Neurology Flashcards
Name the parts of an upper limb neuro examination
WIPE Observation: wasting, fasciculation, tremor, asymmetry Tone Power (and pronator drift) Sensation Reflexes Coordination
What is added in a lower limb neuro exam?
Tone includes leg roll, ankle drag and clonus
Reflexes include plantar
Coodination includes gait
What is part of a baby’s neuro exam?
Anterior fontanelle protrusion/indent (ICP) Head circumference (Hydrocephalus)
What 3 things is it key to understand in speech/language disorders?
Is it a difficulty in:
Name the sections of the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and total
Eye opening/4
Verbal reponse/5
Motor response/6
What are the different categories in GCS within eye opening?
To sound
To pressure (supraorbital nerve)
What are the different categories in GCS within verbal response?
Orientated Confused (but sentences) Words Sounds (groans/grunts) None
What are the different categories in GCS within motor response?
Obey commands Localising to pain Normal flexion to pain Abnormal flexion to pain Extension to pain None
How do you test CNII?
Visual acuity Visual fields Visual inattention Fundoscopy Pupillary reflexes Accommodation
How do you test CNV?
Sensation (pain/temp/light touch)
Corneal reflex
Jaw jerk
Mastication muscles
Muscle power is defined how?
Scale 0-5
0: no contraction
1: flicker
2: Active movement without gravity
3: Active movement against gravity
4: Active movement against gravity and resistance
5: Normal power
What movement involves C5 myotome?
Shoulder abduction (deltoid) C5 Elbow flexion (biceps) C5/6 Scapula winging (serratus anterior) C5/6/7
Which myotome does the biceps reflex test?
What movement involves C6 myotome?
Elbow flexion (biceps) C5/6 Elbow flexion (brachioradialis) and supintation (supinator) C6 Scapula winging (serratus anterior) C5/6/7
Which myotome does the supinator reflex test?
Which myotome does the triceps reflex test?
What movements involve C7?
Elbow extension (triceps) C7/8 Finger flexion (FDS and FDP) Radial and median C7/8 Finger extension (EDc, radial) C7
What movements involve C8?
Elbow extension (triceps) C7/8 Flexor digiti minimi, palmar and dorsal interossei, aductor policis (Ulnar nerve) C8/T1
What movements involve T1?
All intrinsic hand muscles
Ulnar + Median (LOAF)
What does LOAF stand for?
Median 2 lumbricals
Opponens policis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Flexor pollicis brevis
Knee reflex nerve roots?
Ankle reflex nerve roots?
Optic nerve compression leads to what visual field defect? Eg
Central scotoma
eg optic neuritis
Optic chiasm pathology leads to what visual field defect? eg
Bitemporal hemianopia
Pituitary tumour
Optic tract pathology leads to what visual field defect? eg?
Incongruous homonymous hemianopia
Optic radiation pathology leads to what visual field defect? eg?
Complete homonymous hemianopia
Temporal lobe pathology leads to what visual field defect? eg?
Superior quadrantic hemianopia
Space occupying lesion
Parietal lobe pathology leads to what visual field defect? eg?
Inferior quadrantic hemianopia
Space occupying lesion