Signs of the Cause: irregular pulse (AF), blood pressure, cardiac murmurs or carotid bruits (anterior
circulation stroke).
Medical Research Counsil (MRC) graded muscle strength:
0, none 1, flicker 2, moves with gravity neutralized 3, moves against gravity 4, reduced power against resistance 5, normal Extensors are usually weaker than flexors in the upper limbs and vice versa in the lower limbs.
Definitions of Stroke
• Stroke: rapid onset, focal neurological deficit due to a vascular lesion lasting > 24 hours.
Definition of Transient ischaemic attack (TIA):
• TIA: focal neurological deficit lasting < 24 hours.
Investigation of Stroke
- Bloods: FBC, CRP/ESR (young CVA may be due to arteritis), glucose and renal function
- ECG: AF or previous infarction
- CXR: cardiomegaly or aspiration
- CT head: infarct or bleed, territory
- Consider echocardiogram, carotid Doppler, MRI/A/V (dissection or venous sinus thrombosis in young patient), clotting screen (thrombophilia), vasulitis screen in young CVA
Acute Management of Stroke
- Thrombolysis with tPA (within 4.5 hours of acute ischaemic stroke)
- Clopidogrel (or aspirin + dipyridamole)
- Referral to a specialist stroke unit: multidisciplinary approach: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and specialist stroke rehabilitation nurses
- DVT prophylaxis
Chronic Management of Stroke
- Carotid endarterectomy in patients who have made a good recovery, e.g. in PACS (if >70% stenosis of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery)
- Anticoagulation for cardiac thromboembolism
- Address cardiovascular risk factors
- Nursing +/− social care.
Bamford classification of stroke (Lancet 1991)
- Total anterior circulation stroke (TACS)
• Hemiplegia (contra‐lateral to the lesion)
• Homonomous hemianopia (contra‐lateral to the lesion)
• Higher cortical dysfunction, e.g. dysphasia, dyspraxia and neglect - Partial anterior circulation (PACS)
• 2/3 of the above - Lacunar (LACS)
• Pure hemi‐motor or sensory loss
Prognosis at 1 year (%) for TACS
Dead 60%
Dependent 35%
Independent 5%
Prognosis at 1 year (%) for PACS
Dead 15%
Dependent 30%
Independent 55%
Prognosis at 1 year (%) for LACS
Dead 10%
Dependent 30%
Independent 60%
Dominant parietal‐lobe cortical signs (Stroke)
- Dysphasia: receptive, expressive or global
- Gerstmann’s syndrome
⚬⚬ Dysgraphia, dyslexia and dyscalculia
⚬⚬ L‐R disorientation
⚬⚬ Finger agnosia
Non‐dominant parietal‐lobe signs (Stroke)
- Dressing and constructional apraxia
2. Spatial neglect
Either parietal‐lobe signs
- Sensory and visual inattention
- Astereognosis
- Graphaesthesia
The lesion == What is the Visual field defects?
- Optic Nerve
- Optic Chiasm
- Optic Tract
- Optic Radiation (Temporal lobe)
- Optic Radiation (Parietal lobe)
Visual field defects
- Unilateral field defect
- Bitemporal Hemianopia
- Homonymous Hemianopia
- Superior Homonymous Quadrantinopia
- Inferior Homonymous Quadrantinopia
Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome
- Most common brainstem vascular syndrome
- Due to occlusion of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
- Often variable in its presentation
Brainstem structures affected by right‐sided lesion of Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome
- Vestibular Nucleus
- Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
- Descending Sympathetic Tract
- CN 5 Descending Spinal Tract
- CN 5 Spinal Nucleus
- Spinothalamic Tract
- Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (CN 7, 9, 10)
- Nucleus Ambiguus (CN 9, 10)==> Specific to PICA
Clinical consequences of Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome (PICA)
Ipsilateral to lesion (e.g. on right with right‐sided infarction)
- Cerebellar signs => Inferior cerebellar peduncle
- Nystagmus (Present with vertigo and vomiting) => Vestibular nucleus
- Horner syndrome => Descending sympathetic tract
- Palatal paralysis and decreased gag reflex => Nucleus ambiguus (CN IX and X)
- Loss of trigeminal pain and temperature sensation => Trigeminal nerve (CN V) spinal nucleus and tract
Clinical consequences of Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome (PICA)
Contralateral to lesion (e.g. on left with right‐sided lesion)
Loss of pain and temperature sensation => Spinothalamic tract
Spastic legs ==> presentation
Examine this man’s lower limbs neurologically. He has had difficulty in walking.
Clinical signs in Spastic legs
- Wheelchair and walking sticks (disuse atrophy and contractures may be present if chronic)
- Increased tone and ankle clonus
- Generalized weakness
- Hyper‐reflexia and extensor plantars
- Gait: ‘scissoring’
Additional signs in Spastic legs
- Examine for a sensory level suggestive of a spinal lesion
- Look at the back for scars or spinal deformity
- Search for features of multiple sclerosis, e.g. cerebellar signs, fundoscopy for optic atrophy
- Ask about bladder symptoms and note the presence or absence of urinary catheter.
- Offer to test anal tone
Common causes of Spastic legs
- Multiple sclerosis
- Spinal cord compression/cervical myelopathy
- Trauma
- Motor neurone disease (no sensory signs)
Other causes of Spastic legs
- Anterior spinal artery thrombosis: dissociated sensory loss with preservation of dorsal columns
- Syringomyelia: with typical upper limb signs
- Hereditary spastic paraplegia: stiffness exceeds weakness, positive family history
- Subacute combined degeneration of the cord: absent reflexes with upgoing plantars
- Friedreich’s ataxia
- Parasagittal falx meningioma
Cord compression
• Medical emergency
• Causes of Cord compression
- Disc prolapse (above L1/2)
- Malignancy
- Infection: abscess or TB
- Trauma: # vertebra
• Investigation of choice for cord compression
spinal MRI
• Treatment of cord compression
- Urgent surgical decompression
2. Consider steroids and radiotherapy (for a malignant cause)
Lumbo‐sacral root levels
- L 2/3 Hip flexion
- L 3/4 Knee extension => Knee jerk L 3/4
- L 4/5 Foot dorsi‐flexion
- L 5/S 1 Knee flexion & Hip extension
- S 1/2 Foot plantar‐flexion => Ankle jerk S 1/2